Blondies Have More Fun - Cover

Blondies Have More Fun

Copyright© 2024 by Anna Mae Holister

Chapter 2: Learning to Play the Game

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 2: Learning to Play the Game - *Fan Fiction* This is the first part in a 4 part series, based on the Japanese novels Ai No Kusabi by Rieko Yoshihara. Mature content. The series takes place within the timeline of the novels and then well beyond.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Ma   Blackmail   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Slavery   Gay   Fan Fiction   Science Fiction   Aliens   Space   Magic   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism  

Iason glanced up as Riki reappeared and watched his pet walk around the table, filling their glasses, once again leaving his own empty. He rose and took his glass of wine. “Would you care for a game of Pool, Diman?”

The Blondie brightened. “I would indeed.”


Hoping he would be excused since Iason would be occupied with the game, Riki started to veer off the other way toward the balcony, but Iason caught his wrist and yanked him back.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Iason purred dangerously in his ear as they started down the hall and stepped into the game room.

“You don’t usually want me in here,” Riki countered just as quietly and tried discreetly to pull away from Iason’s grip, as their guests moved further into the room.

“I want you everywhere, Riki,” Iason whispered, delighted in his pet’s discomfort. “And I have never said you couldn’t come in here.”

Riki shrugged and glanced at where Diman was looking over the pool table and studying the cue sticks on the wall. “You usually send me to my room when you’re in here with Raoul.”

“Ah. Well, that is because you and Raoul ... clash.”

Riki smirked and was startled when Iason bent down and licked a bit of chocolate from the corner of his mouth.

“No more sweets tonight.”

Riki wiped at his mouth self-consciously, hating when Iason treated him like a child, and completely missing the shocked look of their guests.

Iason, however, had deliberately watched Diman for a reaction. The Blondie was polite and friendly, even to his pet, which immediately made Iason suspicious. Why were they really here, he wondered? Surely it wasn’t just because he was curious about Riki or because Diman wished Iason to assist him with a deal in Midas that Jupiter had approved. No, there had to be more to it than that.

Iason released Riki and gave him a little pat on the backside. “Go sit down and watch.”

Riki glared at him then decided since he was going to be forced to continue this farce a while longer, he may as well be comfortable. He dropped down in the corner of the sectional so he could stretch his legs out across the cushions, pulled one leg up to lean against the inside of the sofa and rested his wrist across the top of his knee.

“My Master is very good at this game.” Shiouvan said as she curled on the cushion next to Riki. “Do you know the rules?”

“Yeah.” He’d played the game several times on his excursions to Midas when he was a member of Bison, as they didn’t have anything so entertaining in Ceres.

Iason and Diman set up the game and began to shoot as they made small talk.

“Your cake was very good,” Shiouvan told Riki with a wide smile.

“It wasn’t mine; it was Cal’s.”

Why was she even talking to him, he wondered? Why couldn’t she be like the rest of the pets around here and avoid or despise him? He tried to concentrate on the game, he’d never seen Iason play before, and was impressed at how good he was.

“We can go to the salon tomorrow; I hear it is wonderful. We’ve been off planet for so long, and I know they’ve made some changes.”

The five, Iason, go for the five, Riki encouraged silently as he watched the game between the Blondies progress.

“Maybe we can do some shopping too? I need some new clothes. What about you, Riki? What do you need to buy?”

He glanced at her. “What?”

“When we go shopping. What will you buy?”

“I don’t shop.” Which was true, Cal bought his cigarettes and Iason purchased his clothes.

Riki hated leaving the condo for the salons and marketplace of Eos, of being stared at and talked about. Not like when he was in Ceres. In Ceres he was watched and talked about with fear or admiration and that was okay, but here they just talked about how he was a filthy, uncouth mongrel. Iason Mink’s pet rat.

