Blondies Have More Fun - Cover

Blondies Have More Fun

Copyright© 2024 by Anna Mae Holister

Chapter 4: Discussion, Dinner and Decisions

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 4: Discussion, Dinner and Decisions - *Fan Fiction* This is the first part in a 4 part series, based on the Japanese novels Ai No Kusabi by Rieko Yoshihara. Mature content. The series takes place within the timeline of the novels and then well beyond.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Ma   Blackmail   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Slavery   Gay   Fan Fiction   Science Fiction   Aliens   Space   Magic   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism  

“Is the mongrel better?”

Iason glanced up at Diman the following morning with a coldness that was unmatched by any other Blondie. Diman had not taken his instruction to get out to heart and had instead taken his pet and gone to a sex party that lasted into the early hours of the morning. They had returned to the condo and Iason allowed them to stay the night as protocols indicated he must, but now the obtuse Blondie was acting as if he had done nothing wrong.

Riki was right, some Blondies were indeed thoughtless. It appeared he would have to be more direct with this one. Still, Diman was also a Blondie so he couldn’t simply rend him limb from limb as he desired.

“He is resting still,” Iason stated, betraying none of the rage he was feeling as Diman settled on the large, sectional opposite his host as Cal entered and offered him a beverage. “How was your evening?”

Diman waved his hand. “Same as it always is there, nothing has changed since I’ve been gone. I allowed Shiouvan to pair up with one of Raoul’s pets and one of Orphe’s, as she was so disappointed over not being permitted to breed with Riki.”


“Yes. She was looking forward to being mounted by that pet of yours, Iason.” Diman smiled wistfully. “I can’t say that I approve of her tastes, but she’s such a good pet, and is very particular about who she breeds with. I try to give her some leeway when I can, and she had her heart set on your slum mongrel.”

“You allow your pet to decide who she breeds with?” Iason asked.

“No, of course not. She has been bred three times already and I received four pups from the litters, apparently her species favors twins. They brought me a very good price, and because she had done so well, I promised to let her choose the next one. That was why she wanted to see Riki in person.” Diman sipped his drink. “I have been off planet for several years and am unaware of any changes in the pet laws, so I am curious, Iason. Why not breed your pet with someone?”

“As I explained before, Diman, he is a slum mongrel, and most do not wish to breed with him.”

“Well, I don’t know that I would go that far. I made a few inquiries last night and learned that there were a couple of people who would be interested in the idea, if for nothing else than to see what sort of pup comes from the pairing.”

“You said that you were here under Jupiter’s instruction, Diman. Are you telling me that Jupiter approved this visit simply for your pet to get a breeding partner?”

Diman smiled. “Of course not, our visit was for business purposes, your pet was the side benefit.”

“I see.” Iason steepled his fingers under his chin and glanced out the balcony doors.

If Riki was feeling his usual self he’d be out there smoking right now. While he did not approve of the habit, he had to admit he liked to watch Riki smoke. His pet always had such interesting and thoughtful expressions when he was out on the balcony and Iason wished that he could learn what Riki was thinking at those times. But his pet would never share such things with him, only bits and pieces that were, more often than not, forced out of him. Iason found it incredibly annoying.

“Since you broached the subject, you are aware that the pet law states a pet may not touch another pet outside of a social engagement, correct?”

Diman blinked. “Yes, of course.”

“Then why did your pet have her hands on a pet that is mine yesterday?”

Diman shrugged. “She was a little eager I agree, however as you seem to have ignored most of the laws yourself regarding this mongrel, I can hardly be faulted for allowing Shiouvan a similar freedom.”

“And that is your mistake.”

Diman straightened suddenly, the harshness in Iason’s tone was worrisome. “Mistake? I do not believe I have made any mistakes, Iason. I am a Blondie, and a member of the Tanagura Syndicate, as you are. You cannot tell me how to treat my pet anymore than I can tell you how to treat yours. Unlike our brothers on the board, I do not care if you chose to use the mongrel at your leisure or treat him as a companion instead of a pet, that is your business. Shiouvan is my business and I like to give her the things she wants. What she wants is Riki.”

