Blondies Have More Fun - Cover

Blondies Have More Fun

Copyright© 2024 by Anna Mae Holister

Chapter 3: Hidden Agendas

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3: Hidden Agendas - *Fan Fiction* This is the first part in a 4 part series, based on the Japanese novels Ai No Kusabi by Rieko Yoshihara. Mature content. The series takes place within the timeline of the novels and then well beyond.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Ma   Blackmail   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Slavery   Gay   Fan Fiction   Science Fiction   Aliens   Space   Magic   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism  

Riki was about to seriously lose his shit. Shiouvan had been prancing and parading around the main lounge since she returned from shopping, showing off all her new wares to her Master while Diman continued to smile indulgently as he sipped his drink. She had stopped talking only long enough to stuff her gob at dinner, and then had started again. And worse than that, Iason seemed extremely amused by it all.

Riki was settled on the carpeted floor leaning against Iason’s armchair as the Blondie idly played with his hair while he watched Shiouvan pull out purchases from a seemingly endless supply of bags. Seriously, what did one girl need with so much shit?

He looked wistfully towards the glass doors that led to the balcony just a couple of steps away and wondered if he could crawl out there, unseen? Probably not, Iason would notice if his finger scratching post was no longer there. Not that he really minded Iason’s habit of playing with his hair, it felt nice most days, but it still annoyed him to be sitting on the floor like a damn animal.

When a small square box dropped in his lap he started guiltily and tilted his head back to peer at Iason. “What’s this?”

“Your treat.”

Riki scowled, because Iason had already given him two packs of cigarettes and the book, he had asked for earlier. He opened the box rather than refuse it as he normally would, because they had guests and he had promised to behave, but he was also curious. Inside was a small silver-link wrist chain and a tiny band in the shape of a ribbon engraved with his name. He glanced up at Iason again, then back at the bracelet.

Aside from when he requested smokes or a book, Iason usually just bought him clothes to wear, or rather clothes he wanted to see Riki wearing, or other little trinkets he thought Riki would enjoy, gifts most pets liked but things Riki had no use for. But this gift was different from all the others.

Riki had seen a similar bracelet only once before, in a shop window in Midas and had admired it. It had cost a small fortune, so he knew he’d never be able to have one, and it was too risky to rob a shop in Midas just for one simple item, but now there was a bracelet he had liked, in his own hands, and he hadn’t needed to steal it. Iason had bought him something that he had one time dreamed of having and it even had his name. He never owned anything that had his actual name on it before.

“Do you like it?” Iason asked, his calm, controlled voice revealing none of the uncertainty he was feeling.

He was frustrated that Riki so rarely asked him for anything. Well, pleading for release or for a cessation to their sexual activity wasn’t quite the same thing. Occasionally, he bought a gift on a whim thinking it would suit his pet, but Riki showed no interest or joy in receiving it and would only wear the gifts if he was instructed to.

He had seen the bracelet in a shop next to the bookstore where he had purchased Riki’s novel, and it had caught his eye. It was simple, yet tasteful. It didn’t scream money or status which was the usual kind of adornment pets preferred, instead it was refined and made a statement of independence. He knew it would be perfect for his Riki.

“It’s...” Riki couldn’t believe it, he just couldn’t. He didn’t want to accept it, didn’t want to be grateful for it. He was a pet, just a pet that Iason had done unspeakable things to that had changed his life forever, and yet...

Well, he may be a slum mongrel but even he couldn’t be that ungracious. He deliberated how to thank Iason without seeming that he was submitting to him. If it was Guy who had given him something like this, he would have hugged him, or fucked him. He could never do that with Iason. Iason was his captor, not his lover or his friend.

He rose on his knees beside Iason’s chair and offered the bracelet to him. “It’s great.” He held out his right wrist. “Let’s see how it looks.” He could easily have handled the clasp himself, but he felt Iason would be pleased to be asked and so that was the best he could do in the way of gratitude; for now, anyway.

Iason was shocked to find his fingers were less than steady as he secured the bracelet to Riki’s thin wrist. The fact that Riki seemed to like his gift and was willing to wear it pleased him enormously, and it was a true show of gratitude and affection that a pet asked their Master specifically to help in putting something on, rather than relying on Furniture. He didn’t know if Riki knew this and that was why he had done it, or if his pet was simply being impulsive, but he didn’t care because in this moment he was happy.

“It looks very good on you.”

