Sylvia (old version) - Cover

Sylvia (old version)

Copyright© 2023 by Sylvia Elsworth

Chapter 9

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 9 - old version - not very good. read the new version.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Spanking   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Water Sports   Public Sex  

*** Is this truly the end of Sylvia’s Nightmare? ***

Matumbo strolled towards the classroom, accompanied by his nearly naked female teacher and flanked by his two bullying companions. The rhythmic cadence of his footsteps mirrored the ominous drumbeat of his malevolent thoughts, creating an unsettling atmosphere.

His nefarious plan for the day unfolded like a dark tableau, each element carefully designed to push the boundaries of this white woman’s humiliation. At the center of this macabre spectacle was the notorious slingshot, a garment engineered not for modesty but for the sole purpose of intensifying her degradation. Matumbo envisioned a grotesque ballet, with Sylvia as the unwitting lead, ensnared in the clutches of his sadistic creativity.

The pièce de résistance awaited in the form of the “nipple patch” – a euphemism that barely masked its sinister nature. Concealing a battery-powered electric shocker, this so-called top was destined to deliver incessant jolts to Sylvia’s nipples throughout the day. Matumbo relished the prospect of transforming her body into a vessel for his amusement, commanding her to perform obscene acts like a marionette in his cruel puppetry.

The crescendo of this sadistic spectacle will involve, as per his sinister plan, Matumbo instructing Sylvia to exhibit her generous triple D breasts in a degrading dance. He intended to command her to shake and create circles with the bells attached to the end of her nipple pins, tightly squeezing her nipples beneath the patch. This involved swinging her chest to make her large breasts gyrate in a provocative manner, mimicking the lascivious moves he had observed in a stripper-themed movie. In the event of her refusal, electric shocks akin to knife stabs would persistently pierce her nipples until Matumbo, satisfied with the spectacle, opted to grant her a momentary reprieve. Even after discontinuing the electric shock, he planned to instruct her to continue her provocative dance until he commanded her to cease.

The digital clock continued its indifferent march, marking the inexorable descent into Sylvia’s day of abasement. Matumbo, standing at the precipice of cruelty, weighed the satisfaction derived from his perverse plan against the fleeting pangs of concern. The classroom awaited, a stage for the unfolding drama where Sylvia’s shame would reach new depths, and the boundaries of degradation would be pushed to their limits.

Matumbo’s contemplation was steeped in the unexpected events that had unfolded that morning. The traumatic experiences his beautiful Autralian teacher had already endured cast a shadow of doubt over his relentless pursuit of degradation. The morning’s exploits had pushed her to the brink – a perverse theater of violation, culminating in the degrading act of being sodomized with a cucumber by Marimbo, an act that inexplicably led her to climax.

Recollections of the preceding humiliations played like a haunting symphony in Matumbo’s mind. From the spectacle of making her walk the distance between cabins and school with her skirt and bra hoisted above her shoulders, and panties cruelly positioned on her knees, forcing her to mimic a monkey’s walk – each event had left its mark. Even by Matumbo’s standards, the public degradation had been extreme.

Matumbo, for all his sadistic inclinations, found himself at a crossroads. His internal struggle was not only about pushing the boundaries of Sylvia’s physical endurance but also about the recognition that consecutive traumas could lead to a mental breakdown. The prospect of her mental disintegration loomed as a threat – akin to breaking a cherished toy beyond repair.

In the midst of his deliberation, Matumbo grappled with the decision of whether to grant Sylvia a reprieve. The need for a pause, a momentary respite, whispered through the corridors of his conscience. The balance between his insatiable desire for debasement and the risk of irrevocable damage to his beautiful living sex-toy hung in the air like a heavy fog, obscuring the path ahead.

Matumbo observed his teacher, Sylvia, in a deeply distressed state. The slingshot he made her wear offered no semblance of modesty, as the narrow strip of fabric seamlessly vanished into the intricate contours of her pubic mounds. This left her hairy vulva exposed from the front and her ample buttocks laid bare from the back. The only fragments of modesty were two minuscule patches, each barely larger than a button, strategically placed only to cover her nipples. In the throes of such explicit exposure, it was unexpected that Sylvia, already shown herself to be a woman of extreme shyness and innate modesty, did not try to cover herself with her arms.

