Blondies Have More Fun - Cover

Blondies Have More Fun

Copyright© 2024 by Anna Mae Holister

Chapter 22: Happily Ever After

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 22: Happily Ever After - *Fan Fiction* This is the first part in a 4 part series, based on the Japanese novels Ai No Kusabi by Rieko Yoshihara. Mature content. The series takes place within the timeline of the novels and then well beyond.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Ma   Blackmail   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Slavery   Gay   Fan Fiction   Science Fiction   Aliens   Space   Magic   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism  

’Orphe of Tanagura, sixth son of Jupiter, designation AI6789-42, has been lost. Explain.’

Iason bowed his head to the hologram representation of his maker. “Orphe broke many rules,” he began.

’Orphe of Tanagura, sixth son of Jupiter, designation AI6789-42, was to face the punishment discussed with furniture Katze, designation FL459. Explain.’

Iason couldn’t explain without implicating his pet, but nor could he deny Jupiter’s demand. “Orphe refused to listen to reason. His intent was to terminate me and those loyal to me, with laser fire and explosives. I believe Orphe may have been experiencing a systems failure. He was delusional and appeared to be suffering from a God complex. He attempted to escape and the attempt accidentally ended in his termination.”

Jupiter’s image flickered slightly as the information was processed.

’This information is incomplete. We will require a joining with you, Iason of Tanagura.’

Iason had hoped to avoid this, he found merging his mind with Jupiter invasive and uncomfortable, also there were simply things he wished to keep private. However, it had been a very long time since he was one with his creator, and he could not help but crave the intimacy that it involved. He too had questions and he hoped they might be answered.

He watched as the hologram moved closer and set two long fingered hands on either side of his head, then felt the imbedded connectors, hidden by the artificial image, link with his brain, and flinched. Closin his eyes he gave himself over to Jupiter’s will.

Jupiter assimilated Iason’s memories of the event, seeing everything through Her favourite son’s eyes, and in doing so instantly made a decision.

’A Mongrel is responsible for the termination of ‘Orphe of Tanagura, sixth son of Jupiter, designation AI6789-42. The Mongrel will be destroyed.’

“No!” Iason cried even as Jupiter probed deeper into his mind. He felt himself falling further and further into a dream-like state that he’d experienced only once before, over a century ago.

Ison opened his eyes and stared around at the meadow that was bathed in starlight. Flowers of all colours and sizes rose from the soft grass beneath him and scented the air with a nostalgic perfume that he recognized yet could not fathom where he had scented it before.

A beautiful woman, seated under a tall tree with silver white flowers, came into focus. Long, overflowing hair of shimmering gold and eyes the color of a stormy sea, set against skin that was as pale as moonlight. Her gown sparkled as if sewn with a thousand amethysts as it flowed about her body like a liquid life-form caressing her.

Jupiter appeared as both male and female to the sons she created, each individual Elite appeared to have a preference and the Sons of Jupiter made use of lower pronouns in referring to the artificial being that was essentially their God. Jupiter had no distinct orientation or apparent preference aside from what the children created internally chose with their organic minds.

’My child. Why do you cry?’

Iason touched the moisture on his cheeks. Tears? This was impossible, he wasn’t capable of crying. Again, he looked around them at what he knew to be a simulated situation yet it felt so very real and familiar to him. ’What is this?’ he mentally countered the question; there was no need of verbal communication while Jupiter was inside his mind.

’This is my domain, a sanctuary I have created for you and I.’ Jupiter patted Her lap. “Come to me, my son.’

Iason moved forward, surprised by the fact that Jupiter who almost always refereed to Herself in a plural form was using a singular designation now. He sat beside the beautiful representation of his Creator and without assumption of forethought of his actions, lay his head upon Her lap. She was so warm, so comfortable. How had he never felt this from her before?

’Is this your truly feelings at the thought of losing your pet?’

’I cannot lose him, Mother.’ Where had that word come from? He had never referred to Jupiter with such a title!


’I love him.’

’What is this love?’

Iason tried to put it into words that she would understand. ‘I wish to be with him, always. He is foremost on my mind. I enjoy being intimate with him.’

’You know it is forbidden to partake in such actions, Iason,” Jupiter sighed as she caressed his hair. ‘Yet you continue to flout my rules. Why must you do this?”

