Sylvia (old version) - Cover

Sylvia (old version)

Copyright© 2023 by Sylvia Elsworth

Chapter 11: Return to Town

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 11: Return to Town - old version - not very good. read the new version.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Water Sports   Public Sex  

**** Recap ****

In the chronicles of Sylvia’s harrowing journey, her story unfolds further. Stranded on the remote coast of an African island, she stands alone, a white woman amidst a population of 40,000 fueled by government-driven anti-foreigner and anti-white race hysteria. The island’s history bears the scars of a brutal colonialist past, marked by a 150-year period of particularly savage domination by a single white British family—three generations of men with ingrained sadistic sexual deviances, tormenting the locals in ways unimaginable.

As the government fervently drove out all foreigners, Sylvia, inadvertently left behind, became haunting anomaly. An ethereal beauty with a sensual and voluptuous figure, she embodies an angelic presence. Yet, beneath this exterior lies a timid, extremely shy, and modest soul. In the midst of a society seething with deep-seated resentment, she stands defenseless, helpless against her tormentors.

Now, Sylvia’s tale continues, a narrative woven through the intricate threads of isolation, vulnerability, and the shadows of a painful history that refuse to fade away.

Following the horrifying punishment in court, Sylvia’s heart raced as she sprinted away, her clothing dripping with sweat and urine, clinging uncomfortably to every curve of her trembling body. The stares of onlookers burned into her like a branding iron, their judgmental eyes piercing through her thin facade. She could feel their disgust and hate directed at her, a white woman who had dared to sexually assault three black boys. Fear consumed her as she ran frantically, ignoring the jeers and mocking laughter of those in the downtown area. She thought there were men waiting for her outside, fueled by their own hatred towards whites, ready to exact their own brutal revenge. So she couldn’t stop. She was so scared. So she kept running, desperate to escape the pain and shame that threatened to consume her whole.

After a grueling 30-minute run that felt like an eternity, she finally reached the outskirts of downtown. Her body was half-way between exhaustion and determination as she pushed herself closer to the small town where she lived, a place she dreaded but had no choice but to return to. As she ran, she couldn’t help but feel a searing pain in her crotch and anus, a reminder of the whipping she had endured earlier. Her vulva and sphincters throbbed with tenderness and sensitivity, swollen from the punishment. With each step, her linen pants rubbed against her swollen vulva, causing a sharp sensation that made her wince. The discomfort only added to her already exhausted and troubled state of mind.

As she looked down, her heart raced with fear and relief. To her immense relief, there was no sign of blood on her crotch. Yet the skin of her vulva felt raw and tender, as though it had been peeled off. The rough linen fabric of her pants only added to the discomfort, brushing against her like sandpaper. She scanned the desolate dirt road ahead, surrounded by nothing but vast stretches of dry African land. Isolated trees dotted the landscape, their branches reaching towards the cloudless sky. There was not a soul in sight. Suddenly, the realization hit her that it would be another 20 minutes before she reached her town and potentially encountered another person. Could she make it that far without further injury? Her mind raced with worry, imagining her vulnerable flesh being torn apart by every step. In a moment of desperation, she made the decision to take off her pants. It seemed like the only safe and reasonable choice to avoid any further harm to her swollen and tender vulva.

The sweltering heat clung to her skin. Her white blouse, soaking with her sweat now, clung to her like a second skin, revealing every curve and outline of her body. With a determined glance towards town, she made a decision. She couldn’t risk walking into town with such a revealing top and risk unwanted attention, especially with her large triple D breasts clearly visible through thin wet fabric of the white blouse. With trembling hands, she began to peel off the soaked blouse, exposing her naked form to the scorching sun above. Despite feeling vulnerable and uncomfortable, she knew this was for the best. The warm rays beat down on her skin, helping to dry off the moisture and providing some much-needed relief from the suffocating humidity. As she stood exposed in the open field, she mentally prepared herself for the journey ahead, knowing that this small act would save her from further embarrassment once she reached the town.

It was then that she noticed, aside from her underwear, stolen by the spectators in the courtroom gallery who came to watch the spectacle of a naked white woman being whipped, she must have also lost her sneakers. Her mind was still foggy from the whipping and the ensuing chaos in court. Now, as her senses slowly returned to her, she couldn’t even remember if she had put them on before running out of the courtroom. They were the only pair of shoes she had. In this moment, she felt so vulnerable and exposed, standing barefoot and unclothed in the middle of nowhere.

