Sylvia (old version) - Cover

Sylvia (old version)

Copyright© 2023 by Sylvia Elsworth

Chapter 6: Public Humiliation

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 6: Public Humiliation - old version - not very good. read the new version.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Water Sports   Public Sex  

Everything grounded to a sudden halt just when Sylvia thought that things couldn’t possibly get any worse. The events of that day, when the policemen accosted her on the street, surpassed the boundaries of her imagination, transcending the realm of nightmares. However, when Matumbo made her strip naked, and forced her to have multiple climaxes in front of all of her students, Sylvia entered a mental state where comprehending what was occurring to her became nearly impossible. She couldn’t even contemplate what might happen next. Yet, abruptly, everything ceased, returning to a semblance of normalcy.

Amidst the disarray, when her ordeal was finally over, Sylvia found herself stumbling and reaching for two narrow strips of fabric, thrust into the degrading act of putting them on. In that vivid moment, one of the students couldn’t contain their curiosity, questioning the purpose of her effort and suggesting she remained naked as wearing two strips of narrow fabric didn’t make much difference. She pondered that question often herself—why bother with those slender strings crisscrossing her body, one across her nipples and the other along the lower part of her pubic mounds? It was indeed not that different than being totally naked. That inquiry reverberated even more profoundly at that singular moment, as she was acutely conscious of the fact that she had just bent over, exposed her anus, and endured the humiliating climaxes in the presence of all these students. And now, before the very students who had recently witnessed her in her most degrading state, she was attempting to conceal herself with those two strips of fabric. Despite the apparent futility, Sylvia moved instinctively, attempting to maintain the semblance of having something on, anything to shield herself from complete naked exposure.

To her surprise, Sylvia heard Matumbo silencing the student who had posed the mocking question, and then he said those words that seemed to echo from a distance— She could go home and return the next day and she can wear her own clothing. In a daze, Sylvia somehow made her way home, her steps mechanical, her thoughts a chaotic blur. The details of that journey were lost in the fog of shock that enveloped her. The subsequent hours were a hazy tableau, a surreal sequence she struggled to reconcile with reality.

The next day, as Sylvia entered school clad in jeans and a T-shirt, she noticed that everyone treated her as if nothing had happened. It felt like a disorienting dream, a surreal narrative that defied the boundaries of reality. Only the lingering soreness in her anus served as a tangible reminder of the events from the day before. She even retreated to the women’s room, armed with a small mirror, and squatted down to scrutinize her own anus. It presented a disconcerting image—pink, slightly swollen, and incredibly tender, confirming that the previous day’s events were real, not her dream.

The subsequent two weeks unfolded in a semblance of normalcy, and gradually, she started to feel normal again. Yet, the illusion of normalcy shattered that day, leaving a persistent fracture in her sense of self.

On that particular day, after the second period, Matumbo instructed Sylvia and the rest of her classmates to follow him to the school yard. Sylvia felt a sense of unease but refrained from asking questions. Despite the recent semblance of normalcy, she still harbored a deep-seated fear of him for a very good reason. Sylvia was aware that, in a typical teacher and student relationship, it would be unusual for a student to instruct the class and his teacher to gather in the school yard without prior permission. This, however, wasn’t a normal teacher and student relationship, even though there had been some semblance of normalcy in the past two weeks.

The students gathered on the dirt ground of the school yard, their faces reflecting a mix of curiosity and apprehension, eagerly awaiting Matumbo’s words. Standing before them, Matumbo had Sylvia, his teacher, stand beside him. Then, to Sylvia’s shock and horror, Matumbo unveiled an official document—an authoritative decree issued by the Aprico Island Police Department. This document granted Matumbo the legal authority to mete out corporal punishment, an authority bestowed upon him by the police, allowing him to determine the nature of the disciplinary action. The designated recipient of this punitive measure clearly written on the official document was none other than Sylvia Elsworth. The document detailed her alleged transgressions in unequivocal terms—public sodomy and orgasm, constituting the pinnacle of public indecency.

