Blondies Have More Fun - Cover

Blondies Have More Fun

Copyright© 2024 by Anna Mae Holister

Chapter 14: Calm Before the Storm

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 14: Calm Before the Storm - *Fan Fiction* This is the first part in a 4 part series, based on the Japanese novels Ai No Kusabi by Rieko Yoshihara. Mature content. The series takes place within the timeline of the novels and then well beyond.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Ma   Blackmail   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Slavery   Gay   Fan Fiction   Science Fiction   Aliens   Space   Magic   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism  

Riki bolted up in his bed, barely containing the scream that had built inside his throat from the nightmare of being burned alive. Releasing a shuddering breath, he lay back down, then almost immediately felt the urge to vomit and sat back up again, slower this time

The dreams were getting worse and now interrupted his sleep every damn night. Iason mentioned that he was also having disturbing dreams, or whatever an Elite considers dreams, was that why he’d taken to sleeping with Cal? He couldn’t imagine Iason being unsettled by anything, yet the Furniture was in his bed every night; whatever the reason.

He rose, pulled on a robe and, before he realized where he was going or why, found himself outside of Iason’s room. Opening the door slowly, he peered inside. The moonlight filtered in through the windows and highlighted the large bed, which showed two forms, one large one small.

Cal’s eyes opened as if on instinct that there was someone in the room he could be serving.

“Mr. Riki?” he whispered, surprised. “Did you need something?”

“Go on to your own bed, Cal.”

“But, my Lord...”

“I’ll stay in here, you go on.”

Cal still hesitated, Lord Iason had said that he should listen to Riki as well as him, but still, to leave without permission would risk punishment.”

“It’s fine,” Iason whispered to the boy, so quietly that Riki could not have heard him. “You may go.”

Cal slipped from the Blondie’s solid embrace; it had been rather nice to have someone hold him as he slept, but he knew that his Lord would much prefer his pet rather than his furniture in his bed. He had to crawl across the wide mattress to get to Riki, then swung his feet out and dropped to the floor.

“Do you need anything before I go?” he asked.

“No.” Riki ruffled Cal’s hair, making the boy blush. “Go on to bed, sorry for waking you.”

“Not at all, sir. Good night.”

Riki watched as Cal stepped out and closed the bedroom door, then stared down still elite in the bed. Iason wasn’t asleep, the android would have been aware the moment someone else had entered the room, but Iason’s eyes remained closed.

Riki was already reconsidering his decision to come here, but if Iason couldn’t sleep alone for the same reasons as he, what harm could there be? Besides, it got Cal off the hook, right? Wasn’t it better that he tended to Iason’s whims, rather than have a poor kid suffer through it? At least that was how he convinced himself as he sat on the bed.

He started to pull off his robe, then changed his mind and pulled it tight around him again, as if using it as a shield. He crawled into the bed, turned away from Iason and closed his eyes. He was aware of Iason’s presence behind him, felt the weight of the Blondie’s body in the bed. Maybe that would be enough to stop the nightmares.

Fingers touched his bare arm. “Riki?”

“Just go back to sleep.”

“Did you have a nightmare?”


“I did as well.” When Riki said nothing, Iason asked. “Will you move closer?”

“We’re not gonna fuck...”

“I am not suggesting otherwise. I merely wish that you lay against me so I might hear your heart beat, feel your breath.”

He had noticed that Cal had been curled tightly into Iason’s chest. “Does that help you?”

“It does, yes.”

“Don’t try anything.”

“I am too tired for that.”

Riki hesitated a few more minutes, then slid closer so his back was against Iason’s smooth chest. He kept his hands and legs tightly against his own body.

“May I hold you?”

It was so weird to hear him ask, that at first Riki was too surprised to respond.



Iason’s arm slid one long arm under Riki’s shoulders and the other over his waist until his hand rested on Riki’s sternum. He could feel the slow, steady beat of heart beat, which had picked up slightly at his touch. “Thank you.”

Riki grunted, then, because he was too damn curious, asked. “Do other Elites dream too?”

“No. It is something only we Blondies are capable of and it is more a replaying memory than a dream. It becomes fixed between our organic minds and our cybernetic relays and will randomly appear when we are resting and not thinking of anything else.”

“Is it bad?”

“Is what bad?”

“Your dream, memory, whatever?”

“It is drearily accurate and I do not enjoy reliving it over and over every night.”

“You said it was random and didn’t happen often.”