Iason stared at him. “I see.”

“Now, I am not unreasonable, but if the things I have seen here were to be reported to the Syndicate, I have no doubt that they would step in to remove that mongrel from you.”

“And what is it you intend to report, Diman?”

“Why, the fact that you allow that pet to eat at your table, that you sleep with it in your bed. You allow it to speak to its betters without punishment or recourse. You are abusing your authority and flouting the pet laws in every way, Iason. Surely, you do not want Jupiter and the other Blondies to discover your shame?”

The fact that Diman was referring to Riki as it instead of him now showed his true colors. As Diman had been off planet for so long, he was unaware that Jupiter and the other Blondies were, at least in some capacity, aware of Riki’s unique situation.

Iason had jumped through hoops for them, leashing Riki in public, showing him at parties and the like to be able to bring Riki back to Eos. Granted, they were not completely aware of his relationship with Riki, but it was not their business. If Riki behaved in public, the other Blondies had been appropriately mollified to accept his presence. Now someone was threatening the peaceful compromise that Iason had managed to attain, and he was not about to allow anyone to interfere with his plans.

Very well, Iason thought, I’ve seen your true character, now I shall show you mine. “I assume you wish compensation for your silence then?”

“Come now, there is no call to be crass. We are sons of Jupiter and above that sort of thing. I simply encourage you to allow Riki to mount my Shiouvan, two or three times should do it, as she is close to her breeding cycle, then we’ll forget the whole thing and move on.”

Iason nodded, even as a vision of his pet fucking Shiouvan entered his mind and rage filled him. Still, his calm demeanor did not change. “It seems reasonable, certainly,” he allowed, then picked up the file folder that had been on the sofa beside him. “Cal, give this to our guest.”

Cal, as the perfect Furniture, was standing just outside Iason’s line of vision waiting for instruction, and quickly moved to accept the file and passed it to Diman.

“Now,” Iason began, crossing one long leg over the other as Diman opened the file, started to read, and then immediately tensed. “You are quite correct in acknowledging that I would prefer to keep my private life private. What I do in the convenience of my own home is no one’s business, and while there are other Blondies, like yourself, who would dispute that issue,” Iason’s eyes narrowed coldly. “I do not answer to you or to them. I am Iason Mink, the leader of the Syndicate of which you are a mere member, and the favoured son of Jupiter. I need only report any transgressions to Her and only She may hold me accountable. I also act on behalf of Jupiter and if you are threatening me, you are threatening Her.”

“I would never do such a thing!” Diman glared at him. “Are you telling me that Jupiter approves of what you are doing?”

“I am telling you that it is not your concern. As you can see by that file, I am aware of your black-market dealings and the illegal permits you acquired for several of your casinos in Midas as well as those off planet.”

This was not a problem, as Iason was fully aware of the underworld, thanks to Katze. He didn’t care about those dealing in the black market as he had similar holdings himself within it. While he usually turned a blind eye to such dealings by other elites, he always kept such information at his fingertips for future use.

“As a Tanagura Blondie and businessman you are required to obtain the proper permits for any new properties, and...” Iason accepted the glass of wine that Cal brought him, as usual anticipating his needs. “The percentage that the Syndicate takes from those businesses. According to my information, you have used black market technology to doctor your reports and your receipts. You have not been paying your proper percentage to the Syndicate, Diman.”

Diman sat the file down, picked up his drink again and took a sip. Iason had effectively uncovered that he was stealing from his brothers, the Blondies, and such an offense could have him exiled permanently from Tanagura, or worse, re-educated. “It seems we are at an impasse then,” he tossed with less confidence than he felt. “Very well then, I will keep your secrets and you will keep mine and we will say no more about it.”

Iason sipped his wine then tilted his head. “Are you under the impression that this is a negation, Diman?”

“What do you mean?”

“You lied to me. You lied to the members of the board, of which you are still a part of. You kept hidden tributes from the Syndicate, engaged in black-market activity, falsified records, misrepresented yourself and Jupiter for this visit and...” Iason set his glass aside and rose suddenly to his full and imposing height. “You allowed your pet to touch something that was mine without permission. You must never touch what is mine, Diman. That is an unforgivable slight.”

