Gantry House
Copyright© 2025 by Gnome De Ploom
Chapter 1: The Cracked Door
Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 1: The Cracked Door - Jonathan Hill buys and fixes old houses. He grew up watching "That Ol' House" on TV. After high school he got a job doing carpentry for a new home builder. Later, he worked for a remodeler which was completely different and added a lot more experience. Jon's latest house was built around the turn of the 1700s. During house repairs on his latest find, Jonathan finds a secret panel. Deep in a stony ridge behind the house is a cavern. Inside, he finds something that gives him great power.
Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Mind Control Reluctant Heterosexual Fiction Restart Post Apocalypse Big Breasts Small Breasts
There was a big reason Jon needed to stay in the house. After living in the house during reconstruction for almost a year, he had become set in his ways. A crack in a kitchen cabinet had been irritating him since he moved in.
One Sunday I removed the offending board and discovered it was part of a small door. I repaired the offending panel and lubricated the old iron hinges and catch. The door is now repaired and now works.
The secret door had hidden a ladder that went down into the dark. I went down the ladder holding a mag-lite. At the bottom was a dark-covered hallway. This hallway is outside the partial basement at the back of the house.
The hallway goes back into a small hill or ridge behind the house. I went down the hallway thinking there may be a ship captain’s fortune at the end.
The ridge has to be on the other side of the alley that goes behind his house. I found the ridge is mostly made up of a single huge solid rock. That explains why the ridge is covered with grass and brush. Nobody would take on its removal.
At the end of the hall, Jon found a door. It was locked with an antique iron padlock. I had no key, so I went back and got an angle grinder to remove the lock.
I had first thought that it was an empty stone room or cave. It was a cavern. Once I was a few feet inside the room, I passed out.
I wasn’t knocked out from gas or anything like that. When I awoke, I found out the room was not of Earth origin. The floor, ceiling, and walls were covered in odd ceramic tile with a metal webbing running through. When I entered the room, it had looked like rock. Now I found it was actually the strange webbed tile.
There was one large spider just inside the door, and I killed it.
There was a gantry of sorts with a man-size glass box sitting on it. One wall has several cabinets that look like they are otherworldly electronics of some type. None of the labeling on the cabinets was of any Earth language. I kept getting a compulsion to go to a worktable on the side. I fought the feeling but soon gave up and went to the table. I opened the box.
In the box were three items. I took out the ring I found first. It was a plain ring and looked like it was made of an inexpensive pewter. The ring has one large black stone on it. I slid the ring onto the middle finger of his left hand. I did not do that willingly. I fought the compulsion.
After putting the ring in, I saw tiny characters flash on the ring. I avoided messing with what looked to be a tiny screen, much like an Apple watch has. It went blank when I ignored it for five seconds.
Once the ring was on his finger, I took out a thin circlet of some sort and put it over my head. Euphoria! I felt for the first time I was in a really great mood. I had no aches or pains whatsoever. The circlet made me feel almost blissful. It made my dick hard for some reason. That’s pretty blissful.
I felt my head and the circlet had disappeared somehow. Maybe it went under the skin. I could not feel it. That was probably to hide it.
I next took out a belt and put it around my waist. That, too, disappeared under my shirt and skin.
I sat on the upholstered chair and leaned back. I woke up and looked at my cellphone; it was the next morning. I still felt euphoric. I had dreamed all night. I knew I had to return every night for the next 9 days. I was being educated for a job.
Captain Peter Crisswell had been an alien. He didn’t die, he had been called home. Crisswell was a Cultural Anthropologist studying mankind. He was called home for a family emergency. He had to remain there.
They wanted me to replace Crisswell as their Cultural Anthropologist here. There were benefits to accepting the job, GREAT BENEFITS. I would have something like X-ray vision. I would have mental powers. His life would be extended, and his health improved.
If that wasn’t enough, his dick got hard like a 13-year-old boy. I knew from last night’s training was going to be a randy prick and get lucky easily and often.
