Blondies Have More Fun - Cover

Blondies Have More Fun

Copyright© 2024 by Anna Mae Holister

Chapter 5: Fun in the Sun

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 5: Fun in the Sun - *Fan Fiction* This is the first part in a 4 part series, based on the Japanese novels Ai No Kusabi by Rieko Yoshihara. Mature content. The series takes place within the timeline of the novels and then well beyond.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Ma   Blackmail   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Slavery   Gay   Fan Fiction   Science Fiction   Aliens   Space   Magic   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism  

Iason entered the large beach cottage and handed Cal his cloak. He’d had a long day at the facility, but finally had managed to get all his work done so he could come back and spend all of the next day with Riki. The weather was soft and warm, and his pet had managed to turn even darker in the sun.

“Where is he?”

“In the water, my Lord,” Cal replied.

Riki had spent most of their first day there inside the cottage, while Iason was at work, but by the second day, the mongrel had finally swallowed his pride and went for a walk on the private beach. At first, he simply sat on the sand and smoked, but eventually, either by the draw of the water or the heat of the day, he had stripped off his clothes and gone swimming. He had not returned inside until just before Iason arrived home, so that, after taking a shower and dressing in his usual black outfit, Riki was seated in the living area when the master arrived; as if he had been there the entire day.

Today, Riki had done the same thing, gone for a walk, then sat on the sandy beach and smoked three cigarettes, before diving into cool, clear water. He’d worn the swimming trunks that Cal had packed for him this time and accepted the towel, food and drink that Cal had brought out to him at lunch time. Riki had even tried to encourage the furniture to swim with him, but Cal declined.

Now, Iason had returned early and Riki was still swimming. Of course, Cal had given Iason a full report on Riki’s activities the night before, and he was sure Riki realized that would be done. Still, it seemed that the mongrel was trying to hide the fact that he was enjoying himself from their master.

“Delay dinner for about an hour,” Iason ordered as he stepped out through the veranda doors and headed down to the beach. He could see Riki’s lean, muscular form cutting through the water with an impressive stride, saw the moment his pet noticed him, chuckled at the mongrel’s obvious but muted curse, and then watched Riki slowly make his way back to shore.

As Iason watched Riki emerge from the waves, his hard body tanned darker by the sun and glistening with moisture, the Blondie had the urge to take him right there. Never had he seen anything more beautiful than what he was looking at in that very moment.

“You’re back early,” Riki grumbled.

Iason watched as his pet slicked back the wet hair, that was getting too long, away from his face with both hands, leaning his body back to try and ring some of the water from his dark locks in a pose that Iason found incredibly sublime, then strode onto the sand and bent to scoop up the towel that Cal had left for him.


Did Riki truly not know how beautiful he was? Iason watched his pet dab the moisture from his skin then toss the towel over his head and vigorously dry his hair. He immediately stepped up to take over and Riki let his hands drop.

“Your hair is getting long.”

“I know. I need to cut it.”


“I don’t like it this long.”

“I’ll have Cal do it for you, then.”

Riki shrugged as Iason continued to towel dry his hair, taking his time and separating sections to dry as if he was examining the quality or color. Riki wanted to move away but knew that would only piss off Iason.

Finally, Iason settled the towel around Riki’s shoulders and pulled him into an embrace. “You’re cold.”

“Water is cold, but you get used to it.” Iason finally pulled back and Riki, who kept his arms at his sides during their embrace, stared up into those icy blue eyes. “So, when do we go back?”

“Tomorrow evening, unless you would like to stay here longer?”

Riki would like to stay here forever. This place was so far removed from Tanagura or Ceres that it was like they were on another planet. It was the only large body of water on Amoi, and therefore precious and restricted from the general populace. Riki had only ever read about the Sea of Amoi, that Jupiter had created during the planet’s original Terra-forming and had not fully believed it existed until he found himself staring at it a couple of days before.

Even the air here seemed to have a cleaner, crisper scent to it, and the sound of the waves at night practically lulled him to sleep. The water here felt far different than the murky mud holes in Ceres; it felt like the sea was cleansing away all his shame and dirt and just leaving him content and bare and pure.

He felt free here, or at least more so than when he was in Eos. He could go for a walk, within reason anyway, and spend the day smoking if he wanted. He wasn’t looking at the same four walls all the time, or being assaulted by the lights and sounds of the city. He’d spotted a few species of fish, no doubt harvested and brought in from off planet to cultivate the sea, which had been a secret thrill. There had even been a few large birds flying around the area and Riki had tossed them a few scraps of bread from the sandwiches that Cal prepared for his lunch; they seemed eager for the food and unafraid of him. This was heaven compared to what he was used to. Of course, he would never admit any of this to Iason.

Instead, he shrugged and said, “Whatever.”

Iason’s other hand cupped around Riki’s neck and pulled him in for a kiss. Even Riki’s lips were cold, and for some reason that enticed Iason. He inhaled the sweet scent of the water from his pet’s skin, feeling himself grow even more aroused. He licked the moisture from Riki’s neck, then his shoulders and was rewarded with the soft, gentle pants of the mongrel in his arms.

“Are you ... gonna swim?” Riki murmured and wet his lips as Iason’s fingers pinched his nipples.

“No, pet.” Iason’s hand lowered and slid inside of Riki’s small bathing trunks to caress his ass. “But I did enjoy watching you swim.”

“I ... can go back in if you like it that much.”

“No,” Iason smirked at his pet’s subtle attempt to flee. “It’s getting late, and the water is too cold.”