Until this point, every instance saw Sylvia instinctively and desperately attempting to shield her most intimate areas, even when such efforts proved futile. For instance, Matumbo found it perplexing that immediately after compelling her to spread her legs, part her pubic mounds to lay bare the inner sanctum of her vagina, manipulate her clitoris, or coerce her into spreading her own buttocks to expose her anus—actions that unfolded with an audience of his classmates in close proximity—she obediently submitted to these torments, and yet, as soon as she was allowed, her immediate reaction was to try to cover, her hands reflexively moving to hide her private areas from the view.

In his attempt to comprehend this behavior, Matumbo concluded that it was an inherent response driven by Sylvia’s extreme shyness. This instinctual reaction persisted as if she were disrobing for the very first time in front of them, akin to shy woman inadvertently stumbling upon strangers after a shower, desperately scrambling to shield her private regions with her hands. The disjunction between her compliance during torment and the rapid reversion to modesty offered Matumbo a glimpse into the complexities of Sylvia’s psyche.

The essence of this white woman’s modesty, her inherent shyness, and her unfeigned shame added a layer of amusement to the act of humiliating her. While Matumbo acknowledged that he could subject the willing prostitutes of Aprico Island to the same degrading treatment, he found no joy in doing so. First, they were ugly – but then, Matumbo recognized Sylvia’s beauty wasn’t just because she was the only white woman in the Island. She must be the most beautiful, with the most sensuous body anywhere in the world. But more importantly, their lack of shame and emotional response rendered the experience devoid of any pleasure for Matumbo.

Yet, the current scenario painted a starkly different picture. Sylvia, typically a symbol of modesty, now ambled in a daze, her body left bare and unshielded, hands hanging limply at her sides. A tangible emblem of degradation, her mouth still bore traces of her own feces—a detail Matumbo had momentarily forgotten. Recollection struck him: he had compelled her to consume the cucumber used in her sodomization by Marimbo, a vegetable tainted with her own excrement. The memory resurfaced, prompting him to wonder if this particular incident had triggered her current state.

This unexpected turn of events stirred Matumbo’s concern. His cherished plaything, his “bullied teacher,” risked transforming into something akin to the shameless prostitutes he disregarded. The apprehension lingered, casting a shadow over the perverse enjoyment he derived from Sylvia’s humiliation.

As they arrived in front of the classroom, Matumbo stopped in contemplation, pondering the trajectory of his plan, his musings were abruptly cut short by a piercing exclamation from the principal. “Why are you naked, Mrs. Sylvia Elsworth!” The shrill rebuke shattered the ambient air, prompting Sylvia, as if roused from a trance, to cast her gaze downward at her own exposed form. Swiftly, she attempted to reclaim a semblance of modesty, her left hand instinctively shielding her ample triple D breasts, while her right-hand sought refuge over her vulnerable crotch. In that moment, a familiar sight unfolded—a desperate bid to conceal herself, a sight that brought a sense of relief to Matumbo.

Matumbo came to the realization that Sylvia must have been in a daze—a state of mind perfectly understandable given the recent tumultuous events. A knowing smile played on Matumbo’s lips as he reflected, “Ya, if I were in her shoes, with my pants around my knees while Marimbo thrust a cucumber into my asshole, and, I had an involuntary erection and ejaculation without any manual stimulation, all while being watched by people, out on the street, I would undoubtedly be overwhelmed with embarrassment and find myself in a bewildered daze too,” he chuckled at the thought.

“Where are your clothes? Get dressed, now!” The trio of bullies found themselves taken aback by the principal’s unexpected reaction. They had believed there was an unspoken understanding, a sort of tacit approval for what they were subjecting their white female teacher to. He had previously shown a dislike for whites, turning a blind eye to the bullies’ actions against their teacher. However, the sudden shift in the principal’s demeanor became apparent when he in a hushed voice, told Matumbo, “Someone called the police this morning! The chief of police is on the line right now. I told him I will come and get you.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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