With each step, Sylvia could feel the soft soil give beneath her bare feet as she walked towards the town. The sun beat down mercilessly, and the heat seemed to cling to her skin like a second layer of clothing. Despite being completely alone, she couldn’t help but feel self-conscious about her nudity. Her hands instinctively covered her breasts and crotch, as if shielding them from prying eyes. But there was no one around for miles; just her and the wildness of Aprico Island. As she continued walking, a hot breeze swept over her, causing goosebumps to rise on her exposed skin. Yet somehow, it felt strangely soothing against her tender, swollen vulva. In that moment, with the sun beating down on her and the sound of cicadas buzzing in the distance, she found herself daydreaming. She thought she was like Jane in the movie. Maybe there was a Tarzan out there in the jungle, ready to rescue her from this forsaken place if she kept on walking toward the jungle instead of town where her tormentors were waiting for her.

Lost in her own thoughts, Sylvia didn’t even notice the sound of approaching cars. Suddenly, as the cars pulled up next to her, Sylvia became painfully aware of her nakedness. Panic and embarrassment flooded over her as she frantically tried to her nude body with the clothes in her hands. The conflicting emotions of vulnerability and shame consumed her as she stood there, exposed and helpless.

The bullies, Matumbo, Marimba, and Gambe, jumped off the rickety truck they arrived in. Their faces twisted into malicious grins as they approached their victim, the beautiful white woman with gorgeous body. Behind them, their families emerged from a van: Matumbo’s younger brother, Marimba’s younger brother, the twins, and Gambe’s sister who seemed to relish in Sylvia’s misery. Then, Matumbo’s parents and Gambe’s father got off the van, smirking at the victim’s humiliation. Inside the van, behind the windows, Marimba’s disabled parents watched with detached coldness. They were all united by one thing - their enjoyment of the exposed vulnerability of their victim.

“well, well, well ... what do we have here. I told you this white bitch is exhibitionist!”

As everyone watched, Gambe uttered his cruel words that reinforced their accusations against Sylvia. Their claim that resulted in her humiliating and agonizing courtroom whipping was that she was the one who instigated perverted sexual acts with them, forcing her young students to please her. As she stood there naked, she couldn’t help but realize that she was now reinforcing their claims. How could she possibly explain her current situation, caught walking naked?

“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Mrs. Sylvia? You think it’s okay to walk around here with your fat pussy exposed to anyone who passes by? Have you not learned your lesson yet?” His words were sharp and humiliating, slicing into Sylvia like a blade. She felt the burn of shame on her cheeks as she stammered an excuse. “I ... I just wanted to ... I thought I would dry my clothes ... before ... before I went into town...” she babbled and blustered like a fool ... She was too embarrassed to tell him the real reason why she had taken her clothes off - because her tender and crimson-hued vulva that had been so mercilessly whipped and was now throbbing in agony.Her swollen flesh quivered behind the hands grasping her blouse, trembling in dread at the prospect of being seen. She felt everyone’s eyes on her naked body, witnessing her humiliation.

“Show us your pussy, I assume they were swollen, ya?” Matumbo taunted her with laughter in his voice. How could he joke about her vulva being swollen? He was all too aware of what he had done to her in the courtroom under Aprico Island’s misguided law - the violations and humiliation he inflicted on her so callously. In that courtroom, in front of a gallery filled with his family and strangers, all local black people, watching the lone white woman, she had to withstand the excruciating pain in her vulva and anus from his vicious whipping and perform degrading twerking dances, and the jumps that he forced her to execute with each crack of the whip on her intimate areas. Now, less than an hour later, here she was standing on the side of this dirt road with his family staring at me like she was some kind of zoo animal. She felt completely helpless in that moment, her cheeks burning red with shame and embarrassment as the tears started to well up in her eyes. But she knew she had no choice but to obey his command.

Trembling, she slowly pried her hands away from her crotch, but itremained hovering protectively over her pubic area. Her other hand still clutched her blouse, while holding onto her pants. Despite knowing that Matumbo, Gambe, and Marimba had seen every inch of her during their daily torment and assault, she couldn’t shake the feeling of shyness and embarrassment. In court, she was forced to stand naked in front of everyone, even spreading her buttocks for a brutal whipping that exposed her anus to all. Yet, here she was, feeling like it was her first time being naked in front of them. It didn’t make sense to her why she still felt so ashamed and vulnerable. But that was just how she was - extremely shy and easily embarrassed.