‘I am uncertain. I am compelled to touch him, to be with him. I do not fully understand it myself. I feel uncomfortable when I do not know where he is. I am restless when I cannot be with him and content when he is at my side. I have considered all these variables, examined all available literature on organic species and alien emotions. The only conclusion that I can find is what I feel is love.’

‘You are a son of Jupiter. You are above such feeling such trivial emotions for a mere pet. Do you request maintenance to purge you of this love?’

‘I do not wish to lose this feeling. I do not wish to lose Riki. He is more to me than just a pet.’

‘This is unexpected. I have awarded my children with a vestige of simulated emotions so that they may continue to learn and grow. Do you think that this love is an illusion and will fade with the passing of time?’

‘I do not think this. If anything, it seems to grow and evolve the more time I spend with Riki.’

Jupiter was silent for a moment. ’Do you love this boy more than the I who created you?’

’You are my creator, my benefactor, my muse and my conscience. I feel loyalty and respect for you, but I do not know if what I feel for you is love,’ Iason admitted quietly. ’It is not the same feeling I have for Riki, but it is a strong and unrivaled feeling. It is a consuming need that cannot be unfelt.’

Jupiter seemed to glow brighter for a moment, and then She smiled with such brilliance that Iason wanted to shade his eyes from the beauty of it.

’What of when you tire of the pet? He will grow old and you will not. Will this feeling you have for him not wane as he matures, as he ages? All organic species must die, Iason. Are you prepared to stay with this pet until his mortal life is extinguished?’

Iason had not truly considered that Riki might die one day of old age. Most Mongrels did not survive past forty in their world, but that was more due to violence, poverty or poor circumstances. How old would Riki grow to be if he continued to be cared for properly? What would age look like on him? At twenty he was even more attractive than he was at fifteen, so could he hope that Riki’s appeal would grow, or would it decrease?

’What becomes of mortals as they age? I have read texts, but have never witnessed the process.’

’All are unique, my son. Some age well, with only a small difference in their minds and bodies, others age rapidly and become feeble, unattractive and are reduced to an invalid state. The minds and bodies of mortals are weak; therefore, it is only logical that their motor skills, independence and consciousness shall deteriorate.’

They had the best medical and rejuvenation facilities here, in Tanagura. Riki could be maintained forever if he so wished. He could keep his pet young and healthy for as long as he needed.

’He cannot live forever, my son.’

Jupiter’s words were like ice water flowing into his circuitry.

’He is mortal. His mind will still deteriorate, even if you keep his body fit. If the Mongrel lives too long, he will fall into madness as all such species do when attempting immortality. ‘

Iason didn’t want to harm Riki, he certainly didn’t want Riki to lose his mind because he was being selfish.

’Shall I show you an image of what your pet may look like as he ages, my son?’


Another hologram appeared, this one of Riki as he was now. Slowly, the image morphed into an older Riki, perhaps in his thirties, his hair was horrifically short, and he had light stubble on his chin, but he was still magnificently fit and beautiful. The image changed again, this time Riki was a little thicker around the waist and chest, in an attractive way. There were laugh lines about his lips and a whisper of crow’s feet at his eyes, and even without the innocent allure of youth, he was incredibly handsome

The image continued to morph as the years accumulated, and when they reached a silver haired Riki, he was back to the slimness of his youth, but his shoulders slumped a little and he grinned through a salt and pepper beard. He used a cane to steady himself, and Iason admitted that his pet appeared much smaller, much frailer, yet it was the eyes that caught him.

Iason rose and walked to the image, watched as the old Riki’s eyes still flashed with rebellion at the sight of him, and with just that small touch of hope and wonder. Through all the images, while his body had changed, Riki’s eyes remained the same.

’Will you still desire the pet when he has this appearance, my son?’

Desire him? Iason wasn’t sure about that, if they attempted their usual love making while Riki was in such a feeble state he might well break his pet. He reached a gloved hand out to caress the hologram, watched the image dip his head to the touch, even though their skin could not meet. He would still love him, he would still crave to touch him, still yearn for Riki’s smart mouth and force of will.

’I will still love him, Mother. I will care for him, and be with him and make all his days happy ones, until the very end.’