Riki rolled his wrist, so the light caught the glittering chain. “Yeah, it does.” He lifted his gaze. “Thank you.”

“Oooh ... can I see it?” Shiouvan walked over as Riki settled on the floor again. She scowled at the bracelet as Riki held up his wrist for her. “It’s so plain! There aren’t even any jewels and it’s made with very cheap materials. Wouldn’t you like it better in Platinum or Meridum?”

“I’m just a slum mongrel,” Riki defended and adjusted the bracelet, so the ribbon of his name lay flat across the top of his wrist. “What would I be doing wearing jewels and Meridum?”

“But you’re Lord Iason’s pet and he’s the richest Blondie of...”


She flinched, spun around and scampered, like an obedient pet, at her Master’s bark.

“Take your things to your room and remain there for the evening. How dare you impugn a gift of our host, and an Elite, to anyone. Go! Get out of my sight! I will deal with your punishment shortly.”

Riki watched her leave and lowered his head. Yeah, the girl was being annoying, but he didn’t want to see her punished just for being a snob.

“My deepest apologies, Iason. I believe her time in the salon with the other pets has gone to her head.” Diman smiled at Riki. “And to you as well, Riki. She had no right to say such things to you.”

Riki blinked in shock. Two Blondies apologizing to him in one day? Was the apocalypse coming or something? Deciding to test the waters, because his conscience wouldn’t let him do otherwise, he said. “I’m sure she didn’t mean to be insulting. I am just a mongrel so plain gifts suit me better. She is obviously a high-end pet and probably wouldn’t understand such things. Please don’t punish her for it.”

Diman sat back in his chair and regarded Riki for such a long time, he began to worry he had gone too far, but when Diman nodded and spoke to Iason he knew he was safe. “I am impressed, Iason. I have never known a pet to speak on behalf of another pet, especially when that pet had been rude to them. Your mongrel may not be as pretty or compliant as those Raoul offers, but he is obviously of much higher caliber.”

Iason smiled and his fingers again wound through Riki’s hair. “Thank you, Diman. I believe that is indeed the case, although I find Riki exquisitely beautiful as well.”

“Don’t talk about me like I’m not here,” Riki muttered low enough that only Iason could hear him. Iason’s response was a sharp tug on his hair. “Ow! Motherfucker!”

Diman blinked once. Twice. Then chuckled at Riki’s outburst. “Yes, I suppose he does have a colorful, exotic charm about him,” Diman agreed. “Will you breed him, Iason, or is he too old now?”

“No, I don’t believe I will.” Iason would never allow anyone else to touch his pet. Riki was his and his alone. “Many of the pet owners here look down on him so would not be very interested.”

“Well, perhaps not all of them feel that way, or you could purchase another pet, breed them together and sell the litter.”

I’m not a fucking dog you pious, cone-faced dick-smack, Riki fumed silently and, as if Iason could sense he was about to boil over, received another discrete yank against his scalp. Well, he had thought Diman was decent enough, but as usual Blondies always reverted to type, type A for asshole.

“No, this one pet is about all I can handle right now,” Iason tossed carelessly and Diman laughed and finished off his drink.

As if Riki would ever allow any children he fathered to be sold into slavery as Furniture or pets. He’d cut off his own dick first.

“Well, on that note, I believe I shall retire.” Diman rose and smiled down at Riki. “I appreciate you speaking up for Shiouvan, but she knows she must be punished.” He looked at Iason again. “Before I go, Iason, would you mind if I felt Riki’s skin? It’s so dark and sinewy, and I’ve never actually touched a mongrel before.”

Don’t you fucking dare, Iason. Don’t you fucking...!

“Yes, of course. Riki, stand up and allow Diman to touch you.”

Bastard! Riki glared at Iason. He rose but rather than lower his eyes, he met the other Blondie’s gaze, as if daring the Elite to say a word about his impertinence. Diman again blinked at Riki’s audacity, but again smiled and ran gloved fingers over Riki’s right cheek.

“Hmmmm ... I expected it to be rough, but it’s actually quite smooth. Not as soft as Shiouvan ‘s of course.” Diman’s fingers then curled around Riki’s bare bicep. “Strong too.” He slapped his palm against Riki’s chest. “Solid. Yes, quite impressive.”

“You want to suck my dick now?” Riki growled before he could stop himself and watched Diman flinch in horror, no longer finding Riki’s abrasiveness amusing.


Riki didn’t care if Iason was going to punish him, he wasn’t going to be pawed at like a fucking brood mare.

