2: Destiny's Road by Lumpy Why not. It's a well written story with a sci/fi background.
3: A Fresh Start by rlfj He can write buy I used to be disapointed in the shallow porn he specialised in. I'm not sure what is more pornographic, his old stories or US politics. This is something I look forward to reading every download. pity about the politics. It is good to love, lust for and be faithful to your wife, and she back in turn.
6: Junior Year - Part III by G Younger his portrayal of a female subject, in the preamble, sucked, but his portrayal of David makes one feel that the reader knows him as a real person. I like him as a person, which was the aim of course, but not always is as achievable.
7: Mind the Time by Old Man with a Pen I figured out a while ago that David's chapters are too short in the overall scheme of things to make sense. It now makes better reading to download a half a dozen chapters and read them together. Then they're a fascinating read, almost impossible to put down.
9: A New Past by Charlie Foxtrot Well thought out and written with a minimum amount of typos and errors. Well researched.
10: The Palpable Prosecutor by Lubrican The beginning lack any and all credibility BUT the relationship between the main characters is credible and consistent
11: Redeeming Halloween by StarCrawler This is a vampire story without the usual horror, but with love and understanding between the protagonists. It is an unusual premise.
16: World War: Campaign for Eastland by Lazlo Zalezac The philosophy and his personal viewpoints are intense and intelligent. These are not a series of 'just' stories but a mindset which should be listened to.
17: Zeus and Io - Book 3 by Harry Carton This story is original and well written. The main characters are likable without being saccharine sweet. It's good science fiction.