Diman rose slowly. “Iason, you are being unreasonable.”

“I am the leader of the Tanagura Syndicate. You have stolen from me, lied to me, threatened and offended me; all very unreasonable actions which do not require a reasonable response.”

“What is it you intend to do then?”

What Iason wanted to do was throw the bastard and his pretty pet off his balcony and watch until they hit bottom. But, killing a Blondie, regardless of the crime against him, was frowned upon and he knew that he would suffer repercussions from the other Syndicate members if he gave into this desire. Luckily, he had visited Jupiter the previous night and had discussed the crime, along with an appropriate solution.

“I have brought your crimes to Jupiter’s attention.”

Diman stumbled a bit. “How dare you! How dare you discuss...”

“I have decided your punishment and Jupiter concurs with my decision,” Iason interrupted. “The other members will not be made aware of your discrepancies only if you abide by my conditions for your punishment.”

Diman considered this. If his brothers found out what he had done he would lose everything, his properties, his status, everything. They might even call for his head. He really had no choice, but to agree to Iason’s terms. “What is it you have decided, then?”

“First you will immediately pay back what you owe on your dues, plus an interest rate of thirty five percent.”

“Thirty-five is a ridiculous amount!” Diman insisted but when he met Iason’s icy stare, he could only nod. “Very well, what else.”

“Secondly, as your pet seems so eager to touch what doesn’t belong to her, she will be the main attraction at the breeding parties for the next two years. You will allow her to breed for free and any pups you get from her will be sold and that amount will also be given to the Syndicate, the full amount.”

“Free! Then she will be useless to me.”

“That is not my concern. After the two years you can do as you like with her.”

Diman scowled but nodded.

“Third, you are forbidden from taking part in the Syndicate meetings for those two years, and you will move your residence to one of the outer regions. You will return to Tanagura only to submit your pet for the parties. You are forbidden from going off the planet for any reason during this time.”

“This is outrageous! I have dealings off-world that I need to see personally, otherwise I could lose them entirely! How dare you ban me from Tanagura! Who do you think you are?”

Iason’s expression did not change, he simply sat down again and picked up his glass to take a sip. “If you fail to meet any of the terms I have set out, Jupiter will instigate a re-education program.” Iason knew this was the one thing all Blondies feared most, because they would lose all their memories, their developed emotions and cease to be a recognized entity. A Blondie’s experiences, intelligence and emotional range developed over time and Diman would lose all of that and become a hollow vessel, left to start all over again.

Diman gaped at him. “I am a Blondie! One of Jupiter’s sons!!!”

“And you have disappointed Her. Jupiter can be a very unforgiving mother.” Iason spoke from experience. Jupiter had subjected him to very invasive and often painful mind melds after he had released Riki the first time, and he hoped to never go through that again.

Diman curled his hands into fists in an unusual show of anger for an elite. “You would do all of this to protect a mongrel?”

“I would do this and more to protect what is mine.” Iason’s hard gaze eyes met Diman’s over his wine. “You would do well to remember that.”

“It appears I have no choice but to do as you say.”

“So it appears.”

“After the two years, I assume I can resume normal business and social activities?”

“Of course. However, I will caution you Diman. If you are considering future revenge, I would advise against it. Jupiter can be a hard and unforgiving taskmaster; however, She does have what one would consider personal and social limits.” Iason met Diman’s gaze directly, his blue eyes as cold as ice and as unforgiving as death itself. “I have no such limits.”

Diman swallowed, hard, then nodded. “Understood. Shiouvan and I will take our leave of you then.”

“I believe that would be for the best. You have ten days to pay back what you owe to the Syndicate.” Iason indicated the file. “The total is noted there for your reference.”

“Of course.” Diman moved off toward the guest rooms to find his pet and collect his belongings.

Iason rose. “Cal, make sure they both leave quietly. I do not want Riki disturbed.”

“Yes, my Lord.” Cal nodded and followed Diman discreetly.