“I apologize for my pet, Diman, he is not used to anyone else touching him, so he becomes skittish and defensive.”

“Y ... yes.” Diman stepped back and nodded. “Understandable, I suppose. Well, good night, Iason.”

When Diman left the room Riki spun and faced Iason.

“Well, what’s it gonna be? You gonna fuck me till I bleed or bring out the chains and whips again?” It had been years since he had been whipped or chained, but he couldn’t help himself and he prayed Iason wouldn’t use the power of the pet ring, which caused him far more pain than any of the others.

Iason stepped towards him and Riki forced himself not to retreat. He was on the edge, the very fucking edge, now and he knew no matter what he said or did he would still be punished, so fuck it. When Iason caught his chin and lowered his head to kiss him, Riki tensed in confusion.

“Oh, Riki.” Iason lifted his head and smiled down at his furious and bewildered pet.

Diman and that witless girl of his had been excruciatingly boring and he’d needed something to break up the monotony. Of course, he knew that Riki couldn’t stand for being treated like a real pet; which was why he had granted Diman’s request and simply waited for the explosion. It was, perhaps cruel on his part to test his pet, especially as Riki had managed to be on his very best behaviour all week, but he found, despite the lovely gesture with his bracelet, that a docile Riki was very boring.

“You never cease to amuse me.”

“Amuse you? You call that amusing you sick fu ... Hmmmmhhhhm.”

Iason captured his mouth with an intensity that left no room for rebuttal or retreat. He pushed Riki onto the wide sofa, grasping the younger man’s wrist in one of his hands and holding them above his head as his free hand slid up inside Riki’s shirt and attacked the skin of his chest.

Riki was gasping and moaning within minutes. Iason drove him to such incredible heights of longing and pleasure with just a few simple touches. How was it he could do this? Why did his body have to betray him every damn time?

He was surprised when his orgasm swiftly started to build and dismayed when he felt his cock ring tighten painfully. Shit! That was going to be his punishment. “Oh no,” he muttered even as Iason continued to torment him.

“Oh yes, my pet,” Iason purred in his ear as he pulled off his glove with his teeth.

Much later, as they lay in Iason’s bed, Riki spooned in front of his master and, still panting after finally being allowed to come, Iason reached over his pet’s shoulders and touched the bracelet on Riki’s wrist.

“It really does suit you.”

Riki grunted, incapable of speech.

Iason chuckled and rubbed his thumb over Riki’s wrist. “Are you a tired pet?”

Another grunt.

Iason snuggled closer and heard Riki’s mumbled protest as he rubbed a gentle hand over the dark chest. “Sssshh ... I just want to hold you,” he whispered. “Go to sleep.”

He could go again, easily, but he would give Riki a break. Besides, he didn’t want to anger his pet enough that he would give back the bracelet.

When Riki sighed and drifted off again, Iason knew that the mongrel was tired. Usually, Riki protested any sort of cuddling, in the same way he refused to hold Iason’s hand or initiate a kiss unless ordered to.

And no matter how often Iason embraced him, Riki never returned the embrace. Even when they made love Riki deliberately restricted his touch, relying instead on occasionally playing with Iason’s hair, or very occasionally, gripping the Blondie’s arms in the throes of his climax.

Iason understood that Riki was bored being in the apartment all the time, and he fully understood why his pet didn’t want to go out, but he couldn’t restrict the actions of other people’s pets. Riki had been on his best behavior, as requested, but it was only a matter of time before the cork came off the bottle again. Riki wasn’t happy and he wanted to change that, but how?

Releasing Riki was not an option and besides, Riki did not seem any happier when he had returned to the slums than he had been living here, at least not according to Raoul’s reports. No, Riki only thought he wanted freedom, and that was not an option anyway.

There had to be something that he could do for his pet. Perhaps take Riki somewhere nice and quiet where it was just the two of them and they were free of the confining space of Eos and the objecting eyes of his brothers. Where they could walk and shop and do things together without Riki getting glared at or starting fights. Riki might try to run if he took him out of Eos, but he wouldn’t get far with his pet ring on.

Hmmm ... Iason finally let his eyes close. Something to think about.

