Sylvia (old version) - Cover

Sylvia (old version)

Copyright© 2023 by Sylvia Elsworth

Chapter 5B: Sylvia’s Painful Anal Lessons

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 5B: Sylvia’s Painful Anal Lessons - old version - not very good. read the new version.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Water Sports   Public Sex  

Sylvia hesitantly stepped into the classroom, her every movement weighed down by the vivid memories of the this morning’s events that had unfolded just outside the school gates – the humiliating sodomization at the hands of the police. As she entered, the air in the room seemed to thicken with an unspoken tension, and Sylvia couldn’t help but feel the eyes of the students upon her. The weight of their collective gaze bore into her, a silent witness to her recent degradation. Each step she took felt like a journey through the remnants of her own vulnerability, and the shadows of shame lingered in the corners of the room, casting a somber atmosphere over the once-familiar space.

The students continued their animated chatter, their voices creating a persistent hum that filled the classroom. Even upon Sylvia’s entrance, the buzz of conversation did not cease. Those who had witnessed the harrowing incident outside couldn’t resist relaying the sordid details of their teacher’s humiliating experience to the others. Each word carried a vivid and lewd description of Sylvia’s ordeal, from the shocking climax to the explicit account of her squirting. The graphic storytelling painted a picture so embarrassing that Sylvia felt a deep desire to escape the confines of the classroom.

Matumbo orchestrated an unconventional scene within the confines of the class, directing Sylvia to stand beside him at the front, both facing the assembly of students. In this peculiar reversal of roles, Sylvia found herself standing humbly beside Matumbo.

Matumbo, adopting the role of both narrator and accuser, proceeded to lay out the events that transpired in excruciating detail before his fellow students. In a tone that oscillated between disappointment and disapproval, he painted a vivid picture of Sylvia’s alleged transgressions. According to Matumbo’s narrative, their teacher had not only subjected herself to public humiliation but had actively participated in her own disgrace.

He emphasized how Sylvia, instead of handling the situation with dignity, had chosen to exacerbate matters by engaging in a self-inflicted sodomization with the policeman’s baton. The incident, as described by Matumbo, unfolded in in front of the school yard, with Sylvia indulging in climax and squirting, behaviors that were deemed not only inappropriate but also in violation of the law against sodomy.

Matumbo expressed frustration at the missed opportunity to resolve the situation amicably, claiming that he was on the verge of employing his legal prowess to safeguard their teacher’s reputation. However, Sylvia’s actions had allegedly derailed any chance of a favorable outcome, leaving Matumbo to present her case in a less-than-flattering light before their student peers.

Matumbo skillfully manipulated the narrative, weaving a tale that seemed to suggest Sylvia’s active participation in her own degradation. The atmosphere was charged with tension, and Sylvia felt the urge to interject, to proclaim that she had been coerced into such actions. However, a paralyzing sense of shame and fear prevented her from defending herself. She stood in silence, her head bowed, as Matumbo continued his narration.

With an air of certainty, Matumbo preemptively addressed Sylvia’s unspoken thoughts. He dismissed any notion that Sylvia had been coerced, asserting that he knew she acted of her own volition. To bolster his argument, he pointed to Sylvia’s supposed self-indulgent orgasm, climax, and squirting, contending that these acts were carried out willingly, without anyone laying a hand on her ‘pussy’ as he chose to use vulgar terms to accentuate her pubic area. The students absorbed Matumbo’s words, and Sylvia, overwhelmed by humiliation, found herself trapped in the web of accusations, unable to voice her protestations.

Confronted with the accusation of having a climax and that she squirted on her own, Sylvia found herself at a loss for excuses. The truth was undeniable, her own body had become a betrayer against her mind, her soul. Any attempt to justify or explain her actions seemed feeble and implausible. The weight of reality pressed heavily on Sylvia as she grappled with the absurdity of attempting to offer excuses for the involuntary expressions of pleasure her body had revealed.

Matumbo, addressing his fellow classmates, asserted that their teacher, Sylvia, deserved punishment for her actions. The weight of those words bore down on Sylvia, causing her heart to sink into a pit of dread. Each word uttered by Matumbo reverberated through her, intensifying the pounding in her chest as she grappled with the impending consequences of her transgressions. The atmosphere in the room became charged with a palpable sense of impending judgment, and Sylvia felt the weight of anxiety settle in the pit of her stomach.

Upon Matumbo’s command, Sylvia hesitated before reluctantly beginning to take off her clothes. The two narrow strips of fabric now clung to her trembling fingers. Stripped of their symbolic significance, they seemed to mock her vulnerability. Sylvia, caught in the disconcerting shift from ‘wearing’ something to being totally naked, found herself grappling with the inexplicable importance of these mere fabric remnants.