Riki never let being a mongrel bother him before, he had worn the label with pride and was certainly accustomed to the prejudices some had for his kind. But again, before he could fight back, prove he wasn’t ugly, or useless or dirty. Hell, he was probably the cleanest mongrel in Ceres considering some of his ilk. He would sooner accept a shower coin in trade than a blow job or some sexual favor and he washed the two outfits he had every other day, unlike his gang who wore most of theirs for weeks before the smell finally had to be scrubbed away. He wasn’t dirty damn it!

“Oh.” Shiouvan frowned, disappointed by Riki’s admission. “Well, what shall we do instead of the salon? My Master has said I can have the whole morning to...”

“The six will need a bank shot, shoot the nine,” Riki said and then winced as Iason and Diman glanced at him.

Shit. Shit! He wouldn’t apologize, but he did dip his head away from their stare and pick at an imaginary piece of lint on his jeans as if Cal would allow even a scrap of lint or dust to gather in the Blondie’s home. Disappointed in himself, he lifted his head again almost immediately and met Iason’s cool gaze.

Iason regarded him quietly for a moment, then turned back to examine the table. He adjusted his shot to aim for the nine and it slid smoothly into the side pocket. “Thank you, Riki.”

Riki released the breath he had been unaware he was holding and bit hard on his lip to keep from speaking out again.


He turned to Shiouvan and snapped. “What?”

“Where shall we go instead of the salon?”

“Go wherever you want; I won’t be there.”

“But ... I need someone to show me around. I can’t go by myself!”

“You’ll have to, I won’t go out.”

“But ... why?”


She glanced up at her master’s sharp voice and flushed.

“You are making a nuisance of yourself.”

She pouted, moved further over on the long sofa and curled into herself to sulk.

Riki was relieved by the distance she put between them and again tried to watch the game.

Iason won easily and Diman smiled at him.

“Well played, Iason. I see the rumour of your skill at the game is true.” He set his cue on the table and extended his hand; Shiouvan immediately rose to take it. “Unfortunately, we had a very long trip here so we must retire. Perhaps another game tomorrow?”

Iason nodded graciously. “Certainly, I’ll show you to your rooms.” When Riki also rose, Iason waved him back. “Wait here, Riki.”

What now, Riki wondered? Was he in trouble for speaking up about Iason’s shot? Deciding he could only wait and see; he lay his head back and closed his eyes.

When he opened them again, Iason was staring down at him. Slowly he rose. “So, what now?”

“I was unaware you could play this game, Riki. Why didn’t you tell me?”

Riki shrugged. “You never asked.”

“Would you like to play then?”

Riki’s eyes widened. Was he serious? “I’m no match for you.”

“Not up to a challenge then? A shame.”

Riki bristled. “I didn’t say that.”

Iason nodded, picked up Diman’s discarded cue and tossed it at his pet, pleased when Riki easily caught it. “You may break if you wish.”

Riki shrugged and moved to the table. He broke the collection of colored balls and sank the eleven and twelve on the first shots. He moved to the side, bent over his cue and aimed at the fourteen, then stiffened as he felt Iason’s hands slide around his waist.

“Are we gonna play or are we gonna fuck around?”

“Can’t we do both?” Iason asked mildly as he slid one hand up over Riki’s chest and rubbed at an already hardening nipple.

“N ... no.” Riki tried to resist and hated the fact that his body reacted automatically to Iason’s touch.

“Try. Go ahead, take your shot.”

Knowing it was an order, Riki bit his lip as Iason’s thumb continued to rub against his sensitive nipple and closed his eyes for a moment. He opened them and tried to focus, but when he leaned over the cue again his ass came in direct contact with Iason’s groin. Damn it.

“Do it, Riki.”

Riki wet his lips, gripped the pool cue harder and stared at the fourteen until his eyes watered. He pulled the cue back between his two fingers splayed against the fabric of the table and slid it forward. The cue ball hit the fourteen exactly as it should have, and the ball rolled towards the pocket, but stopped just at the very edge of it.

“You missed.”