The alien electronics here in the room were way beyond anything Earth has. It’s connected to the alien home world and Jon’s three devices.
I would receive a packet of debit cards with nearly unlimited amounts of money available to him. I was, in essence, a millionaire now.
There was one downside. Everything I did was recorded and sent to the alien home world. I had no privacy. They saw and felt everything. They were kinky that way. They were a race of voyeurs. When they were happy, I was happy. It went both ways.
There were no limits to what I could do; that was part of the deal. It was part and parcel of the archaeological study. If I took a girl to bed, the aliens would be seeing and feeling that. They would feel what she felt, too.
His dick stayed hard and tingly all the time. It was part of his reward. I could order it to soften when in public.
The other part of the job is they wanted him to travel to other countries and do some historical anthropological work.
First, they had to get up to date on what had happened here in the past 300-odd years. I was to spend the next several months just living my life as they used the world’s connectivity to amass an updated database of information. That would begin their new baseline.
His entrance into the cavern had turned on the equipment. They were overjoyed at the new connectivity available to them.
The intrusiveness would not end there, They were in constant contact with him. They would occasionally prompt him to perform some social action. They would not force him to do things, and they would not ask him to do anything illegal or evil. They were interested in him interacting with people, women for the most part.
Were they talking about following their laws and morals, or his, or maybe even both? Their rules seem rather loose.
I was hungry, so I went back home and made breakfast. I made coffee and granola. I was so hungry I ate a second bowl of granola and drank a couple more cups of coffee as I sat and contemplated things. Jon’s night in the ‘ceramic cavern’ had left him completely rested and at ease.
I sat and thought about what I wanted to do first. I have four girls conveniently living upstairs. None were beauties, but all were good girls with average looks. They were hard-working and trying to make a better life for themselves. They were each in school to become different types of nurses.
They were young!
I wrestled with my conscience; young is good, real good, in fact. The students may still be impressionable.
Catholic girls are somewhat traditional. It’s a catholic college, so they are probably all Catholics. They wanted male companionship. The church wants women to have babies. I’m a male. Ipso facto, we all have itches that need scratches.
I cast my mind out above me to see who was at home. I found Clare Seton was the only one home. I entered her mind and was happy to see Clare sitting in the bathtub, shaving her legs.
Ooh, Clare is quite naked. My dick and balls tingled at the sight. It has been a long time since I bothered getting laid. Women my age are such a pain in the ass. How much hind end do you have to kiss to get a few minutes of bliss?
At 37, I was very wary and too wise to go off chasing women of my age.
I felt a shot of joy at the sight of her nude form. She’s rather appealing, looking under her frumpy everyday clothes. Hmm...
Clare has a pleasant face, but hidden under her clothes has been a winsome girl that trips my sexual trigger. She looks sweet and feminine. Her softness is adorable. Who knew, or maybe I’m just horny as could be and very overdue?
I knew from her application that Clare was only 19 years old. She’s 5’1” and a well padded at 140-ish pounds. She has brown hair and steel-blue eyes. I estimated her breasts are about a B-cup size. They look a little soft and point down slightly. Her nipples are cones on the ends of her breasts. Her actual nipples are small, and her areolae are quarter-sized and light tan.
Clare slid down in the tub and I saw her begin to shave more than her legs. She began to spread lather on her vulva. Clare is looking down at her pussy as she carefully shaves it. I still can’t see her labia. Frighteningly, neither can she.
I watched as she carefully used her disposable razor to finish off shaving her round little pussy.
I sent her a clit tickle feeling. Clare ran a finger through her slit to ease the new feeling. I made her nipples tingle. She then ran her hands over her nipples. I made her pussy tickle again.
Clare sat up and reached up for some skin lotion. She rubbed lotion on her naked pudenda and began frigging herself.
My view was odd because I was looking down Clare’s body at her tits and only the front part of her bare pussy. It was like looking through her eyes. So, I still could not see her inner pussy at all.