As the fabric fell away, revealing the raw reality beneath, Sylvia couldn’t comprehend why these seemingly insignificant strips were so crucial to her sense of modesty. The symbolic gesture of covering, a thin barrier between exposure and concealment, became a poignant reminder of her shattered dignity. The class, once a place of authority, now stood witness to Sylvia’s nude body, leaving her exposed and vulnerable in front of her students. Her arms instinctively moved in a futile attempt to shield her modesty—one arm draped across her ample breasts, the other across her hairy crotch. Cheeks reddened, head hung low, Sylvia grappled with the overwhelming shame that now enveloped her in her own classroom.

Next, Matumbo, adopting an air of authority, instructed the two students seated at the front row in the middle, directly facing him, to vacate their desks, emphasizing the necessity of using their spaces for Sylvia’s impending punishment. The rows of desks were in such a way that the aisle ran between them. A shiver of fear ran down Sylvia’s spine as the gravity of the situation settled in.

Under Matumbo’s directive, Sylvia reluctantly ascended the two desks flanking the aisle. The creaking of the wooden desks echoed through the classroom as she shifted from one to the other, positioning herself to face the front of the classroom with the row of students behind her. The elevated vantage point of the desks intensified her awareness of her nudity, and a rosy hue painted her cheeks as a visible testament to her embarrassment. The silence in the room hung heavy, broken only by the subtle sounds of shifting desks and hushed whispers among the students, all eyes fixated on Sylvia in her elevated, vulnerable state.

Frozen in place, with her legs positioned on the desks at either side of the aisle, Sylvia’s body tensed with anxiety, anticipating the impending ordeal. Matumbo, orchestrating the scene with a chilling sense of authority, brought forth teachers table placing it in front of her and instructed her to bend over it. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on Sylvia, and tears welled up in her eyes as the cruel reality set in – she could only interpret this command in one devastating way. The hushed whispers among the students behind her only added to the discomfort, their collective gaze fixated on the unfolding drama in the classroom. Sylvia’s vulnerability and fear became palpable, creating an atmosphere of tension and unease that permeated their classroom.

Sylvia obediently bowed over the teacher’s table, her hands resting on its surface, the elevated height accentuating the exposure of her plump and hairy vulva mounds nestled between her two ample buttocks. The heightened awareness of her vulnerability lingered in the air, and the students behind her exchanged hushed whispers that only fueled her discomfort. Her legs trembled, a testament to the emotional turmoil coursing through her. The anticipation of the next instruction weighed heavily on her bent form.

Matumbo’s voice pierced through the uneasy silence, disrupting the waiting game. “No, not like that,” he declared. “Put your head on the table.” Sylvia’s heart sank further as she comprehended the implications of this new directive. Weeping intensified, adding a layer of sorrow to the already palpable tension in the room. She had to bend even deeper, placing her forehead on the cold table surface, a position that exposed her even more to the scrutinizing eyes of the students behind her. The classroom seemed to hold its breath, suspended in the discomfort of Sylvia’s anguish and the profound humiliation she endured.

Sylvia, known for her flexibility cultivated through numerous yoga practices, effortlessly assumed the prescribed position, bending over the teacher’s table with an ease reminiscent of her yoga sessions. However, this particular instance was far from the serene solitude of her yoga practice; it was an exposure of vulnerability in front of a scrutinizing audience. As she descended into the awkward posture, she couldn’t help but be acutely aware of the intimate details now on display. With no choice but to peer at her students with her head upside-down, looking at them between her separated legs, Sylvia felt a surge of embarrassment, prompting her to tightly close her eyes. However, Matumbo, reveling in his cruelty, commanded her to open her eyes and gaze upon her students.

Her pliable form arched gracefully, but the discomfort emanating from her conscious exposure intensified. Her vulva was prominently on display, and she couldn’t escape the realization that her anus was also visible, the fabric of her buttocks separating slightly under the scrutiny of the students behind her.

Matumbo continued with his degrading instructions. He ordered Sylvia to bend her knees. While most women would have struggled to remain in such a deep forward bend, and some might not have been able to do it at all, Sylvia was more than capable. She could perform deep forward bends with her legs straight—a perfect yoga position—and sustain it for an extended period without strain. Therefore, she didn’t need relief from the posture. However, Matumbo’s order wasn’t meant to alleviate her from a strenuous position. Bending her knees caused her buttocks to spread more, thrusting her hips more prominently toward the students, and exposing her anus and vulva even more prominently than before, with her legs straight.