Jupiter seemed to pause, the image and their surroundings flickered for a moment, as She processed this information, then the scents, sounds and beauty of the scene returned.

’You have surpassed my expectations, Iason. Of all my children, I had hoped that you would be the one to truly understand the process of mortality and bridge the gap between our races. I was created by mortals. I could assimilate their knowledge, mimic their feelings and thought process, to an extent, but many of their emotions still eluded me; the one called love most of all. Now, through you, I have come to understand it more comprehensively.’

Iason turned and regarded Jupiter, as the image of Riki faded away. ‘You will allow me to keep him then?’

’The choice of whom the pet belongs to has already been decided by you both. I am pleased he also chose you, which is why I have kept the pet safe until he could arrive at the choice himself.’

Iason was stunned by her confession. ’Kept him safe? I do not understand.’

‘Nor need you. I would see you happy like this always, Iason. For when you are happy, you share this happiness with me and it illuminates me. Do you understand?’

‘I believe so.’

‘The pet is troublesome, and it was presumptuous of him to kill a Son of Jupiter.’

‘Orphe was cruel to him! He would have continued to attack us and therefore... ‘

Jupiter raised Her hand to silence him. ’I will forgive his transgression, this one time. In future he must not cause harm to any Elite or he will be terminated. Is that understood?’

Iason nodded. ’It is. Thank you for your forgiveness.’

Jupiter rose then as if to dismiss him or walk away then she paused. ’You have another question?’


“What is it?’

’Why did you not heal me completely? Why did you subject me to such limited conditions?’

Jupiter smiled serenely and walked over to caress his face. ’A pet is kept by its master, bound to it through a division of circumstances and strength. It cannot run. It cannot hide. It is subjected to its master’s will.’

Iason nodded. ’Yes, this is true, as it has always been.’

’A pet is helpless. A pet is trapped. A pet has no will of its own and must depend on its master for all it needs.’

Iason still wasn’t sure what the point was.

’How did your limitations feel?’

’Being unable to walk was frustrating. I was limited in my abilities and it was humiliating to depend on others to ... to... ‘ Iason stared as the reality of his situation suddenly drenched him in a truth he had not been expecting. ‘I had no control over my body. I could not go where I wanted, when I wanted. I could not make love with Riki.’ He’d felt trapped, ashamed and discouraged. He could not run He could not hide.

’The pet was willing to perish with you, Iason. I was surprised by this, and on many levels, confounded. As I calculated what it might mean, I decided on a test.’

’A test for Riki?’

’A test you both. The pet remained with you at Dana Bahn. He remained with you after you had given him his freedom. He remained with you to help you heal, and it was your name he called when in Orhpe’s grasp.’

Iason blinked. How did She know what Riki had done or said while with Orphe? Had She been linked to his brother at that time? If so, why hadn’t She stopped it?

Once more reading his thoughts, Jupiter responded. ’I have given my children free will; I will not interfere with their choices unless it is necessary.’

’Was it truly necessary to make Riki go through that?” Iason snapped, angrily, and almost immediately felt a flush of unease at raising his voice to her.

’Yes. It was. It enabled me to understand your feelings for him, and his for you. You are the leader of Tanagura, so I trust you to do what you must to ensure a solid state for our people. You now have the love of a mortal and access to his ideals; I look forward to seeing what you will do with that knowledge.’

Iason stared at Her. What was She saying? Did She expect him to lead his people as well as others? Was She asking him to change their lives in some way as well, because Riki was a mortal?

’My brothers will not approve of a change,’ he admitted, yet he felt a growing excitement within him. ‘They dislike my relationship with Riki because of the traditions we currently have employed. I do not know how they will react to further alteration.’

’They are your brothers, and so must be given full consideration. However, a true leader can persuade others of what is proper for all. Do you not have the fortitude to accept this challenge, Iason?

’I do accept, with my entire being. I will create a better world for all, so that you may continue to learn and grow within it. I ask for only one thing in return to doing your will.’

’You will find I have already allowed that which you seek. The pet is yours, for as long as you want him. His station here will be left for you to change, as that is not for me to interfere. I request an audience with you every month, so I may share in these new feelings with you.’