Trembling, Sylvia stood before her three teenage bullies and their families. She couldn’t bring herself to look at anyone’s faces as she reluctantly obeyed Matumbo’s cruel demands. With shaking hands, she dropped her soiled clothes to the ground and raised her arms in surrender. Her nude body was now on display for all to see, and she felt a deep sense of humiliation and shame wash over her. The most timid woman, with no courage left, she could only pray for this nightmare to end.

“Hey, look at her swollen pussy.” As Matumbo pointed at her crotch, Sylvia couldn’t help but feel a surge of shame and embarrassment. Her vulva was always an object of ridicule for him, with its plumpness and wide gap between her thighs. But now, as it had swelled from the recent whipping, her pubic mounds were noticeably plumper.

As Matumbo’s brother, Marimba’s brothers, and Gambe’s sister approached her, she could feel the heat radiating off their bodies. They knelt down in a circle around her, their faces scrunched up in curiosity as they inspected her swollen vulva. She wanted to shrink into the ground with embarrassment and shame.

“Wow, I’ve never seen woman’s pussy before!” Marimba’s brothers, who were identical twins, said in unison. “You want to see mine?” Gambe’s sister teased him. Marimba told his brothers, “Boys, you’re in luck. Mrs.Sylvia has one of the most beautiful and unique pussies you’ll ever see in your life time.” Marimba continued, “Her pussy being pretty, I don’t have to explain, You can see for yourself. But it being unique, let me explain.”

Sylvia’s cheeks flushed bright red with embarrassment as she stood there naked and exposed with her arms raised above her head in front of the group. The boys and girls around her squatting down to get a closer look, their eyes fixated on her exposed vulva. Marimba continued to describe it in detail, as if Sylvia wasn’t even there. Every word felt like a spotlight shining on her most private area, making her feel vulnerable and exposed. She wanted to cover herself up and hide from the prying eyes, but she couldn’t move or speak, trapped in this uncomfortable moment.

Sylvia’s face burned with embarrassment, her cheeks flushed bright red. The boys and a girl, their faces scrunched up in curiosity, their eyes inspecting her exposed vulva with fascination and amusement. Sylvia’s vulva was swollen and red from the recent whipping. Its folds and crevices were visible, with a wide gap between her thighs. To the trio of bullies, it may have seemed plump and perfect, vulva made for ‘spanking’, but to Sylvia, it was a source of shame and embarrassment.

Sylvia’s heart froze in terror and revulsion as the boy boldly asked his brother for consent to touch her “pussy.” In that moment, she felt like a mere object, stripped of her humanity and reduced to nothing but a target for their invasive curiosity. A glimmer of relief washed over her when Matumbo spoke out against the request, but beneath that, Sylvia couldn’t help but wonder about his true intentions. Conflicted and uncertain, her heart sank with the weight of fear and vulnerability, her body feeling exposed and powerless in the face of possible harm. The air around her seemed to thicken with tension, as though even nature recognized the violation occurring before it.

Matumbo leaned in close to his brother, his voice low and serious. “Listen, you can never touch a woman’s pussy without her consent. That’s considered sexual assault, the same crime that this woman was convicted of.” Sylvia felt a pang of fear and unease at their conversation. She heard the boy’s name for the first time. One who was tasked to score her humiliating punishment - every time she failed to jump high enough during her whipping, he mercilessly deducted points. “How did they punish her?” Sylvia heard Matumbo ask his brother. Magumbo eagerly answered. “She was whipped on her pussy and asshole, Matumbo.” The words sent a shiver down Sylvia’s spine. She didn’t even want to think about the pain and humiliation that she had ensured in that courtroom. Matumbo nodded grimly. “Yes, that’s right. Sex criminals receive genital whipping as punishment.” As the brothers discussed the punishments that Sylvia received that day, Sylvia couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of shame and humiliation wash over her. Even though she knew she was innocent, being talked about as a sex criminal receiving “genital whipping” was a degrading and humiliating just the same.

“Therefore, you must get consent,” Matumbo declared sternly, his eyes shifting towards Sylvia. She stood before him, her naked body exposed and vulnerable, her hands raised helplessly above her head. Three boys and a girl crouched around her like predators, eagerly waiting for their turn to participate in the cruel game. “Would you like Magumbo to touch your pussy?” Matumbo asked, his voice dripping with malice. Sylvia’s heart raced and she hesitated, unsure of how to respond in this humiliating and terrifying question.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she stared up at Matumbo, his dark eyes blazing with an intensity that made her tremble. She knew him all too well, and she also knew the consequences of giving an honest answer. There was no doubt in her mind that he would punish her, using some excuse or another to justify it. She could sense his impatience, his desire for a specific response. And so, with a heavy heart, she mumbled out the answer she knew he wanted to hear. “Y-yes...” Her voice quivered and she could feel the weight of judgment from those around them. The air seemed to fill with their laughter, a cruel chorus that echoed in her ears. She couldn’t escape the feeling of shame and humiliation that washed over her like a wave, all because of one simple question from Matumbo.