“Normally that is true. Lately however it appears every time I attempt to sleep or relax.”

“Yeah. I guess that would suck.” Riki paused, tried not to think how comfortable he felt, how safe it was in Iason’s arms. “Mine too. They suck.”

“I am sorry to hear that, Riki.”

“Do you think it’s gonna be like this always?”

“I certainly hope not.” Although, if it kept Riki sleeping in his bed, Iason would gladly put up with it.

“Does it bother you?”

It felt weird, the two of them speaking so quietly in the darkness and surrounding silence, just generally talking as if they were actual friends and not pet and master. Riki tried to remember if they had ever done this before, just lain together and talked; but he couldn’t recall a single time. Usually, if they were in bed, they were having sex, and once the sex was over, he was too exhausted to do anything but sleep.

“Bother me? I am not familiar with that term. Explain?”

Riki wondered if his sudden need to chat was because he was so nervous about being there, and if talking was just a way to take his mind off the fact that he was once again sharing a bed with Iason Mink? Part of him wanted Iason to take him, another part feared it.

“I mean do they scare you? The dreams. Wait, forget it. You don’t get frightened.”

“Of course I get frightened, Riki. I have explained time and again that my emotions are genuine.”

Riki turned slightly in Iason’s arms so he could look up into that familiar, exquisite face and judge if Iason was lying. “Really?”


“I’ve never seen you afraid of anything.”

“You have. tThat day at Dana Bahn, when you opened that door looking for that mongrel. I was very frightened, Riki. I would go so far as to say terrified.”

“But why?”

“I had lost you, pet. He claimed to have critically injured you to keep you from being with me.”

Riki felt a knot grow in his chest and wet his suddenly dry lips. He could understand if Iason was angry, he’d often gotten angry when Riki misbehaved or did not comply with Iason’s demands, but afraid? Wasn’t he just a pet, a piece of property? How could Iason Mink, the top Blondie in the known universe, fear anything or anyone?

Then he remembered stumbling through the corridors of the abandoned factory at Dana Bahn, desperately Guy’s name. He’d been in such pain after being castrated, but beyond that was the emotional betrayal he felt at what Guy had done. He had finally reached that one room where Iason and Guy had been. Iason had literally ripped Guy’s arm off, so yes, very angry. Then Iason had moved across the room and embraced him, so hard, hard enough almost to crush ribs. The action had stunned him, he hadn’t understood it, but if Iason had been truly frightened, well, he supposed it made sense.

“I’m sorry,” he murmured as he stared into those intense blue eyes and silently cursed when he felt moisture creep into his own. “It was my fault. Everything Guy did was my fault. He killed ... almost killed you and it was my fault.”

“No.” Iason soothed a hand through Riki’s hair, gently pulled him closer. “None of that was your doing, Riki.”

“I ... We drove him to it, Iason. We...”

“That mongrel made his own choices and he alone is responsible for them. You cannot blame yourself for a deficiency in others...”

“He wasn’t deficient! He’s a good guy, the best! He never would have thought of something like this if I hadn’t hurt him, and if you hadn’t taken me away from him!”

Iason pressed his lips to Riki’s in a soothing, gentle kiss, immediately felt the Mongrel’s hands on his chest to push him away, but then Rik ‘s fingers curled, flexed, then flattened again without acceptance or rejection. The kiss was over, almost before it began and Riki had to force himself not to follow those lips as they pulled away.

When Iason lifted his head, Riki was staring at him, somewhat dazed. “We’ll agree to disagree on that matter.”

Was that it? Wasn’t Iason going to touch him, fondle him, something? When Iason simply continued to stare into his eyes, the silent promise in his gaze made Riki’s chest hitch and he felt a thin layer of resentment peel away and drift off into oblivion.

Was this forgiveness, he wondered? No, he wasn’t ready to forgive Iason, but maybe, maybe this was acceptance? Trust? Whatever this feeling was, he didn’t want to lose his hold on it yet, and so, while the mongrel; the pet in him wanted to fight and hiss and spit, instead he let himself float along with a small kernel of hope that someday things wouldn’t be as fucked up as they were right now. Maybe one day, he wouldn’t be as angry and Iason wouldn’t be as hard. Maybe one day.

“O ... okay.” Riki curled into his chest, hated himself for being needy, yet unable let go of Iason in that moment.

“For now, let’s both try and put it out of our minds and try to rest, hmmm?”

Riki nodded and closed his eyes, but they immediately flew open again and he moaned.

