2: Dreamweaver by Shadow of Moonlite It's a well told, tightly written story with humour, suspense, love, drama - and well a bit of sex thrown in. What's not to like? :) This is one of the few stories where I find myself looking for an update every time I visit the site - it's just that good.
3: A Fresh Start by rlfj I have a weakness for stories about time travel and/or second chances and this is a very well written example of this genre.
4: Hey, That's My Shirt! by Losgud A very nice quick story. Well written and interesting from the start to the climax - so to speak :)
5: Magic by Lazlo Zalezac It's got great writing, and many of the chapters have left me chuckling - or outright laughing - which is no mean feat for any piece of writing - online or old-school books. Unfortunately the pace of new writing has slowed dramatically. I truly hope this does not get abandoned. The premise is just too god for that!