Riki’s eyes roamed up towards the beach house they were renting and flinched slightly as Iason’s finger slid inside of him. “Shouldn’t we ... go back?”

Iason lifted his head to stare down at Riki. “Do you want to?”

Riki lowered his eyes, bit his lip as his body arched against Iason and his fingers gripped the white sleeves of his master’s tunic by sheer reflex. Damn it. “Yes.”

Iason smiled and cocked his foot against Riki’s legs, causing the mongrel to topple onto his back into the sand. “A shame.”

The sand was impressively soft against Riki’s skin, somewhat irritating when it got into the crevices of his body, but overall, it wasn’t a bad experience. Iason was slow and impossibly gentle and Riki could not even think about hiding his desire this time.

He experienced a strange feeling well up inside of him and he didn’t know what that feeling meant. Sex with Iason was often brutal or harsh, and almost always it relied on some form of torment. But this? This was different. This was almost as comforting as the sex he’d had with Guy, but on a much higher level because of how Iason could make him respond. It was sweet and tender one moment, then intense and urgent the next.

Afterwards, Riki lay straddled atop Iason, trying to catch his breath, as usual, but he didn’t feel the sheer exhaustion that usually came with such acts. He wasn’t even sore really, unless you count where some of the sand crawled up his ass. This had been a new experience, and it was as if Iason was testing the waters to see how he would react to such a change.

Iason didn’t have to ask if Riki enjoyed their session, his pet’s responses were more than adequate to confirm it, and Iason himself had thoroughly enjoyed it. It had been difficult holding back, but he managed to extract some new reactions from his pet that absolutely thrilled him. And for once, Riki wasn’t immediately trying to move away from him after sex, he was letting Iason hold him.

“Are you hungry, pet?” Iason asked as he nibbled on Riki’s ear, it was right there after all so how could he resist?

“Yeah.” Riki pushed himself up, wobbled for a moment, then started back towards the water.

“Where are you going?”

“I’ve got sand up my ass!”

Iason laughed and watched the beautiful young man dive into the sea again. Iason had been the smart one and had only exposed one part of himself to Riki and none of himself to the beach. He rose, adjusted his clothing, and marvelled at his pet’s strength and endurance. Iason momentarily wished he could swim, so he could join Riki in the water, but his android body was simply too heavy.

“Riki, come in now. That water is too cold.”

“It’s fine...”


Rick rolled his eyes but returned to shore, picked up his swim trunks and wrapped the towel around his waist. “It’s really not that cold...”

“Come inside and take a hot shower.” Iason insisted as they started towards the house. “You can swim again tomorrow.”

Once inside, Cal appeared with more towels, but Riki just headed straight for the washroom and Iason followed. They entered the shower together and Riki glared.

“Really?” he demanded as Iason poured some soap into his hands. “I can wash myself.”

“We want to make sure all the sand is out of your ass, pet.”

“I already got...” He yelped as Iason’s hand went up the crack of his ass. “Shit, come on!” Give a guy some warning he thought, and then simply gave up his protests because he knew it was useless to argue.

Iason chuckled and picked up the small tube of shampoo.

“I can wash my own damn hair!”

“Be quiet and turn around.”

“You’re not washing my hair!”

“Very well.” Iason handed Riki the tube and turned his back. “Wash mine.”

Riki was momentarily too stunned to respond. Seriously? Iason’s hair was so long and sleek and, well, fabulous really, that Riki was almost afraid to touch it most times.

“I’m waiting, pet.”

Riki poured a generous amount of shampoo into his palm, because Iason had a hell of a lot of hair, then gingerly started to work it through the end of the golden locks. Holy shit was it soft! Like spun silk running through his fingers! His hands shook a little as he added more shampoo and worked it higher through Iason’s hair, then repeated until he had worked the shampoo all the way through the pale golden strands.

Iason crouched slightly and tilted his head back so that Riki could shampoo the top of his head enjoying the feel of Riki’s fingers massaging the soap into his scalp “That feels wonderful.”

“I ... I think I got it all through,” Riki murmured, appalled that he had become highly aroused by this point, with his fingers in Iason’s hair and the warm jets of the spray hitting his back and sides.

“Excellent.” Iason turned and Riki moved aside so the Blondie could rinse his hair.

Watching the water cascading over the elite’s pale, perfect body sent shivers of heat through Riki, and he hated himself for it. He grabbed the shampoo and quickly scrubbed his own hair then dipped his head under the spray.

Iason then thoroughly washed all of Riki’s body and, because it was Iason and Riki was trained to become aroused at the Blondie’s touch, Iason took him for a second time. This time it was closer to what Riki was used to, though still not as rough as it often was. Since Riki had already been allowed to come on the beach, he was now almost in agony because Iason had yet to loosen his pet ring again.

“P ... please,” he begged, his hands splayed against the tiles of the shower as Iason continued to ram into him. His cock was twitching and throbbing painfully, pleading for release. “The ring ... Iason ... please ... enough.”

“Not yet,” Iason refused as his hands moved around to fondle Riki’s hard member, making the agony even worse. “It’s not enough.”

It would never be enough, Iason thought as he buried himself over and over inside the mongrel’s sweet, tight body. Only Riki could make him feel like this. Only Riki held such power over him. Raoul was right, it was insane that a Blondie of his caliber could so easily be reduced to a lust starved, rutting beast, simply by a slum mongrel.

Riki could no longer restrain himself and started to cry out and moan with pain, pleasure and need. His legs quivered and shook, and Iason’s arm slid around his waist to prevent him from falling, which caused the Blondie to drive even deeper into him.

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