Sylvia’s heart plummeted, and tears welled in her eyes as she pleaded for any conceivable way to evade the impending punishment. Matumbo’s response was a resolute “no.” He warned his panic-stricken teacher that resistance and non-compliance would only compound her charges, leading to a more severe penalty. In a chilling revelation, he recounted the fate of the last person who dared to refuse—a gruesome outcome involving the amputation of all limbs.

Then, Matumbo instructed his trembling and fearful teacher to take off her clothes. “Strip! Everything! Yes, roit there in front of everyone. Y’should learn the meanin’ of shame!”

Sylvia didn’t want to do this again. The last two weeks were so normal, and she enjoyed it so much, she couldn’t believe that it was happening again. Despite Sylvia’s pleas, he warned her that if she didn’t comply willingly, he would have her students take her clothes off for her and report her non-compliance to the police. Faced with the grim consequences, Sylvia reluctantly and meekly told Matumbo that she would take off her clothes herself. She didn’t like the thought of her students forcefully removing her clothes, touching her inappropriately in the process.

Sylvia, softly weeping, took off her clothes, beginning with her sneakers, followed by her socks, t-shirt, jeans, bra, and underpants. She stood there, stark naked, her hands awkwardly attempting to cover her triple-D sized breasts and the hairy crotch. In her profound shyness, especially after two weeks of relative normalcy, Sylvia felt as exposed, as embarrassed, as if it was her first time standing naked in front of her students.

Matumbo brought a square wooden panel, dark brown. In white paint, it read, “Sylvia Elsworth, Guilty of Sodomy, Penalty: Public Punishment & Walk of Shame, Sanctioned by Aprico Island Police.” Matumbo instructed Sylvia to hold the sign above her head. As she gripped either side of the wooden panel, raised it above her head, it robbed her of the ability to cover her nudity with her arms—a futile but symbolic gesture of modesty.

In the unforgiving glare of her school yard, Sylvia stood naked, her hands gripping the sign above her head, facing her students. Matumbo’s command pierced the silence, urging her to commence the walk. Reluctantly, she walked, heading toward the town square. Tears welled in Sylvia’s eyes, her sobs escaping quietly, yet she didn’t raise any protest. She understood there was no way to escape this ordeal.

Strangely, the walk of shame felt marginally less degrading than the series of events that had led her to this point—an irony not lost on Sylvia. However, the truth was that Sylvia was under a misconception, thinking that the walk of shame, walking around town naked, holding the sign, was the extent of her punishment. In her homeland or any other advanced country, the idea of making a woman walk naked would be unimaginable. However, perhaps in such a backward, primitive country like Aprico Island, it was considered part of legal punishment. She vaguely recalled reading about such practices, assuming that this would be the extent of it since it was officially labeled as ‘police sanctioned and legal.’ Unfortunately, she was in for a harsh reality check as she will soon discover.

As Sylvia neared the town square, panic gripped her. The journey, albeit only a few blocks away, offered a somewhat desolate path with only a handful of store owners in sight—a merciful respite from the usual bustling crowds. Walking completely naked beside Matumbo, trailed by her students, Sylvia felt a fleeting sense of relief. However, as the town square loomed ahead, her heart sank. The gathering had swelled to at least 50-60 people—men, women, teenagers, old and young. A large sign declared the public punishment and shaming of a sodomizer, drawing the attention of the assembled townsfolk. Unbeknownst to Sylvia, Gambe and Marimbo had orchestrated the early gathering, ensuring a sizable audience for the impending spectacle.

Matumbo, with a firm hand, guided the reluctant Sylvia to the center of the bustling town square, encircled by curious onlookers. The irony was palpable—Sylvia’s inherent beauty had not gone unnoticed even in her native Australia, where she had been approached on multiple occasions to pursue a career in acting. However, her shy nature recoiled at the thought of being in the spotlight, whether on stage or behind the camera. Despite opportunities in the world of acting, she had chosen a different path as a content housewife, a role she embraced until her young widowhood two years ago. Now, against her will, she found herself standing in the center stage, ‘a naked white woman’, surrounded by the scrutinizing gazes of countless dark-skinned local Aprico Islanders.