Iason headed into the other side of the condo where the master bedroom was and opened the door, Riki was awake and out of bed, searching through his jacket pockets. He had pulled on a pair of black jeans but nothing else.

“You are supposed to be resting,” Iason warned.

“Where did you put them?” Riki demanded and moved back to the bedside table to rummage through the drawers.

“Put what?”

“My cigarettes!”

“You should not be smoking, you are ill.”

“I feel fine!” he groaned and fell backwards on the bed. He was craving a smoke so bad he was about to crawl the walls! “I wanna smoke!”

Iason sighed and walked over to where he had hung his main cloak yesterday. He reached into the pocket and pulled out the package of cigarettes he had removed from Riki’s jacket knowing his pet’s penchant to over indulge. “I bought these for you only two days ago and you are already halfway through the pack, Riki.”

Riki bolted off the bed, but Iason merely held the pack over his head, out of Riki’s reach.

“Is that anyway to ask for something you want?” Iason teased.

“C ... can I please have a cigarette?” Riki asked through gritted teeth.

“What will you give me for them?”

Riki glared at him, mutinously. “What do you want?” he finally asked.

“A kiss will do.” Riki had never initiated a kiss, so it would be interesting to see if his craving for the cigarettes would outweigh his pride.

Riki shuffled on his feet for a few seconds then sighed and tipped his head upwards. “Fine.” After a few moments when Iason made no move to dip his head to take his kiss, Riki growled. “Well? Are you going to kiss me or not?”

“I thought you’d never ask.” Smiling, Iason bowed his head and covered Riki’s mouth with his in a slow, passionate kiss, delighted that his pet was already panting by the time he ended it. “Thank you, pet.”

“Smoke,” Riki reminded, hating that he had gotten so easily aroused by a stupid kiss.


Riki gritted his teeth, he should have known it wouldn’t be that easy. “I need a smoke!”

“Get back into bed, Riki.”

Riki muttered under his breath, shucked his pants, and crawled between the sheets again. “Fine, come fuck me so I can smoke then.”

Iason raised an eyebrow as he walked over. “You are in a state, aren’t you?”

“Just ... let’s get it over with.”

Iason walked to the bed, pulled a single stick out of the pack and placed it between Riki’s surprised lips. He then took the lighter Riki had curled in his hand and lit the end of the cigarette.

“Only one, Riki,” he said, seeing the question in his pet’s eyes. “In here just this one time,” Iason set the pack and lighter on the bedside table.

Riki inhaled deeply while he had the chance. “Why?” Iason never allowed him to smoke inside the condo and certainly not in his bedroom.

“Because you still need to rest.” Iason pulled the covers up tighter around Riki as his pet sat against the headboard, smoking. “And you asked so nicely.”

Riki smirked, inhaled gratefully and slowly breathed out the smoke. “Fucker,” he muttered under his breath.

Iason ignored the insult, rose, and opened the windows around the room, then returned to the bed and affectionately ruffled Riki’s hair. “Try to sleep some more once you’re done and then you can get up for lunch.”

“Iason?” Riki began as Iason moved to the door.


“Are Diman and Shiouvan really gone?”

“They’re leaving now.”

Riki nodded, inhaled again as he lowered his eyes. “What are you going to do to them?”

“It’s been taken care of, pet.”

Riki felt he should plead for Shiouvan at least, he didn’t blame her for being stupid and while he didn’t give two fucks about Diman, he would hate to see Shiouvan punished too harshly. Still, if he spoke up for her, Iason might misunderstand him and think he had feelings for the girl, which would put him back in the shit again. It wasn’t right, the way Iason did whatever he wanted without facing consequences. It wasn’t right that he could cause so much pain to others without any guilt.

He sighed heavily, stuck.

“What is it, Riki?”

“I ... nothing. I just...” Riki chewed his lower lip and picked at the sheets rather than meet Iason’s gaze. “Nothing.”

“You are worried for her.”

Riki’s head shot up and a flicker of fear wavered across his face. “I don’t care about her!”

Iason walked over, sat down on the bed. “Yet you feel responsible for her.