“What is it?”

“I keep seeing you burning, but I don’t remember you catching on fire. I remember there was fire all around us but it hadn’t touched us yet. But in my dreams, you burn and it...”

“It frightens you?”


It thrilled Iason to hear that Riki feared his death, that meant his pet did care for him; didn’t it? “Well, they are only dreams. I am here and mostly unscathed.”

Iason’s gentle voice, the warmth of his body and the sheer exhaustion of the last few days caught up with Riki and his eyes started to close again, this time of their own volition.

“I really hate you sometimes, but I don’t want you dead.”

Iason was pleased to hear that. “Sshhhh. Sleep my love. I will stay right here and not allow any more dreams to harm you.”

Riki had already started to drift and when Iason moved slightly to pull the sheets closer around them, Riki’s hand clenched against his bicep. “Stay.”

“Always.” Iason kissed the top of Riki’s head and closed his eyes.

As master and pet drifted off into what they both hoped would be a peaceful, dreamless night, a young furniture tossed and turned in his own bed, unable to get comfortable.

Cal had been sleeping beside his lord and master for weeks, and now he could not settle on his own. He did not begrudge Mr. Riki taking his place, as it was right for them to be together, only now, without Lord Mink’s warmth, he felt a chill invade his body. He pulled the blankets up to his chin, which offered reasonable warmth as the house temperature was more than comfortable. Still, he could not sleep. He turned onto his back, then his stomach, then his side in at attempt to get comfortable.

“Cal! Settle down.”

Cal stilled and glanced through the darkness to the other bed where Katze lay. “Apologies, sir,” he whispered meekly and forced himself to lie still, even as he shivered.

When his teeth started to chatter, Katze sat up and turned on the light. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“I do apologize!” Cal also sat up and wrapped his arms around himself. “I ... I believe I have become too accustomed to being in the master’s bed. I can’t seem to get warm and it is too quiet and...” He shook his head, turned his back on his roommate and tried to settle again, pulling the covers up over his head. “Please just ignore me. I’ll be still now.”

Cal bit back a sigh as the light went off again, waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness then found himself staring at the wall, as the only window was on Katze’s side of the room. The sound of the other bed creaking was followed by his blankets being lifted and the weight of another pressing into his mattress.

“Um ... sir?”

Strong arms slid around him and the blankets returned to their original position. “It’s okay, I get it. Now go to sleep.”

“B ... b ... But what if Lord Mink sees...?”

“He won’t. You’ll be up before him, we probably both will, now go to sleep for the love of God! I’ve been awake since yesterday morning.”

“I ... I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry, just sleep!”

Cal flinched and obediently closed his eyes. Almost against his will, he felt himself relaxing into the warmth of Katze’s arms. He sighed and drifted off a moment later.

Riki awoke slowly, reluctantly, as Cal entered with a breakfast tray. He glanced at the clock, shocked to find he had slept the rest of the night through, undisturbed.

“Good morning, my Lord. Good morning, Mr. Riki.” Cal waited for Iason to sit up and position himself comfortably before setting the large tray across the android’s lap. “If there is anything else you would like for breakfast or to drink, please tell me.”

Riki stared at the two plates of eggs and quartered toast, a bowl of sliced fruit, a cup of coffee and glass of juice for each of them.

“I can eat at the table,” he began as he started to slip out of the bed.

“Cal has already brought it in here, Riki,” Iason countered as he sipped his juice. “It would be rude to waste his efforts.”

Riki looked at Cal who returned his expression, blankly. “Fine, whatever.” He picked up one of the plates and repositioned himself against the headboard. “Thanks, Cal.”

“Yes, thank you, Cal. I believe that will be all for now.”

Cal smiled, nodded, then stepped out and closed the door behind him.

“Use a fork, Riki, you’re not living on the streets now.” Iason handed the younger man a fork when Riki picked up a piece of fruit with his fingers.

“Bite me,” he retorted as he bit into the melon, then accepted the fork.

Iason smiled and started on his own breakfast. Androids didn’t need to eat, but as Jupiter had fashioned them to be as close to humans as possible, he had been given the ability to break down the food and store it for energy. It was not the same waste system as humans, but it worked conveniently enough, and besides he enjoyed the ritual and the taste of food.

“How did you sleep?”

“Okay, I guess. I don’t remember having anymore dreams.” In fact, it was probably the best sleep he’d had since waking up from the dead.

“Nor I. I feel decidedly refreshed.”

