Sylvia (old version) - Cover

Sylvia (old version)

Copyright© 2023 by Sylvia Elsworth

Chapter 13A – The Playground Incident - Part 1

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 13A – The Playground Incident - Part 1 - old version - not very good. read the new version.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Water Sports   Public Sex  

After enduring the harrowing court ordeal, Sylvia’s existence struggled to rediscover a semblance of normalcy—an elusive term that seemed alien in the life of this vulnerable white woman on the sun-kissed shores of Aprico Island. Her reality entwined with the ceaseless torment inflicted upon her by the island’s inhabitants, where she existed in a state of perpetual bullying without any avenue for reprieve. Yet, within this twisted definition of “normal,” there was a flicker of relief. The torment, though relentless, had shed its excruciating physicality, the echoes of the courtroom pain fading into the background of Sylvia’s daily tribulations.

In her daily routine, Sylvia’s experiences underwent a subtle shift. As she attended school, the bullies no longer compelled her to don their assigned clothing, a precaution born out of their fear of repercussions from the local police, who deemed the provocative two strips of fabric they had once forced upon her as obscene. Despite the potential consequences falling on Sylvia, Matumbo weighed the risks and decided against taking chances, especially during the initial four months of her probation period, as stipulated by the final court ruling.

Moreover, within the school premises, the principal issued a warning to Matumbo and the bullies, urging them to exercise restraint. The principal’s concern was not for Sylvia’s well-being; he worried about the academic performance of the Aprico Island Reform School. The institution relied on government funding, and maintaining acceptable test scores was imperative to secure the necessary financial support.

Given these warnings and limitations, the bullies, while occasionally slipping into misconduct, exhibited restraint within the school premises. Consequently, apart from sporadic incidents of teacher harassment, Sylvia found a measure of relative normalcy in her school life. This brought her a significant sense of relief.

After school hours, Sylvia found herself working at the grocery store. The principal initiated the arrangement, approaching Sylvia with a request to lend a hand at his sister’s establishment. This grocery store, situated right outside the school yard, served as a haunting reminder of the humiliating incident Sylvia had endured—being sodomized in public, an event that led to the subsequent court punishment. To her dismay, she discovered that the store owner, who unwittingly handed over the cucumber used in her humiliation, was the principal’s sister.

Despite Sylvia’s initial reluctance, financial constraints became a compelling factor, prompting her to agree to the job. The persistent demands from the bullies, making her foot the bill for their desired items such as snacks, cigarettes, and drinks, had left her trailing behind on rent payments. The pressing need for money outweighed her reservations, leading her to accept the employment despite the uncomfortable connection to her past trauma.

The grocery store became Sylvia’s workplace from 2 pm to 5 pm, following the conclusion of school. The store owner, despite the unfortunate connection to Sylvia’s past trauma, proved to be a generally kind person. Sylvia’s tasks ranged from shelving products to moving boxes and engaging in cleaning duties. The store, a backdrop to her harrowing experience, now served as the setting for her daily labor.

Following that, she’d fill two substantial jugs with water from the fountain in the schoolyard and embark on a journey to Marimba’s house, a 20-minute walk away. Complying with the court order, she dedicated three hours each weekday to assisting with household chores. Her responsibilities began with delivering the water supply since Marimba’s family, facing financial hardships with two disabled parents, didn’t even have access to running water.

Initially, Sylvia approached the prospect of working at Marimba’s house with a sense of dread, aware that Marimba and his two brothers, along with his corpulent father, would be present. However, to her relief, she discovered that their wheelchair-bound, yet fully capable, mother had no intention but to make Sylvia work from the moment she stepped into their home. The routine commenced promptly with the preparation of their dinner.

In sharp contrast to the ease of the Western world, exemplified by places like Australia, where everything is conveniently available at the supermarket, Sylvia found herself immersed in a myriad of tasks—cleaning, peeling, and various food preparations. Marimba’s mother, comfortably seated in her wheelchair, assumed the role of a commanding director, issuing orders to Sylvia with unwavering authority. Simultaneously, she directed Sylvia to tidy up the kitchen, manage household chores, and confront their laundry, a task made challenging by the use of undrinkable, dirty water. This situation compelled Sylvia to fetch two jugs of clean water to fulfill their essential needs.

By the time dinner was ready, a span of two hours had elapsed. Sylvia then served the family, navigating the delicate dance of avoiding Marimba’s father’s inappropriate touches when his wife’s attention was momentarily diverted. During dinner, Marimba’s father, seizing moments when his wife wasn’t looking, indulged in brief but unwelcome advances—pinching Sylvia’s buttocks or groping her ample breasts. Despite the brevity of these encounters, his actions lingered in the uncomfortable atmosphere.

