1: Genie Chronicles by Joe Brolly The protagonist gets a Genie and doesn't instantly lose his shit. Don't get me wrong, it's fun to read about somebody living all their dirtiest fantasies, but Brolly's Genie Chronicles is refreshing.
I'd want to be friends with just about everybody you meet in this story.
2: A Master's Ring by ElSol I've re-read this story a few times now. That's about as good an endorsement as I can give a piece of fiction.
3: William Redman Carter by Lazlo Zalezac My favorite of the Carter stories. William can see the future, which is rather bad-ass.
The only downside?
There are these women who are so smitten with William that their entire lives grind to a halt at their own personal inability to deal with not getting their every hearts desire. In this case? William himself.
It's an awesome premise to a story, but when so much of the cast is filled with depth of character, those few chapters jarred me out of my suspension of disbelief.
Even so, I really do recommend this read.