1: A Fresh Start by rlfj The ultimate do over. Each page brings you into the next bit of the story with an immediacy that... damn it, he sucked me in again. A good example - dangerous, you'll get sucked in! - is the prologue.
What kind of a story needs a prologue?
I dare you. You'll be looking over this guy's shoulder as he shares a reasonable situation - um, reasonably. Every step is so natural that when he keels over, well you could stop reading right there. But you won't.
And there you are, sucked in.
Blame me. I dared you.
2: A Fresh Start - Epilogue by rlfj Read A Fresh Start by rlfj first.
You get to ride shotgun into the surprising conclusion of a supremely well told do over tale. And you get the last laugh on that damned prologue.
3: A Leader Born by Invid Fan I fought my way into the Saga of Nowy Poland saga – too many threads, I thought. It was worth the struggle. Invid Fan braided those threads into a yarn and then wove that yarn into the fabric of a vast story.
Standing above many enthusiastic, bold, (hopefully complete) stories on SOL, storiesonline.net this one is also professionally composed and finished.
4: A Perfect She-devil by Todd_d172 Historical romance gone wrong. The U.S. Civil War is historic, right? The romance never had a chance. She really meant to shoot him the first two times. The third time? Well he was likely her husband, so she had to.
Why, out of all Todd_d172's stories did I favorite this one? Just lazy, I guess. They're all favorites.
5: The Preacher Man by hammingbyrd7 Vast theme, science vs humanity's faults trumped by a holy mission. Written in layers that prove themselves. Awesome!
6: Emend by Eclipse by Lazlo Zalezac A Do-Over story for two friends who figure out that time warps itself every time someone dies during a total eclipse. Person by person, time is healing the universe.
Why'd I choose this one out of all of Lazlo Zalezac's books? I read and liked them all but I'm too lazy to write two dozen book reports.
So far.