Riki, perched in his usual place atop the thick barrier of the balcony, inhaled deeply on the first cigarette from the new box Iason gave him. The first smoke from a fresh pack always seemed to taste the best and he closed his eyes as the nicotine filled his lungs. He’d woken several times last night feeling hot and out of sorts, but of course the moment he awoke Iason seemed to sense it and they were off on another sex fest. Now, he just felt tired, drained, and so freaking hot! Usually, the temperature was kept cool inside the condo, but it felt warm to him today for some reason, but at least it was cool on the balcony.

Opening his eyes, he looked again towards Ceres. He was itching to get out of the condo, out of Eros and away from Iason’s ‘guests’, but where the hell would he go? He’d given his word to Iason when he’d returned as his pet, but he couldn’t handle the salons and stores in the city anymore. As a pet over the age of twenty and a mongrel, he was shunned by the other pets and barely tolerated by everyone else. No one wanted him here, no one but Iason. Even when he did venture out, people goaded him, and Iason had told him that if there was an altercation, regardless of who started it, he would be blamed for it.

He sighed heavily. At least in the slums he had respect, even if some of it was based on fear. Here, he was the only one that was afraid. Here, there was no respect and nothing for him to work toward. He felt ... useless and empty. And fuck! Why was he so hot! He pulled off his half shirt, tossed it on a balcony chair, but it made no difference.

Thinking of that, his thoughts turned to Mimea, the only woman he had ever been with. Shiouvan kind of reminded him of her, only with lighter hair. What a fuck up that had been. Iason had been furious, beyond furious that he’d had sex with Mimea, and the punishment far exceeded the crime in his opinion. But, Riki had learned his lesson well. He stayed away from female pets; hell, he stayed away from all pets and that was easy enough as the other pets had no desire to be anywhere near him either. He was an outcast here, but even when he made it back to Ceres, he found he no longer belonged there either.

Guy. He closed his eyes again and took another drag on his cigarette. He missed Guy the most, his pairing partner, his friend, the one person who had always been there for him. He’d made the right choice coming back to Iason. He couldn’t let Guy become that bastard’s pet, or worse be turned into a brainless sex doll. He’d had to be harsh with Guy, so that his friend wouldn’t come after him, but he still missed him terribly.

“What are you doing?”

Riki opened his eyes to see Shiouvan watching him closely and almost crushed the cigarette between his fingers in anger. Speaking of brainless sex dolls. He hadn’t realized Iason and his companions had already returned from their dinner out. “Smoking,” he replied curtly.

“Can I try it?”

“I don’t think your master would like that.”

“He lets me do as I like.” She moved closer, put her hand on his thigh. “Please?”

Don’t touch me, he thought furiously and was surprised by the wave of dizziness that assailed him. What the fuck was wrong with her? Didn’t she understand the rules?

He looked through the glass doors to see if Iason could see them. You have no idea what you’re in for if you touch me, little girl, or what I’d be in for.

Her hand caressed him. “Please?”

“Fine.” He handed her the cigarette and swung his leg down over the side of the barrier, away from her hand. “Just don’t touch me.”

She smiled, put it between her lips and inhaled as she had seen him do. Almost immediately she started coughing. “Oh! Oh, that’s awful! Why do you do that?”

Riki snatched the cigarette back, put it to his lips and inhaled more smoke into his lungs. “Why not?”

Shiouvan wiped her watering eyes and managed a smile. “You’re different from most pets I know, Riki.”


She studied the wide perch where he sat and tried to lift herself up beside him.

“Don’t,” he warned.

She smiled and settled for leaning against the barrier. “You’re protective of me, that’s so sweet.”

“I don’t give a shit about you.”

“Why are you so mean? Don’t you like me?” she pouted. “I like you.”

“Well ... don’t.” God! He was so hot, and his hands were starting to shake. Why wouldn’t she just get away from him?

“You must like me if you’re worried, I’ll fall?”

“If you get hurt, I’m the one who’ll suffer for it.”

“If your master is so horrible, why not just jump?”

Riki was silent, he wasn’t about to discuss Iason or himself with this little twit. He pulled a final drag on his cigarette, no longer enjoying it since it tasted like Shiouvan ‘s lip gunk, and tossed the butt over the side. He watched it spiral the long, long way down and then put his hand to his head as he was overwhelmed with a sense of vertigo.

It was a very, very long way down, but he never thought of jumping, of just ending his life and forgetting everything; he simply wasn’t geared that way. He was a survivor, and even if that meant staying Iason’s pet, he would stay alive for as long as he could. Swinging around, he hopped down from the ledge, he needed to lie down. He really didn’t feel well.

“Shouldn’t you be kissing your master’s feet or something?”