Basking in the newfound luxury of acquiring a new servant, Marimba’s mother delighted in the fulfillment of a dream that had eluded her throughout her impoverished upbringing and marriage to a man of modest means. The idea of having a house servant, especially one hailing from Australia and of Caucasian descent, was a fantasy beyond the reach of even the affluent residents of Aprico Island. Her neighbors looked upon her with envy. Her joy was palpable as she meticulously supervised every aspect of Sylvia’s work, and her active involvement left minimal room for Marimba, his father, or his twin brothers to participate in anything beyond domestic tasks. Following the evening meal, Sylvia’s responsibilities extended to cleaning up until 8 pm, adhering to the court-mandated departure time.

Sylvia, always adorned with kindness, exhibited a remarkable resilience that defied the torment inflicted upon her. Despite enduring Marimba’s assault, leading to a public torture in court orchestrated by his false accusations, and subsequently being coerced into serving as their servant for six months, Sylvia, like an unwavering angel, extended empathy even to those who had wronged her. The family she worked for consisted of a disabled mother, a similarly afflicted father, and three teenage sons, struggling in the clutches of poverty.

Instead of harboring resentment or eagerly anticipating the days until her liberation—an understandable response for the majority—Sylvia’s compassionate nature radiated brightly. Observing the struggles faced by the family, she experienced an intense wave of empathy, particularly for the disabled mother. Contributing positively to their lives became a source of solace for Sylvia, even as she mustered the last remnants of her energy after a taxing day of teaching and working at the grocery store. In a mere week, she made a firm decision to continue her assistance beyond the mandated six-month reprimand.

This decision stood as a testament to Sylvia’s extraordinary kindness, a virtue that went beyond mere expectation or obligation. It unveiled a compassionate soul willing to see beyond the adversities inflicted upon her. Sylvia, driven by an enduring reservoir of goodness, possessed a quality that set her apart, leaving an indelible mark on those she encountered.

Her journey into humanitarian aid was an outgrowth of this benevolence, a manifestation of her innate desire to assist the less fortunate. However, Sylvia’s kindness, though commendable, carried a complexity that posed challenges. Her unwavering compassion, coupled with an inclination to understand and sympathize with even those who inflicted harm upon her, became a potential obstacle. In her pursuit of comprehending the actions of those who perpetrated evil, she often placed blame upon herself for their aggression.

This unique form of kindness, while commendable, became a double-edged sword for Sylvia. It posed a hindrance to her escape from the ordeal she faced. Instead of staunchly confronting the harsh reality, she endeavored to empathize with those who harmed her, leading to a subconscious tendency to blame herself. This form of kindness, however well-intentioned, became a precarious trait that potentially hindered her pursuit of freedom. In the world teeming with evil, Sylvia’s inherent goodness seemed misplaced, echoing the sentiment that a true angel belongs in heaven rather than navigating the complexities of a world fraught with malevolence.

She wearily made her way back to the cabin after 8 pm. The silver lining was that, on these nights, the bullies chose to spare her from their torment, offering a brief respite. Their abstention, however, wasn’t an act of kindness; it was simply a consequence of their involvement in the local gang’s nocturnal activities. As the clock struck 8 pm, a pickup truck would roll in, whisking the gang members away to downtown. There, they delved into a host of illicit pursuits—collecting, fighting, stealing, robbing, and managing prostitutes. The bullies, in their role as junior members, assisted in these endeavors, reflecting the impulsive recklessness of their teenage years.

Recent events had intensified their involvement; numerous regular gang members had been incarcerated after a drunken altercation with rival groups. Matumbo, Marimba, and Gambe found themselves obligated to participate almost every single night. The consequence of these nocturnal escapades was evident in their daytime demeanor. They no longer pushed Sylvia as relentlessly during the day at school; exhaustion wore on them, having returned home at dawn each morning.

For Sylvia, this unintended reprieve became a cherished respite. Nights devoid of their torment allowed her a brief interlude of recovery after enduring the relentless hardships of her long days. The absence of their nightly intrusion became a silver lining amid the storm of her daily struggles.

The weekend unfolded as yet another blessing, perfectly aligning with the fishing season. Matumbo’s father, the owner of multiple fishing ships, enlisted the help of Matumbo, Marimba, Gambe, and their brothers each weekend. This arrangement allowed the regular fishermen employed by him to take a break on weekends and resume work on Mondays. Consequently, they were whisked away from Saturday early morning until their return on Sunday night.

In essence, Sylvia perceived a semblance of ‘normal’ when her life briefly hinted at a more tolerable existence. It wasn’t a return to her former life in Australia, the familiar reality she had known just a few months ago. The tormentors, those haunting figures responsible for the constant threat of bullying, had not disappeared, ushering in an era free from their menacing actions. The reality of her life as a helpless white woman stranded on Aprico Island couldn’t be labeled as normal, yet it had somehow become somewhat bearable. This newfound tolerability manifested as a semblance of normalcy for Sylvia. However, this fleeting sense of normalcy was abruptly shattered by the unfolding events that followed.

