1: Revenge of the Nerd by RPSuch An author of taste, class and excellent knowledge. I enjoy reading RPSuch mostly because of the sophisticated style in which they write. Revenge of the Nerd is currently underway and is a long or novel length quality story.
2: Service Society by Lazlo Zalezac When I first discovered Lazlo Zalezac I was amazed. I mean, totally. This author writes stories that reach out and grab you, pulling you in and twisting your views all around, while keeping your interest and focus on the characters. I have many favorite stories, but it may come as a surprise to you to find that a great number of them are this authors. I have yet to find anything by Lazlo Zalezac I don't like. Seriously.
3: She Came in Through the Bathroom Window by Harddaysknight Harddaysknight, or HDK for short, is a wonderful author that has a way of twisting things up so the unexpected suddenly becomes not only plausible but quite entertaining as well. Another author that I love to read and again, one I enjoy tremendously, every time.