“That will change once we start your therapy.”

“We should forgo therapy today. I feel far too content to be bothered by it.”

Riki glanced at him and sliced into a fried egg with his fork. “You have to do it or you won’t get better.”

“One day will not matter.”

“What do you intend to do all day then?”

“I thought we might spend some time at the beach. I can sit out there and enjoy some wine and snacks and watch you and Cal swim.” Iason selected a piece of toast, and dipped his knife into a small crystal jar of jam. “You did promise the boy that you would take him yesterday, but your temper tantrum interceded the afternoon’s activities.”

“It wasn’t a temper tantrum!” Riki hissed, knowing full well that was exactly what it was. “If you had kept your fucking hands to yourself, we...”

Iason suddenly shoved the piece of toast he had been lathering into Riki’s mouth. “Here now, before you say something you’ll regret and ruin a perfectly good morning.”

“Muffhr fuffer!”

“I am not asking permission.”

Riki glared as he was forced to chew and swallow what was already in his mouth.

“Can we not just have one, pleasant day?” Iason sighed, swallowing his annoyance as he bit into another piece of toast and jam. “I can hardly chase you down and molest you, now can I? Katze will be here to see to my needs while you two enjoy some time in the sun. Doesn’t that sound far more inviting that quarreling and snarling at each other as we have been doing?”

Riki couldn’t deny that he had been dying to dive into the water since he’d realized they were near the ocean, but he’d been so preoccupied with other things he hadn’t had a chance. And he had been too pissed off at Iason the other day after the hot tub incident to go with Cal.

“Are you asking or telling?” he demanded, unable to concede to Iason’s whims so easily.

Iason’s fingers tightened on his fork and he reigned in his control. Stubborn, disrespectful, pig-headed ... He would make Riki pay for this nonsense, one day, he would most assuredly make him pay.

In a voice void of any emotion, he said. “Whichever will ensure your agreement.”

Riki slowly chewed and considered. It would be nice to just forget about everything for awhile, and everyone had been working hard to help Iason recover, especially Cal. “Fine, okay. Sure.”

“Good. Now, finish your breakfast.”

“Don’t tell me what to do.”

“Don’t act like a child and I will not treat you as one.”

“I’m not acting like a child!”

Iason wondered if one of Jupiter’s children had ever short circuited from mere frustration? It was possible he was on that very track. Instead of doing what he wanted, which was to push Riki down and educate him in the proper way of respecting his betters, he shoved eggs into his mouth and remained silent.

Later that morning, Iason sat in his chair on the main balcony and watched as Riki’s long strides cut through the blue water with slow, easy strokes. Honestly, there was something both calming and arousing in watching his pet swim.

Cal had worn himself out trying to learn how to dog-paddle, and was taking a breather on the beach. The young boy, who wore swim trunks and a thin T-shirt to cover his pale chest, lay flat on his back on a large towel they had used to cover the sand. Clearly, he was already exhausted from his lessons. Iason had never seen the furniture in such a relaxed, vulnerable state, and marveled at it.

“Hey, Cal! Get back in here!” Riki called, as he stood up, waist high in the water and swept the moisture back from his face. “You can’t learn to swim on the sand.”

Cal rose obediently and plodded slowly back to the water. “I don’t think I’m meant to learn to swim. It is very difficult and seems to serve no real purpose...”

“Everything’s hard when you first try it,” Riki stated as he slid his hands under the boy’s tiny torso. “You have to practice to get better. And the purpose is exercise. It’s really good exercise, now come on.”

Cal started to kick his feet and move his arms as he had seen in the video he watched, but he was so preoccupied with keeping his face out of the water that he was expending more effort than was needed and Riki set him back on his feet.

“You’re not gonna drown if you get your head wet.”

“It is unsanitary!” Cal insisted in a very un-furniture like manner. “There are ... things in there and they do ... other things!”

“Things?” Riki crossed his arms over his gleaming chest, smirked. “You mean fish?”

“Yes. Quite. There are fish in there, of the kind that I have not seen any underwater lavatories. Therefore, I must conclude that they ... well they do their business in the water.”

“Fish piss and shit in the ocean, that’s true, but it’s not like they’re walking up and pissing and shitting on your face. The ecosystem of the water filters most of it out...”

“Do you know that for certain?”

“If it didn’t, the water would be yellow or brown and we’d be swimming in mud, you dope!” Riki laughed at the younger man’s horrified expression as Cal quickly looked down at the water.

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