“Fuck off.” Riki hissed as Iason’s other hand moved down over his groin and squeezed. “I ... thought you ... wanted to play?” he ground out, bitterly.

“I am playing.” Iason pushed Riki down on the table, so he was completely bent over from the waist, and then unlatched his pet’s trousers. “You did very well tonight, Riki.”

“Then stop this.”

“No.” Iason pulled Riki’s pants down. “Step out.”

Riki had no choice but to obey, dismayed when he felt his clothing being pulled away from his feet.

“It will be quick,” Iason advised as he fisted Riki’s member in his hand, now free from its glove. “I’ve been wanting to do this all night.”

Riki hoped it would be quick, but he also knew it would be painful, not that Iason was ever concerned about his comfort.

Sometimes he used lubricant, but more often than not he’d play with him a good long time before he would penetrate him, but without either he wasn’t nearly ready for this.

“Wait...” He began when he felt Iason’s engorged organ pressed against his entrance. He hated himself for begging. “Not dry ... it hurts when...”

He was startled when Iason released him and spun him around.

“Very well, lubricate me.”

Riki’s eyes widened, he looked down at Iason’s massive member then up. Iason had never asked him to do that before, he’d heard from other pets that Blondies never allowed such a thing. Of course, those same pets claimed that masters didn’t sleep with their pets either.

“Before I change my mind, Riki.”

Knowing he was going to get fucked either way and preferring the less painful method he slowly dropped to his knees. He gritted his teeth angrily before taking hold of Iason and sliding his lips around him. Pretend it’s Guy, he thought to himself. Just pretend it was Guy.

Iason’s fingers gripping the table behind him was the only sign that Riki’s administrations were affecting him. He watched as the dark head moved back and forth over him and wondered why he had waited so long to try this. It felt incredible! Riki’s mouth was moist and hot, and his tongue was extremely talented.

Riki’s eyes were closed, and Iason wondered who the mongrel was thinking about, his pairing partner from the slums? He had originally told Riki that he didn’t care who he thought of as long as he was aware that he was still a pet, but now, as he stared down into his pet’s face, watched as the mongrel obediently sucked and licked him, rage suddenly filled him at the idea of Riki on his knees thinking of someone else.

He wrenched back, hauled Riki up and slammed him over the table again.

“Ah! Fuck, Iason what...” Riki’s head flew backwards as Iason rammed into him. “Gaaahhhh!” Tears sprang to his eyes and his hands curled into fists. Fuck! Fuck it still hurt! “P ... please ... don’t ... slow down!”

Iason was too far gone to listen, he thrust repeatedly into Riki while yanking hard on his pet’s hair. Riki was helpless to do anything but succumb, into the pain, the pleasure and then the pain again.

“You are mine, Riki!”

Riki sobbed as the harsh fabric of the table scratched at his arms and stomach. Please let it be quick, he pleaded silently. Please let it be over soon.

Surprisingly, his prayers were answered, for Iason stiffened and stopped moments later. Usually, the Blondie was insatiable and could last an hour or more, but thankfully tonight he was quicker.

Riki cringed as Iason peppered the back of his neck with kisses.

“Thank you, pet.”

Don’t fucking thank me, Riki wanted to scream at him. What choice did I have in any of it?

Iason took Riki’s hand and turned him around, caught the mongrel’s chin and forced Riki’s gaze upwards. Tears still glistened in those dark opal eyes, and anger. “Kiss me.”

Riki lifted his lips up and touched them to Iason’s obediently, but his eyes never closed, if anything they simply narrowed in fury.

“Did I hurt you?”

“What do you think?”

Iason caressed Riki’s cheek then caught his wrist again. “Come, I’ll make it up to you.”

“I don’t want...” Riki began then fell silent. What was the point? Iason would do whatever the hell he wanted.

Iason stepped out of the bathroom in a long black tunic, white slacks, and white drape coat. His gaze rested on the figure sprawled over the sheets on his bed and he sighed. Had he gone overboard yesterday? He had hurt Riki because he knew that Riki had been deliberately thinking of Guy. Still, he felt a pang of regret at his actions now.