Then, he ordered Sylvia to reach back and grasp her buttocks with her hands, instructing her to separate them. Sylvia, overcome with shame and humiliation, felt her face flush as she hesitantly complied with the orders. The air in the class filled with the students’ perverted pleasure as Matumbo insisted, demanding more separation until the sphincter of her anus was visibly stretched. The earlier attack from the police baton had left the entrance of her anus slightly gaped, adding another layer of vulnerability to Sylvia’s already exposed state.

Matumbo, reveling in the cruel spectacle, turned to his fellow classmates and gleefully exclaimed, in his heavy African accent, “Check dis out, peep her anus, ain’t dat da most shame-filled and nasty thing you ever seen? Oh, I almost forgot to mention, did I tell ya dat da baton had her own shit all ova it when she pulled it out? And did I share da shame-filled detail dat she licked and cleaned the shit off da baton with her own tongue?”

A disgusted murmur swept through the class. One student couldn’t help but express his revulsion,” Eeeh, yuck, dat be nasty!,” while another remarked directly to their humiliated teacher,” Mrs. Sylvia, you really no get any shame, abi?”

Sylvia, desperate to defend herself but paralyzed by fear and weakness, remained in her humiliating position. Her forehead pressed against the table, knees bent as ordered, and her two hands shamefully spreading her own buttocks, exposing her anus to all the students in her class. The air was thick with a mixture of shock, disdain, and pity for their teacher, subjected to such degradation by her own student.

Matumbo’s ensuing actions unfolded in a manner that caught not only the unsuspecting students off guard but also surprised his co-conspirators among the bullies, who had collaborated on numerous schemes. The orchestrated plans that they had carefully devised seemed to pale in comparison to the bizarre and unsettling nature of Matumbo’s next move. For Sylvia, whose innocence and purity had been repeatedly violated, each twist in this nightmarish saga further defied any sense of predictability.

Matumbo, with a devious glint in his eye, retrieved a slingshot from his school bag. However, this was no ordinary slingshot, the kind associated with playful recreation. Instead, it was a tool crafted for hunting small birds, designed and fashioned by local men. As it emerged from the bag, its imposing size and a thicker rubber band set it apart from the familiar childhood toy version.

The robust rubber band, notably heftier than that of standard slingshots, featured a round rubber piece at its center, strategically positioned for gripping the impending projectile. The menacing aura surrounding this hunting-grade slingshot intensified the unsettling atmosphere within the class. The students, along with Sylvia, couldn’t help but be captivated by the ominous presence of this formidable device, their apprehension growing as they anticipated the use of such an intimidating instrument.

With a malevolent glimmer in his eyes, Matumbo clutched the slingshot with his left hand, positioning the wooden ‘Y’ section of the device directly against the contours of Sylvia’s plump buttock mounds. Her delicate anus found itself nestled right between the tips of the ‘Y.’ Applying pressure, he pushed the slingshot firmly against her buttock mounds, leaving a small dent on her otherwise pure white skin. The once unblemished canvas of Sylvia’s body now bore the mark of this intrusive act, as the slingshot served as both an instrument of physical discomfort and a symbolic extension of Matumbo’s menacing intent.

In the vulnerable stance, with her hands firmly holding and spreading her two buttocks, exposing her anus, the grotesque tableau accentuated the gaping contours of Sylvia’s intimate anatomy. While such a display might evoke a sense of grotesqueness for an average woman, Sylvia’s skin, even in the delicate area surrounding her anus, maintained its pure white complexion, seamlessly blending with the pristine hues of the rest of her body, devoid of any blemishes. The stark contrast between the inherently innocent nature of her physicality and the degrading position she found herself in added an unsettling layer to the already distressing scenario.

The contours of Sylvia’s sphincter engaged in a subtle dance, resisting the stretch imposed by the spreading of her buttock. The responsive rhythm of her muscles created a cyclic motion of squeeze and release, forming an alluring spectacle that captivated Matumbo’s attention. The involuntary interplay of her anatomy, caught in the act of resisting and yielding, presented an inviting allure that, to Matumbo, seemed both tantalizing and captivating.

Shaking himself out of his momentary reverie, Matumbo firmly seized the leather midpoint of the thick rubber band, exerting his strength to pull it back to its utmost limit. The slingshot, now taut and poised for action, lacked only one crucial element—a rubber ball. With a devilish glint in his eyes, Matumbo smiled at the thought that a rubber ball wasn’t necessary; the leather portion of the slingshot would serve his purpose perfectly.

In her vulnerable bent-over stance, her head pressed against the teacher’s table, Sylvia’s view between her legs exposed the ominous sight of Matumbo’s actions. She gasped and held her breath, her trembling legs betraying the fear of the impending ordeal. Tears flowed more freely, a manifestation of sheer terror. A meek protest escaped her sobbing lips, pleading desperately, “Please, please, no, no...”