In the gritty embrace of Aprico Island’s impoverished neighborhood, the town square emerges as a vivid stage for a poignant tableau. Amidst the relentless hustle and bustle, a striking scene unfolded —a convergence of stark realities and intricate human complexity. Picture a 32-year-old woman, a white foreigner, standing totally naked, holding a sign above her head. Her gaze was lowered in shame, and her physique became a nuanced interplay of curves and sensuality set against the gritty backdrop of the impoverished neighborhood.

As the air became charged with palpable tension, the stark contrast between her physical allure and the psychological torments she endured became pronounced. Her once-alluring triple D breasts, symbols of feminine sexuality, now bore the weight of scrutiny and judgment. They, once objects of desire, now accentuate the vulnerability etched upon her visage, becoming reluctant focal points in a macabre exhibition of her ordeal.

In the raw theater of human suffering, a torrent of tears descends, tracing a narrative of profound anguish across her face. Each droplet, a testament to the depth of her torment, became an ephemeral messenger of the agony coursing through her soul. Her desperate pleas materialize as raw sonic waves, reverberating through the air. A symphony of despair, they seek refuge amidst the cacophony that surrounds her—an orchestra of laughter, jeers, and lewd comments in local African accents, a merciless chorus that emanates from the onlookers who reveled in this white woman’s vulnerability.

In the cruel theater of retribution, Sylvia found herself ensnared in the clutches of punishment, a sentence dictated by a crime not of her choosing but one forced upon her—public indecency, a paradoxical irony that magnifies the indecency of her fate. The punishment meted out was a grotesque reflection of the crime itself, a dark symbiosis where justice became a perverse dance with shame.

Matumbo, Marimbo, Gambe, and Marimbo’s brother, Makeba, formed a menacing circle around Sylvia, each wielding a rubber rod. Surrounded by four local teenagers who dub themselves her ‘bullies,’ she stood in the spotlight of humiliation. Naked as the day she was born, her vulnerability laid bare for the world to witness.

She remained in the position as directed by Matumbo, grappling with the overwhelming waves of shame and embarrassment. Her hands, gripping the shameful sign, stretch above her head, her arms extending as much as she could per the cruel command—a stark physical manifestation of her powerlessness. Onlookers marvel at her breasts, voluptuous triple-D size breasts that appeared even more prominent despite her raised arms. They were large, but they didn’t seem disproportionate to the rest of her body. And their allure was undeniable—perfectly shaped, exuding both softness and firmness, maintaining their beauty and size even as her arms remained raised in submission.

Her legs, spread two shoulder-widths apart, were bent slightly according to Matumbo’s direction. In this exposed posture, her generous white buttocks elicit an accelerated heartbeat from the observing men. Their voluptuousness, though ample, retains a remarkable firmness—a perfect semblance of two peaches that beckon the touch of eager admirers. Then, her crotch, unshaven pubic mounds, exhibited a unique characteristic—wider than the average, endowed with a plumpness that mirrored the curvature of her buttocks. Just like her buttocks, they possessed a firmness that did not wane. Matumbo, with a sadistic remark, later asserted that Sylvia’s vulva mounds were seemingly tailor-made for spanking, resembling miniature baby buttocks, albeit adorned with the covering of her dark pubic hairs.

The stage was set for an unsolicited performance, a macabre spectacle where the boundaries of decency were blurred, and the distinction between crime and punishment became a muddled narrative. In the cruel choreography of her punishment, her teenage bullies reveled in the spectacle, their gaze casting a shadow that lingers, etching shame upon the canvas of her being.

In the twisted ballet of torment, the four tormentors orchestrated a sequence of hits with rubber rods they were holding, a rhythmic cadence that married brutality with randomness. The naked woman, a canvas for their aggression, stood at the mercy of their unpredictable whims. The assault unfolded with a macabre precision, each bully wielding a rod as if it were a sinister conductor’s baton.