He sat down and gently slid his fingers through the dark hair covering his pet’s beautiful face. “Riki?”

Riki moaned but didn’t wake.

Iason ran his fingers across his pet’s slightly parted lips, then brushed his knuckles across Riki’s cheek. It was not as soft as his own artificial skin, or those of genetically enhanced pets, not with living in the slums and exposed for so many years to the harsh desert suns of Tanagura, but it was better than expected for a mongrel and Iason liked it immensely.


Slowly, reluctantly, long, dark eyelashes fluttered and lifted, revealing drowsy near-black eyes. As they focused on Iason, the Blondie watched a mixture of fear and anger flood them.

“How are you feeling?”

Riki glared at him. “How the fuck do you think?”

“I’m sorry, Riki.”

Riki blinked, startled. What? Iason never apologized! He lifted up on his elbows and scowled. “You ... you are?”

“Yes,” Iason smirked. “Why do you sound so surprised?”

“You ... because you’ve never said it.” Not once, not ever, in all the time Riki had been with Iason, through all the pain, pleasure and torment, had Iason ever apologized to him, and for some reason this frightened him and made his eyes narrow even more. Was the apology simply a prelude to something worse? Had he finally gotten fed up with him and was going to trade him or sell him off to a brothel? “What ... what are you going to do to me?”

“Well, I confess I can think of doing many things to you right now, pet.” Iason placed his gloved hand against Riki’s chest, right over his heart and could feel an intense, rapid pace against his fingertips. His pet was scared again. “However, it will have to wait, as I must go out this morning with Diman.”

When Riki simply stared at him, looking even more uneasy, Iason bit back on the anger that rose within him. Was his pet so unsure of his intentions still? Apparently so, therefore he would endeavor to put Riki at ease. “I was unduly harsh last night and that was not my intention.” He could still see the confusion and doubt in Riki’s eyes. “Your behavior has been exceptional during the visit so far and I should have rewarded you instead of...”

“Punishing me?” Riki said bitterly and finally lowered his eyes, even as his hands curled into fists. His body was still incredibly sore.

“Yes.” Iason was always impressed by the young man’s perceptiveness, but then he caught Riki’s chin, because it annoyed him when the mongrel didn’t look him in the eye. Most pets were told never to meet their master’s gaze directly, however Riki’s eyes were the window to his soul; Iason understood that reference now, and he needed to see them to know what his pet was feeling. “However, punishment was not my intent. I simply lost control of myself, and I took my anger out on you.”

Well, this was new. Not only was Iason apologizing, but he was also admitting he had lost control. Riki couldn’t help but wonder what was behind the sudden change, but for now it was better to just go along with it. “O ... okay. Uh ... why were you angry? What did I do wrong?”

“You were thinking of Guy.”

Riki frowned in puzzlement and then his eyes widened in understanding. How the hell had the Blondie known that? “I wasn’t I...” He flinched as Iason gripped his chin, brutally between his gloved fingers.

“Don’t lie to me, Riki.”

“I’m a mongrel! All I know how to do is lie!”

Iason’s gaze grew colder as his pet repeated words Raoul had said upon first meeting Riki when he was still just a boy. They both knew that while Riki was skilled at deception, Iason had set that rule in place almost from the moment he had taken Riki into his home. Riki knew it too and only occasionally found a way around it, but Riki also understood the consequences of lying when confronted.

“Fine!” Riki snapped and held the Blondie’s gaze. “What if I was? You said you didn’t care who I thought about when we fucked!”

Iason scowled. Had he? He searched his memory and found that indeed he had said that very thing. “I have changed my position on the matter. I no longer wish you to think of Guy or anyone else when you are with me.” Or ever, he added silently.

“I can’t always control my thoughts! I haven’t had emotion programed out of me like a fucking Blondie!”

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