I prevented her from climaxing. Clare’s slit was out of sight around her pelvic region. I wanted to see more. I was in a muddle on how to continue; I really wanted to see more of her.
I continued to keep her from cuming. I let her frig herself a long time. I read her mind; Clare is not a virgin. She kept flashing back to memories of old high school boyfriends in an attempt to get herself off. I kept preventing her from cuming.
I planted the idea that the best-looking man she knew was Jon. He’s conveniently just downstairs. Clare has seen Jon without a shirt often and he looks pretty buff for an old guy.
She particularly remembers his manly smell. Jon was always around doing something to the apartment house. Jon was the only man she actually knew. The couple of guys in her nursing classes are not desirable.
I kept Clare excited and thinking about coming downstairs and seducing me. She knew I usually answered the door barefoot and in shorts. She wanted to catch me that way.
Clare ‘decided’ to go downstairs and borrow a cup of sugar. Since she would be inside the house walls, a bathrobe was all she needed. If her bathrobe didn’t give Jon a hint, nothing would.
Still bathing, she pushed the drain plug and stood up to dry off. She pulled her flimsy cotton robe off the hook on the back of the door. She grabbed the sugar bowl and emptied it into a bowl. She put on her sandals to go down the inside stairs.
I sat and sipped my coffee as Clare fought her need to come down here, seduce me, and get laid.
Clare was worried about whether I would take her to bed or not. She was getting more frantic now in her need to cum. I had been keeping her on edge for some time. I pushed her neediness to an even higher level of lust.
Clare didn’t remember ever needing sex this bad before. She had not been close to this horny with a man stimulating her. Being in a new town, she has no real male friends yet. She had been without sex for a long time now. She knows she REALLY needs to get laid!
To give her an added push, I took my shirt off.
I heard my mechanical doorbell go dink-donk. I walked over to the door and opened it.
I looked at her sugar bowl. “Hello, Clare. I see you have an empty sugar bowl. Did you want to borrow some sugar?”
“Yes, Please, Jon. I really have to have sugar in my coffee.”
“Come right in, dear.”
I went to my kitchen, which was towards the back.
AS I WALKED, I pushed her to unthinkingly pull the tie on her robe. She didn’t know she had untied it. I had controlled her hand when she tugged the tie loose.
I got down my sugar which was in a big container. I dipped sugar out into her bowl and turned around.
He said, “Goodness Clare, your robe has come open.
I put my hand up in a stop motion.
“No, Stop! Let me look at you, dear. My-my, you have been hiding a secret, Clare. I want to eat you up. You are a lovely sight for an old man’s eyes.”
I am 37, but to a teenager, I was probably a geezer.
I had been really poring sensations it to Clare’s erogenous zones and, in particular, her pussy. I kept her on the brink of cuming. Her pussy was flooding and hot from my gazing upon her nudity. Clare felt this was way more than she had expected. He’s so yummy-looking in shorts. She can smell his manly odor.
I already knew she had a G spot. She had tried to get off using it. I tingled her G spot and her clitoris lightly. I made her nipples ache for me. She is getting wet, and her pussy screams for release, thanks to me pushing her body.
Clare stood there frozen. I walked up to her and gently pulled her into my arms. I just held her for a half minute before leaning over and kissing her lightly. I was being gentle do I did not frighten her away.
She was having none of that! She bruised my lips as she returned the kiss very hard.
She breathed, “Oh, Jon.”
I moved to her side and held a breast in my left hand as I grabbed hold of her pussy meaningfully. She had no doubt I wanted her. She saw my pants were quite distended in front.
“WHAAaaaaaa ... Oh God ... Jon??”
I had to hold her up with my hands. She had crumpled in her need to get screwed.
I picked Clare up and took her to my bedroom. I lay her on the bed as I kicked off my shoes and dropped my trousers.
I paused momentarily to look down at her body. She’s lying with her legs open. I will remember this for the rest of my life. She is very different than my normal type, but her body is very desirable.