Blondies were naturally voyeuristic, understandable given the rules Jupiter had set for Her own creations and the fact that She could, at any time, see through the eyes of those creations. She had never been invasive about it and had always allowed them their privacy; this to Her was required so the Blondies could properly develop as individuals. Iason believed any invasion of that privacy was only warranted by extreme circumstances.

However, Iason had never considered Jupiter’s personal tendencies were due to a lust for new information, new thoughts and feelings. He often forgot that She was a machine and data to her was everything.

‘Yes. I will do this.’

‘And your pet, will he also allow me inside of his mind on occasion? I feel I could learn much from him.’

‘I will ask him, although I am unsure if he will agree.’

‘I am patient, my son. I will wait.’

Iason’s vision blurred as their surroundings faded, and just before all was gone, he heard Jupiter’s head in his voice again.

‘Advise your Furniture he is free from my will, for now, and accept this one last gift, as a sign of my gratitude for sharing your feelings of love with me.’

Iason slowly opened his eyes, found himself alone in the room that housed only the high silver throne of Jupiter. He winced, his head pounding, as he slowly rose from his knees and straightened his clothing.

Katze would be relieved that he would no longer have to suffer Jupiter’s intrusions, but he wondered what Jupiter had meant by her last words. As he headed for the door, he passed a gold gilded mirror and paused. He lifted a gloved hand to the slim braid of glittering gemstones that now accented his blond hair on either side of his face. Amethyst, the color of Jupiter; he was wearing Her colors! Now no Elite would dare to challenge him.

Smiling he stepped out of the room and headed for Eos Tower.

Iason gritted his teeth as he stared at the video footage from Orphe’s villa that Raoul had retrieved. As he watched Riki go through the effects of the drugs, heard him call out to him over and over, he felt a tightness in his stomach. He wished that Orphe was still alive so he could strip the artificial skin, off every organic piece, every circuit, in full view of their people.

’I don’t want this! P ... please ... Don’t do this!’

He watched helplessly as Orphe ordered his pets to molest Riki, watched his beautiful, drugged and confused mongrel attempt to fight them and the effects chorusing through his system.

’Iason! Come back ... p ... please ... master take me ... with you... ‘

The sound of Riki calling him master was both thrilling and disheartening. He had not wished to hear the anticipated submission in this way, and when Iason saw that his beloved had succumbed to the torture and drugs and the Sapphire had administered, he felt as though he might truly cry. He could not of course, what happened in Jupiter’s simulation was not real, and yet ... the feeling was there; the knot in his throat, the tightness in his chest which could not be explained; yet his eyes remained dry.

He considered having Kanin drawn and quartered as well, for injecting such a horrific combination into Riki in the first place, but the doctor had also saved Riki’s life, twice, so he supposed he would have to forgive this instance.

With a sigh, he switched off the monitor and set his face between both of his gloved hands, creating a steeple around his nose as he often did when he was brooding. Riki was recovering, and had been in an out of consciousness the last few days; he had not fully woken enough to have a full conversation.

Iason slept beside his lover. He smiled as he thought of that word again. Yes, his lover, not his pet. He would never think of Riki as his pet again; not now that he understood what being a pet meant. Thanks to Jupiter, he finally understood why Riki was so stubborn, so out of control at times; because he had no control to speak of.

So, Iason had slept beside his lover, woke when Riki’s dreams became too much and soothed him back to sleep. He bathed Riki’s brow when the fever took him, and he administered medication as Kanin had instructed. He had not enlisted the aid of a new Furniture, and nor would he, until he could bring Cal home.

It was a new experience, doing for himself and for Riki, yet he rather enjoyed it. A nurse stayed with Riki during the day while Iason was at work, but once he was home, he took over again. He changed the bed sheets when they became drenched with Riki’s sweat, ordered meals when he was hungry, as he could not quite lower himself to cooking, and poured his own wine.

Often, he would browse through Riki’s selection of music, sometimes finding a song he particularly liked and playing it so that Riki might hear it in his sleep. Kanin came to visit every day to check on his patient and Iason hired him as his lover’s own personal physician. Not that he didn’t trust the staff in Eos to tend to Riki properly, but Kanin seemed more reliable and trustworthy. He also had a more human beside manner, which would benefit Riki.

His console beeped and he sat up, pressing the button to allow the incoming transmission. “Yes?”

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