She pouted and slid her arms through one of his. “I’d rather be kissing you, Riki.”

He shook her off and stepped back. “You don’t mean that.”

“But I do. My master said that if I liked you, he would talk to Lord Iason about us breeding together.”

Riki’s eyes widened. “W ... what?”

“That is why we’re here, for me to get a mate. My master has heard about you and wanted to see if I liked you.” She stepped closer, put her hands seductively against his bare chest. “The other pets are dull and boring, but you are different. I’d enjoy you mounting me, Riki.”

Riki stumbled back as flashes of Mimea assaulted him, and the aftermath of their coupling. “He ... no. Iason won’t ... won’t agree to that.”

“Why not?”

“Riki does not mate with anyone, but me, Shiouvan.”

Both pets turned to see Iason standing in the doorway. Riki’s bowels turned liquid as he witnessed the cold fury in those frigid eyes. No, no, no, no, no! “I didn’t do anything,” he cried and stepped further back until the barrier blocked his escape. “I haven’t touched her. I didn’t do anything!”

Shiouvan seemed confused by Iason’s words, as pets did not mate with their masters, and was even more confused by Riki’s reaction. “I don’t understand. I am very high-quality and...”

“Riki, come.”

Fear and panic rooted Riki to his spot. This wasn’t fair! He couldn’t go through this again. This wasn’t his fault!

Seeing the stark terror in his pet’s eyes, Iason stalked towards him and grabbed Riki’s wrist. “I said come!”

Riki had no choice but to follow Iason back to their bedroom, and the moment they were inside he started to plead. To hell with his pride, he didn’t want to be punished like that again. He didn’t want to be pumped up on aphrodisiacs and forced to come a hundred times, until he couldn’t even scream.

“I didn’t do anything!” he whispered. “I didn’t touch her! I don’t want to touch her! I didn’t do anything ... don’t...” A single tear fell from one eye and his voice turned to a sob. “Iason, please. I didn’t do anything.” He cried out as Iason yanked him forward into his chest and wrapped his arms around him. “This ... this isn’t my f ... fault!”

Iason held Riki close, his pet was trembling so violently he was afraid Riki might well shake himself apart. He had witnessed many emotions from his young pet over the last several years, anger, need, frustration, belligerence, and even shame, but never this. Riki had rarely shown fear; other than a flicker or two on occasion when he was being penetrated, but Iason understood that, and the mongrel quickly hid the fear behind crude words and a vulgar bravado.

Certainly, Riki had pleaded with him before, especially when he was being punished, but this was different. He wasn’t begging for release or relief; this plea was one of not just fear but real terror. Iason’s chest began to ache with a painful throbbing; he didn’t understand the feeling, nor was he comfortable with it.

He suddenly wanted nothing more than to go and beat that stupid girl to death. “Ssssshhhh,” he soothed. “I am not going to punish you, pet.” He heard Riki’s sharp intake of breath, felt the young man tense even more.

“You ... you’re not?”

“No. I know that wasn’t your fault. Diman had just finished suggesting the pairing when I came out to find you.”

“So ... you ... you’re not ... mad?”

“Not at you, no.” He caught Riki’s chin and forced his pet to look him in the eye, tears streaked down Riki’s cheeks unchecked and he pressed his lips to the mongrel’s quivering mouth. “I’m not going to punish you.”

“I ... I don’t have to ... take ... them again?”

“No.” Iason knew Riki was referring to the aphrodisiacs. He frowned at the dark flush staining his pet’s cheeks and in a surprisingly uncivilized manner pulled his glove off with his teeth so he could touch Riki’s face. “You’re burning up, pet.”

“I ... I ... Iason ... I can’t...”

“Riki!” Iason cried as the younger man suddenly went limp in his arms.

“Cal! Cal!”

Iason picked Riki up and placed him gently on the bed as Cal hurried in. “Call for a pet doctor, now!”

“Yes, Sir!” Cal hurried back out again, just as Diman stepped into the doorway, curious as to all the commotion.

“Oh, is he ill?” Diman asked, curious. “It isn’t catching, is it? I wouldn’t want Shiouvan to catch something when they...”

Iason walked over and grabbed the Blondie by the shirt front. “Get. Out.”

Diman was not used to being treated so harshly, but wisely chose not to argue. There was a fury in Iason Mink’s eyes that he had never before experienced and even he wasn’t stupid enough to put that fury to the test.