Sylvia’s cheeks flushed bright red as Matumbo, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, taunted her. “Are you certain, Mrs. Sylvia? Do you truly desire my brother to touch you in your most intimate area, your ... vagina, Mrs. Sylvia?” His words were delivered with exaggerated gestures and mock concern, eliciting laughter from their families watching and enjoying the humiliation of the helpless white woman, who stood with her head bowed, her red cheeks burning with embarrassment. Her silky black hair cascaded over her shoulder, partially blocking her face as she tried to hide from the scrutiny of their gazes.

Sylvia stood with her head bowed, her cheeks burning with embarrassment as Matumbo taunted, “If you want him to touch your pussy, you need to ask politely. Say something like ‘Please touch mama’s wet pussy hole.’ Say it just like that.” Her degradation was complete and she knew she had no choice but to obey.

“Please, my child ... please touch mommy’s pussy ... please finger me...” Sylvia stood with her head bowed, her cheeks burning with humiliation. She couldn’t believe she was reduced to begging for pleasure from a boy, Matumbo’s brother.

However, the one thing she desperately hoped no one would discover was that her body was responding with a primal heat. Her skin flushed and her breath quickened as she felt her vagina starting to moisten, an undeniable sign of arousal. A tingling sensation spread throughout her body, igniting every inch with desire. But the thought of being aroused by this boy in front of his friends and family made her hate herself even more. She couldn’t bear it. She was a pervert, just thinking of him touching her made her feel filthy and exposed. The mere idea of asking him to finger her only intensified her wetness, fueling the inner turmoil of shame and desire within her. No matter how hard she tried to deny it, she had to admit that she was deviant, her body betraying the instructions of her mind. With tears stinging at the corners of her eyes, she closed them tightly in shame and self-loathing.

With a loud, guttural growl, Matumbo’s black hand came crashing down upon Sylvia’s white breasts. The force of the blow was like a hammer hitting flesh, sending waves of searing pain through her chest. Again and again, his hand struck her breasts with brutal force - WHACK! WHACK! Each strike felt like a hot knife slicing into her delicate skin. Sylvia struggled to keep her hands raised above her head, knowing that any attempt to protect herself would result in even more punishment from Matumbo. Her body slouched in agony, but there was no way to hide her triple-D size breasts from his relentless assault. Sylvia’s cries of pain and pleading filled the air with each resounding slap. She begged Matumbo to stop, but he seemed unaffected by her pleas. The others were taken aback by this sudden outburst, as Matumbo had been polite to Sylvia so far, at least in his mannerisms, not in what he made her do or say. They all looked confused and puzzled, except for Matumbo who wore a cruel smirk on his face as he continued to inflict pain upon Sylvia’s defenseless body.

After receiving a dozen slaps on her ample breasts, which were now turning pink from his handprints, Matumbo finally stopped. She gasped for air and sobbed heavily. “If you truly want my brother to finger your pussy,” he said, his voice dripping with malice, “say it with conviction. Otherwise, I’ll see it as a ploy to manipulate him into committing sexual assault.” It was cruel and nonsensical, but he was forcing her to say it, and they both knew it. Everyone knew it.

With a deep breath, she mustered up the courage to ask the boy to touch her. Her face flushed with both embarrassment and desire as she uttered the words, pleading for him to “finger mommy’s vagina”. The sounds of laughter from the families of three cruel bullies filled the air, their enjoyment apparent as they watched this beautiful white woman with a perfect body humiliated before them. She could feel their judgmental eyes burning into her skin, adding to the intense humiliation she already felt. But despite it all, she couldn’t deny the undeniable heat coursing through her core at the thought of being touched in such a humiliating way.

Marimbo’s brother spoke up, “Can we touch her also?” Matumbo replied, “Only with her consent.” He turned to Sylvia and asked, “Do you want all of them to touch you?” Sylvia hesitated, feeling embarrassed and ashamed. But she knew she had to speak up. “Yes, I would like all of them to touch me,” she muttered the words softly.