On that particular day, following her shift at the grocery store, Sylvia lifted two cumbersome water jugs and briskly made her way toward Marimba’s house. In the vicinity of his residence, a stark playground stood as a poignant reflection of poverty—a desolate space adorned with dilapidated swings, rusty seesaws, and a worn-out chin-up bar. As she traversed this poignant setting, four boys materialized on the scene. Omari, the boy who had bestowed upon her the nickname “Auntie Snow,” led the group, accompanied by his familiar comrades. A sense of embarrassment washed over Sylvia.

The haunting memory of their previous encounter lingered in her mind—a vivid image of her vulnerable form, naked and on all fours, positioned on a picnic table in the shared backyard. On that fateful day, under the sinister orchestration of Matumbo, a degrading massage session unfolded. The torment extended beyond the physical, as they targeted the most intimate areas of her body—her vulva, her buttocks still swollen from Matumbo’s earlier whipping, and her anus. With Matumbo’s ominous permission, Omari, in particular, seized the opportunity to masquerade his actions as a “massage,” cruelly inserting and pumping his finger in and out of her violated anus. This invasive violation reached a climax, inducing an involuntary squirting orgasm, further deepening Sylvia’s overwhelming sense of shame. Instinctively, she lowered her head and hastened her steps, desperately yearning to escape the unfolding scene.

“Hi, Auntie Snow.”

Omari’s voice cut through the air, and Sylvia could no longer ignore his presence.

“H-Ha ... Hi, Omari.”

Sylvia tried her best to maintain a nonchalant demeanor, forcing a smile. Before she knew it, she found herself encircled by the four boys. Omari’s tone dripped with cynicism as he remarked, “You never thanked us for giving you a massage last time.”

Sylvia remained silent, unsure of how to respond. After all, what they had subjected her to wasn’t a massage but a violation. Omari, undeterred, continued with his sinister inquiries.

“And Auntie Snow, I heard that you had another public whipping. So, why didn’t you invite me?”

It was a question Sylvia had no answer to. Omari pressed on, each word heightening her sense of dread.

“So, you had two naked whipping shows, and we missed both of them.”

As the realization of where this conversation was headed settled in, Sylvia could feel her heart pounding. Despite the mounting fear, she clung to a sliver of hope that this was just a boyish prank, nothing more. Determined not to show her fear, she attempted to sound strong, her timid and nervous voice attempting to project a facade of strength.

“I ... I’m sorry, Omari. It’s not a show, and I ... It’s not something I could invite people to. I ... I ... A ... anyhow, you boys are too young for that.”

“Young? What do you mean, too young? I’m only one year younger than Matumbo!”

Sylvia couldn’t believe it. That meant Omari was 18. He looked much younger than that. The people of Aprico Island, isolated in their ethnicity for centuries, were generally smaller and appeared younger than mainland Africans. Despite this, she wasn’t entirely convinced if she should believe Omari’s claim.

“Anyhow, I feel you owe us for our massaging. So, here’s my suggestion for your payment for massaging. We’ll do the whipping show right there.”

He pointed to the empty playground. Sylvia couldn’t believe her ears.

“No, Omari, no, please ... p ... please ... I’ll pay you later, okay? I don’t have money on me right now, but I’ll be paid this Friday. I’ll pay for the massage, okay?”

“No, you pay now, or...”

With that, Omari brandished a large pocketknife. Another boy, whose name Sylvia never knew, also took out a large knife. Sylvia was now trembling in fear. They were small, but there were four of them. Even if it was just Omari, there was no such option in Sylvia’s nature as to fight back. Her mind was already leaning toward submission.

As the sun gracefully descended, painting the sky with a breathtaking tapestry of red and yellow hues, the atmosphere weighed heavily with an ominous sense of foreboding. The tranquil beauty of the horizon stood in stark contrast to the impending darkness that loomed over the scene. In this eerie twilight, the boys, shadows cast long by the dying light, gathered around Sylvia, their intentions veiled in menace.

Led by the small figure of Omari, they beckoned Sylvia to follow the boys into the secluded playground, a desolate arena where the fading sunlight cast elongated shadows across rusty swings and weathered seesaws. The very air seemed to vibrate with an unsettling tension.

A palpable unease settled within Sylvia, her every step a hesitant dance between compliance and resistance. Her body, bathed in the twilight’s subtle glow, betrayed the vulnerability that had become an unwelcome companion. The feeble protest she mustered carried the weight of a voice accustomed to fear, its trembling notes reverberating through the eerie stillness.

“Please,” she implored, her words hanging in the air like a desperate plea. “I need to go back to Marimba’s house. There’s dinner to prepare.”