To her right stood Makeba, delivered a merciless strike across the expanse of her ample triple-D breasts. The impact, a symphony of pain resonating through her flesh, left its cruel mark on the landscape of her white breasts. The contours of vulnerability, once hidden in the folds of her physicality, now exposed to the merciless whims of the first assailant.

On her left, the second tormentor, Marimbo, directed his aggression toward her voluptuous buttocks. The rubber rod, an extension of his malice, met its target with a force that reverberated through the sinews of her being. The plump but firm buttocks bore the weight of the assault, the very essence of her femininity becoming a casualty in this cruel skirmish.

The third bully, Gambe, positioned in front, adopted an underhand style, swinging the rod with a sinister intent. The target shifted to her plump pubic mounds, the impact, a visceral punctuation in the crescendo of her suffering. The vulnerability of her exposed form became a testament to the twisted dance of aggression, a choreography that desecrates the sanctity of her physical self.

Behind her, the final tormentor, Matumbo, mirrored the assault from a different angle. His rod met her plump pubic mounds from behind, completing the circle of torment.

In the sadistic ballet of violence, their blows rained down without a discernible order, an erratic symphony dictated by Sylvia’s involuntary reactions to pain. The tormentors, like predatory dance choreographers, responded to the involuntary movements of her suffering, their swings choreographing an unsettling dance by the poor white woman as their sole dancer, with the raw nerve endings of her agony.

As pain coursed through her ample breasts, Sylvia’s body instinctively twisted at the waist, a visceral response that became a cue for the next assault. The unpredictability of the attacks mirrored the chaotic rhythm of her physical distress, creating an unsettling aura of helplessness. Each blow left its mark, not just on her flesh but on the very fabric of her psyche.

When the rod met the terrains of her voluptuous buttocks, she pushes her hips forward—an unintended act of presenting her crotch for the impending strike, as if a masochistic offering. The tormentor in front, attuned to this macabre dance, seized the opportunity, delivered a merciless hit to her plump pubic mounds. The synchrony of agony and response unfolded in a grotesque ballet, a cruel pas de deux between tormentor and tormented.

The residual pain from each strike that caused her to dance intertwines with the anticipation of the next, creating a perverse feedback loop. Sylvia, caught in this vortex of suffering, involuntarily pulled back her hips, thrusting her buttocks backward, a defensive reflex born from the innate instinct to shield the vulnerable territories from further assault.

Before the echoes of the previous pain can subside, another strike found its mark from behind, this time to the tender vulva mounds. The cumulative effect was a cascade of torment, each blow stacking upon the other in a relentless assault on body and spirit. Sylvia, trapped in this nightmarish dance, even jumped upward from the forceful blows to her vulva or even perineum, one of the most sensitive areas of the human body.

In the midst of tears, sobs, and desperate pleas, the once-beautiful white woman, her voluptuous body a tragic tableau, stood in a cruel pantomime of submission. In the dance of her suffering, she battles the instinct to drop the sign and lower her arms, a struggle against the impulse to shield herself from the punishing onslaught. It was not born from courage or an unyielding spirit to endure the pain; rather, it was a manifestation of sheer terror. A chilling awareness guided every nuance of her actions or lack thereof. The degrading position she held was a result of the lessons learned in her prior ordeals, where any display of defiance or the slightest deviation from absolute obedience to her tormentors — local African teens in ragged, soiled clothes, whom she initially sought to help and felt compassion for — undoubtedly promised a more severe punishment.

As the rod hit her plump pubic mounds, her legs involuntarily narrowed, from the searing pain or an instinctive reaction to escape it. Yet, in a swift and fearful correction, she widened her legs again, two shoulder lengths apart, biting her lips to endure the lingering sharp pain, adhering to the macabre commands issued by her teenage bullies. The involuntary narrowing and quick correction became a silent testament to the intricate dance of agony and obedience she was forced to perform.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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