I am very new as an author, so I'll ask for some leniency on any criticism. Kind, constructive criticism is very welcome and desired, but flaming will be ignored. I hope to improve as an author, and more importantly to actually finish a project to begin with! I prefer sci-fi and fantasy type stories, and I think of myself as being a 'world building' type author. I enjoy knowing how a world might work in terms of society, physics (or magical rules), and historical evolution. I can't say that I'll do those things well, but I'd like to try.
If my stories stray into 'teen fantasy' situations, I'd appreciate your indulgence, and I'll try to reign those sorts of things in. I know many find those things annoying, so I've found myself creating alternate versions of material I'm working on to accommodate such preferences. I have several story ideas I'd like to write, and hopefully I'll get to them, and pass them on the reader. More hopefully, they'll be readable too!
As to my Pen Name, I enjoy epic type stories and hopefully I can pen some half decent epics. Or something remotely resembling that. I'll just write, and let you decide how epic (or not) it is.