“What a dirty horny bitch you are!” As Matumbo’s father finally spoke up, his words cut deep into Sylvia. She felt humiliated and ashamed, wondering if he truly saw her as a “dirty horny bitch.” She was being forced by his own son, wasn’t it obvious? She couldn’t understand how anyone could blame her for this situation. Her emotions were in turmoil, torn between shame and despair.

Matumbo, leered at Sylvia, a wicked grin spreading across his face. “Let’s do something good here, boys,” he said, motioning to the boys squatting in front of Sylvia. “Why don’t we give her a little massage.” He gestured towards Sylvia’s body, her pale skin glowing under the African sun. Underneath her neat unshaven pubic hair, her swollen and bruised vulva mounds stood out in stark contrast. Matumbo, the one responsible for whipping her vulva and causing the painful swelling, now wanted to restore it back to its previous appearance. To him, Sylvia’s entire body was his own personal plaything. Matumbo’s words were both disturbing and sickening to Sylvia, who could only stood there helplessly, naked with her hands above her, three boys and a girl squatting right in front of her, as Matumbo continue to mock and ridicule her. Her once flawless alabaster skin now marred by bruises and cuts, she closed her eyes and prayed for god to take her away from this nightmare.

Matumbo leaned in close to his brother, whispering an order. Without hesitation, Magumbo darted towards the parked pick up truck and retrieved a bottle of healing massage lotion. Matumbo had a plan in mind - he was going to Sylvia’s home and give her the same medicating oil massage he had done last time. The massage would soothe any lingering pain or swelling from their previous encounter and prevent any lasting scars from forming from his whip. He relished in the act of whipping her, taking pleasure in her humiliation, but deep down, he also appreciated the perfect beauty that was Sylvia. Her flawless body, delicate face, and alabaster skin were too precious to be marred by permanent marks. And with his careful attention and skilled hands, he intended to keep it that way.

Bumping into Sylvia wasn’t part of the plan, as Matumbo didn’t know how long his parents would want to stay back and talk with his uncle, the chief of police and the judge. So, he couldn’t anticipate the timing and expect to encounter Sylvia on her walk back. And he certainly didn’t expect to run into Sylvia, his shy and modest teacher, walking back fully NAKED! She was like a goddess in this vulnerable state, her creamy skin glistening under the sun’s rays. He quickly changed the game plan, inviting these boys and the girl, to join in on their first experience touching a woman. Though he couldn’t be sure if it was truly their first time. As he chuckled at their luck, he couldn’t help but think how lucky they were to experience their first woman with someone as breathtakingly beautiful as Sylvia.

Sylvia’s swollen vulva and anus throbbed with pain, a constant reminder of the Matumbo’s brutal whipping. Her body craved the soothing touch of a massage, but not like this - not in front of their families, and definitely not by their siblings. She longed to go home to her cabin where she could tend to herself, using the last remaining drops of her precious african magic oil. This oil had been her savior before, quickly bringing down the swelling and easing the pain. But it was a bittersweet relief, as it had been the trio of bullies - Matumbo, Marimba, and Gambe - who had inflicted these wounds upon her most intimate areas. Then, they had forced her to endure humiliating massages from neighborhood boys, bringing her to climax against her will. Despite the pain and suffering they had inflicted upon her, Sylvia couldn’t help but feel a sense of gratitude for the temporary relief the oil provided. The soothing warmth spread through her body, easing her tense muscles and calming her racing thoughts. Her heart, always forgiving and filled with naivety and kindness, couldn’t bear to hold onto anger or resentment. It was both a blessing and a curse, leaving her vulnerable to those who would take advantage of her gentle nature.
However, she was acutely aware that if she allowed them to massage her now, she would experience another violent and humiliating orgasm. The mere thought of it made her stomach twist and her cheeks flush with embarrassment. She couldn’t bear the idea of having such a shameful moment in front of her bullies’ parents and siblings, especially at the hands of their siblings. As she dwelled on this thought, she couldn’t help but remember the events from just a few hours ago. How she had been held upside down by four policemen, as they pumped a soda bottle up her anus, causing her to have a humiliating squirting orgasm in front of them all. But even that memory didn’t make it any easier for her now. It didn’t make the idea of enduring it a second time okay. In fact, it only reinforced her strong aversion towards it. Each time these repeating ordeals came back, she was overcome with the same level of trauma and humiliation as if it were the first time. For Sylvia, this was yet another manifestation of her intense shyness and overwhelming modesty.

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