“No. It ... it’s not that. I just ... I know how hard it is to be ... punished and I know what she did was bad but she’s just a girl and ... and girls are fragile, y’know. I mean, it isn’t all her fault.”

“Are you asking me for leniency for her, Riki?”

Riki considered the question. He didn’t usually ask Iason for anything unless he was forced to. Asking for leniency would be pointless, because Iason had no concept of regret or guilt. He did whatever he wanted and felt nothing about it. Besides, if he did ask for leniency, what would Iason ask of him in return for such a favour? No, it was better not to get involved.


Iason nodded and rose. He knew his pet had a strong moral obligation on certain issues that often warred with his own best interests. It was one of the things Iason found most intriguing about him; a slum mongrel with a conscience. “I’ll send Cal in when it’s time for dinner.”


Riki watched Iason leave, pulled his legs up to his chest and puffed on his cigarette. Pets were the lowest form of trash, and he was certainly living up to that now. He couldn’t, wouldn’t risk pissing Iason off, or worse being more indebted to the Blondie to save a girl he hardly knew. He’d become the scum everyone said he was.

“I’m sorry, Shiouvan.”

When Cal called Riki for dinner, it took Riki a moment to focus, as he had dozed off again.

“Yeah, I’m just gonna take a quick shower first,” he called back and moved to the washroom. After almost two days in bed, he felt sweaty and sluggish. He took a very quick shower, then brushed his teeth only because they needed it, and not because Iason disliked the taste of cigarettes, or as any kind of concession to Iason’s earlier considerations.

Cal had selected his clothes for him, probably as per Iason’s order, and had placed them on the bed. Dressing in navy dress slacks, socks, and a soft, cream-colored shirt, Riki stepped out of the room.

He was surprised to find no one in the dining room when he entered. “What the hell?” He started towards the parlor and was intercepted by Cal.

“The meal is served on the balcony this evening, Mister Riki.” Iason held up a short, navy tailored jacket that matched Riki’s slacks. “It is chilly outside; you may need this.”

“Uh ... okay.” The fancy clothes made Riki feel uncomfortable, but whatever.

They had never eaten outside before, and he shrugged into the jacket as he made his way to the balcony, where he saw that a small intimate table had been set up with two chairs and candlelight.

Iason, who stood at the balcony looking out over the city, dressed in his blue tunic with white trim and white slacks, turned as Riki stepped out. “Feel better?”

“Uh ... sure.” Riki looked around. “Why are we eating out here?

Iason moved to the table and Cal immediately held his chair out for him. “I thought it would be nice for us to enjoy our meal here tonight.”

Cal moved to hold Riki’s chair, but after receiving a glare from the mongrel, he stepped back and started to serve the dinner instead.

Riki settled opposite Iason, uneasily. What was this all about? A romantic dinner for two? What was Iason up to? “Is this why you’ve got me in this getup?” he asked, confused.

“I think those clothes look splendid on you, Riki,” Iason countered, knowing that his pet had a closet full of clothes that he never wore unless he was specifically instructed to. Riki favored the black jeans and matching top that he arrived in, either to remind him of his roots or perhaps because he was simply used to having a very limited wardrobe.

“So ... why are we eating out here?”

“There is little point in having a balcony and a spectacular view without enjoying it once in a while, don’t you think?”

Riki shrugged and glanced out at the city, unaware that Iason’s eyes never wavered from him. When he turned back, the intensity of Iason’s gaze worried him. “I don’t want to do it out here.”

“We are just having a meal, pet.” Iason accepted his glass of wine from Cal and nodded in approval of the decorative plate of pasta that was placed before him.

“Then what’s all this for?”

“You did as you promised while our guests were here, and this is your reward.”

Riki stared at Iason for a long, hard moment, trying to judge if this was another of Iason’s ploys. “Seriously?”


Riki was as uncomfortable with rewards as he was with punishments; they both made him feel like a worthless object. Cal placed a glass of beer in front of him as well as a plate of pasta. Riki stared at his glass, suspiciously.

“I have no need to drug you anymore, pet, you respond to me easily enough on your own.” Besides, the aphrodisiacs that were manufactured to breed pets had horrible side effects on a slum mongrel.

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