The shadows seemed to gather; their silence punctuated only by the haunting creak of the swings swaying in the gentle breeze. Omari’s dark silhouette stood as a foreboding presence against the dimming backdrop.

In response, a cold chuckle emanated from the shadows, and Omari’s voice, a sinister murmur, cut through the quiet evening air, “Dinner can wait, Auntie Snow. We have unfinished business.”

Sylvia’s breath caught in her throat, the sense of impending dread deepening. The battleground was set, the playground a chilling arena for a confrontation that Sylvia knew she couldn’t escape.

The psychological onslaught against her reached new heights as she yielded, reluctantly and burdened by a heart fraught with trepidation, to the sinister directive. The oppressive silence surrounding her was intermittently shattered by the muffled sounds of her footsteps, each step echoing the internal turmoil that raged within. Stepping into the playground, the dilapidated swings and forgotten slides stood as silent witnesses to a tale of degradation unraveling beneath the cloak of dusk.

They halted in front of the tallest chin-up bar, and Omari spoke with a sinister tone.

“Auntie Snow, could you take off your clothes? I’ve never been to police or court-sanctioned punishments, but I understand they are always done with the criminal completely naked. You were naked, weren’t you? Take them off.”

Sylvia, desperate, pleaded one more time. “Please, no. Can’t we talk about this? There has to be another way.”

Another boy who held a bigger knife chimed in coldly, “Either you can take them off, or we can tear them off with our knives. Your choice.”

Sylvia started to sob, feeling the weight of shame intensify. Despite Omari’s claim of being 18, he appeared much younger, and the humiliation of being bullied by young boys deepened her sense of degradation. Trembling, she began removing her clothes with hesitant hands, glancing around nervously. The mature white woman, 32 years old white woman with a history—whether right or wrong—of seducing local boys as the official record stated, was now disrobing in front of these boys, once again succumbing to the vulnerability of her body.

Amidst Sylvia’s struggle, Omari’s voice cut through the air. “Make it quick, Auntie Snow. We don’t have all night.” He motioned with his knife as if to stab Sylvia with it.

The surroundings seemed to close in as Sylvia stood naked in the dimming light, a spectacle of humiliation unfolding beneath the skeletal frame of the chin-up bar.

She began the disrobing process with hesitation, removing her T-shirt, sneakers, khaki shorts, and bra and panties. The last two items lingered in her trembling hands, and she stood vulnerable, contemplating the impending humiliation. Her hands instinctively shielded her naked body—one across her ample triple-D size breasts and the other covering her pubic mounds, wide, hairy, and plump.

“Hey, don’t cover, Auntie! Hands to your side. Or do you want me to cut your arms off, so you don’t have to bother trying to cover?” Omari sneered, his words dripping with cruelty.

Sylvia couldn’t fathom the brutality of his threat. Though she felt he might be bluffing, fear paralyzed her. She reluctantly placed her hands at her sides, exposing her beautiful, large breasts, ample buttocks, hairy crotch, and plump vulva with its sensual thigh gap—all veiled in alabaster skin.

Surrounded by the four short black boys, she quivered in fear, tears welling up in her beautiful eyes. The bota, each reveling in the degradation, began to make lewd comments about her exposed body.

One boy, with a sinister grin, remarked, “Look at these fat butts, boys. I heard that she likes to be fucked in her ass.”

Another boy added crudely, “I’m a breasts man myself, Auntie Snow. I want to squeeze your MILF titties. Can I?”

Their vulgar comments punctuated the air, adding to Sylvia’s profound sense of violation.

“Now, jump up and hang onto this chin-up bar right here,” Omari commanded, pointing to the highest chin-up bar adjacent to them.

“W ... what? I ... I can’t,” Sylvia stammered.

“What do you mean you can’t? You need help jumping up? Or you don’t want to.”

It wasn’t a matter of physical inability; she was a former gymnast. It was the sheer humiliation of the act that made her hesitate. Couldn’t he understand that? Sylvia pondered.

“I ... I mean ... how...” she began, struggling to articulate her reluctance.

“Okay, our arm is useless if you can’t even do that. Let’s cut them up, boys!” Omari threatened.

Reluctantly, Sylvia positioned herself and jumped up, grabbing the cold metal pole. The leap caused her large breasts and buttocks to jiggle, emphasizing the vulnerability of her exposed form. The air filled with a mixture of humiliation and degradation.

With a resigned compliance, Sylvia clutched the metal pole, her hands gripping its cold surface with a familiarity born from childhood days spent as a gymnast. The memories of agile performances and triumphant routines collided with the stark reality of this moment. The curvaceous silhouette, once a testament to her gymnastic prowess, now dangled in the air, naked in front of four African boys, the embodiment of vulnerability and humiliation.

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