“As you wish.”

Iason turned back to Riki and was surprised when once again his chest contracted painfully, but in a different way this time. He removed Riki’s boots and socks and finally his jeans. He realized he had never undressed Riki before, usually Riki did it himself or Cal assisted him. It felt oddly enjoyable to do this for him.

He pulled the sheets over his pet’s shivering body as Cal returned with a cool cloth and bowl of water.

“A pet doctor is on their way, my Lord,” the Furniture advised as he started to bathe Riki’s face with the damp cloth. To say Cal was startled when Iason sat down on the bed and took the cloth from him was an understatement.

“I’ll do it.”

Cal’s eyes widened for a moment before he returned to his usual blank expression. It was beneath a Blondie to partake in the care or tending of a pet, such tasks were left for Furniture. But he could hardly argue. “A ... as you like.”

“Go and wait for the doctor.”

“Yes, my Lord.”

Cal stepped out, closed the door behind him.

Iason soothed the cool cloth over Riki’s face, dipped it in the bowl again, wrung it and repeated. He then pulled the sheet down and bathed the mongrel’s chest, which was also caked with sweat. Normally such a sight would arouse him, now it only increased his worry.

“W ... what?” Riki began, as his eyes fluttered open.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were ill?” Iason demanded as he dipped the cloth in the bowl, then ran it thoroughly over Riki’s right arm.

“A ... am I?”

“You have a fever, pet, and you are shivering.” Iason bathed Riki’s left arm.

Riki tried to focus on the Blondie, surprised that Iason was tending him. “We ... where’s Cal?”

“He’s waiting for the pet Doctor.” Iason returned the cloth to Riki’s face. “When did you become ill?”

“I don’t know. Maybe ... maybe last night. Kept waking up ... tried to tell you, but...”

Iason pressed his lips together, because he had selfishly waved off Riki’s protests in favour of his own lust. “You should have explained properly and advised that you weren’t feeling well.”


“I would have stopped.”

Riki sighed and closed his eyes. “You never ... stop.”

Iason’s hand stilled. As a Blondie he was certainly used to having his own way, yet he did allow some modicum of consideration for others. It was not the fault of those around him that he was superior in every way, nor was it remotely conceivable that he should be treated to a lower standard or not receive all that he desired and asked for. With Riki especially he enjoyed this privilege. While his pet often protested during their physical pairings, the mongrel always found pleasure from it. It was just Riki’s way of rebelling to protest and complain all the time, was it not? Had he erringly ignored the comfort and health of his pet with this assumption?

“About ... Shiouvan?” Riki’s eyes watered again. “I didn’t touch her, Iason. I wasn’t trying to ... to make her like me or ... or anything ... I...”

Iason had thought Riki’s earlier show of fear had been due to his sudden illness, but he could see now that of all the punishments he had subjected his pet to, Riki had not forgotten what happened after Mimea. Had the punishment been too severe? Had he somehow traumatized his beloved pet? The idea concerned him, for Riki seemed so resilient against such things.

“Forget about them.” He brushed his hand over Riki’s hair. “I will not allow anyone else to have you, for breeding or otherwise. I am not pleased to learn the reason for Diman’s visit, but I will deal with him accordingly.”

Riki was so relieved that Iason believed him and felt another tear slip out. “Damn it!” He swiped at his face, bitterly.

Iason caught Riki’s chin. “You are mine, aren’t you, Riki?”

Riki stared into Iason’s eyes and knew he could no longer deny it, knew that if he tried to deny it things could turn much worse for him. “Yes,” he whispered and watched Iason’s eyes darken with heat and victory.

“Yes.” Iason repeated softly and wondered again why it was so hard for Riki to accept their individual roles. He cupped Riki’s face between his hands and kissed him gently, just as Cal appeared and informed the pet Doctor had arrived.

“Iason...” Riki reached for Iason’s hand. “T ... thank you.”

Iason nodded and moved aside for the Doctor to do what was needed.

It took no time at all for a diagnosis, and the Doctor pronounced that the pet’s illness was caused by stress and fatigue. The doctor suggested Riki remain in bed for the next day and a half, eat good solid foods and refrain from any physical exertion. He prescribed some medication for the fever and chills.

After the pet Doctor left Iason settled again by Riki’s side and helped his pet sit up to take the small vial of prescribed liquid.

“I can do it,” Riki muttered as he took the vial from Iason, then almost dropped it all over himself because his hands were still shaking.

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