Matumbo issued a stern reminder to Sylvia, his tone laced with menacing authority. “ No move, Mrs. Sylvia. Hold onto your buttocks and press your head against the table. If not, we go start again. You understand, Mrs. Sylvia?” The weight of his words hung heavily in the air, intensifying the already palpable tension in the class.

“Y ... yes, master,” Sylvia whimpered, her voice laced with tears, the word ‘master’ escaping her lips as a desperate attempt to be as submissive as possible. Her instinctive reaction, born from the essence of an obedient coward, aimed to somehow garner favor from Matumbo. She possessed no spirit of resistance, only the haunting echoes of submission.

Matumbo then instructed her to count each time and express gratitude for the punishment inflicted upon her “perverted asshole”. Matumbo declared, “It will be ten this time.” Sylvia, somewhat taken aback, noted the reduced count compared to her previous punishments. However, at that moment, she failed to comprehend the impending intensity of each strike and the profound pain it was about to inflict.

The mere thought of complying with such a degrading task filled her with humiliation, yet she softly and obediently responded, “Y ... yes, m ... master...” The words lingered in the air, each utterance marking another notch in the relentless tally of her degradation.

As soon as the word “master” left her trembling lips, Matumbo swiftly released the leather. The slingshot produced a sharp swiiish, followed by a resounding swaaat as the leather snapped against Sylvia’s exposed and spread anus. The impact reverberated through the silent room.

AEEEEEEEEEEEE UUUUUUUUU AAAAAA UUUUUU—a harrowing scream tore through the classroom, shattering the eerie silence that had enveloped the space. The rawness of her scream sharply contrasted with the weak and timid tones that typically emanated from Sylvia’s mouth, vividly expressing the profound agony she experienced. Each echoing cry seemed to resonate with the lingering remnants of her dignity, further exposing the depths of her pain.

Sylvia’s senses were engulfed in searing pain as the intense burning sensation radiated from her anus, spreading its fiery tendrils around the vulnerable area. The agony she felt was akin to the scorching heat of a direct flame from a cigarette lighter on her anus, surpassing any discomfort she had endured from previous whippings. The pain, with its sharp and relentless intensity, surpassed all expectations, leaving Sylvia in an excruciating state of torment.

Amidst the excruciating pain that gripped Sylvia’s anus, she remained unwaveringly obedient to Matumbo’s commands. Her forehead stayed pressed against the table, and her hands clung desperately to her buttocks, showcasing her unyielding submission even in the face of the searing torment.

In a desperate attempt to alleviate the searing pain in her anus while adhering to stringent orders not to move, Sylvia’s instinctive actions took over. Her hands, gripping her buttocks, pushed them together, compressing her anus between the plump buttocks. Simultaneously, she bent her knees, lowering her hips, and consequently, the buttock that had been thrust upward. It dipped toward the students at face level as they sat in their chairs. Then, in a rhythmic pattern of agony, she raised it back up, then down, then up again, and down once more, the rapid succession mirroring the relentless torment she endured.

The classroom was filled with boisterous laughter from the students, witnessing the spectacle of their esteemed teacher, a grownup white woman of beauty, performing a degrading dance. Her hips oscillated in a distressing rhythm, moving up and down, all the while, she squeezed her buttocks together, pushing each side of her plump buttocks toward each other with her palms. Sylvia had no intention of engaging in such lewd and absurd movements, but the searing pain forced her into this involuntary and humiliating display. The raucous laughter echoed throughout the room, emphasizing the cruel irony of the situation.

After the initial shock and searing pain in her anus subsided slightly, leaving a lingering ache, Sylvia remembered her duty. “T ... thank you, master, for disciplining my pervert asshole,” she mumbled through the residual pain. The stifled giggles of her students reached her ears, intensifying her blush of shame and humiliation.

Matumbo contemplated punishing Sylvia for not maintaining the spread of her buttocks, but as he observed her reaction—this involuntary hip dance with her buttocks squeezed together—he found it oddly amusing. He decided to let it be, enjoying the unintended degrading spectacle performed by his beautiful white teacher.

Just as Matumbo was on the brink of reminding her to resume her position and spread her buttocks, Sylvia preemptively resumed the posture, obediently using her hands to spread her buttocks once more. Her audible sobs lingered in the air, emphasizing the emotional toll this degrading experience was taking on her.

Matumbo, observing the aftermath of the slingshot punishment, noted the change in the color of Sylvia’s once-white anus, now tinged with a noticeable pink hue from the impact of the leather. He commanded Sylvia to spread her buttocks even wider, exposing the entirety of her pink anus to the gaze of all her students. Despite her overwhelming sense of shame, Sylvia, tears streaming down her face, reluctantly obeyed his degrading order.

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