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an introduction to BDSM

Freyrs_stories ๐Ÿšซ

I'd love to find a story that takes the reader on a journey into the BDSM kink. for someone who's not already in the lifestyle. I'm interested in writing a story that is centered on BDSM. this won't be a theme throughout the series. just one story across the arc of the series.

Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


A lot depends on exactly what you are looking for, and what you want to avoid.

Do you want an inexperienced sub with an experienced dom?

These fall mostly in one of two categories.

1. A very light introduction to BDSM may include light bondage or impact play, but could just as easily be pure dominance/submission.

A good example would be Culture Shock by SirNathan.

2. A sick sadistic bastard trying to break a fresh and possibly unwilling sub. These get very dark very fast.

There are a few stories with a beginner sup that fall somewhere between, but these somewhat rare in my experience.

Or are you perhaps looking for an inexperienced couple exploring BDSM together for the first time?

I'd have to look a bit harder to find a good example for this.

Freyrs_stories ๐Ÿšซ


looking for an experianced Dom, interacting with a series of Subs who go in with generic knowledge. there will be 3 subs to the one dom. the first is a college student the other two are the dom's daughters.

I've read 3 stories that meet some of my criteria can't remember the names of those but one is twin teenage daughters where one submits to her daddy because she wants to be a good daughter and do what daddy says. the other daughter is the opposite. defiant and 'needs' daddy to control her without even realising how she needs to be controlled.

the second is a pair of stories where a brother tries to break his sister with BDSM play under the guise of a home invasion where the sister is forced to submit without knowing she's submitting to her brother. the result is she finds she can't go back to vanilla and asks her brother to dominate her, completing the circle of his plans. I think the second one might of had 'project' in its title.

I'd love something that explains BDSM as the subs are taken on a journey into being a full time sub, controlled by their dom. I guess a good amount of commentary to explain the facets of BDSM as they're introduced, indoctrinating said sub(s)

Replies:   Dominions Son
Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


I'd love something that explains BDSM as the subs are taken on a journey into being a full time sub, controlled by their dom. I guess a good amount of commentary to explain the facets of BDSM as they're introduced, indoctrinating said sub(s)

Of of the top of my head I can't think of any good stories that would fit on the more extreme side, that would also fit the commentary part.

Growing up Master might fit, but the male lead is young and inexperience at the start, but under the active guidance of his father who is an experienced dom.

richardshagrin ๐Ÿšซ


Hard to cover BDSM convincingly because it is at least three subjects. Bondage and Discipline. Domination and Submission. And Sadism and Masochism. And sometimes just one of the six or some of them together out of order. Bondage all by itself is a lot to cover.

Replies:   Freyrs_stories
Freyrs_stories ๐Ÿšซ


I'm interested in the first four, not so much the last two

hiltonls16 ๐Ÿšซ


A couple of authors who introduce their characters to dom/sub lifestyles: :
These form a series on Wes Boyd's site with Slippery Slopes linking the characters between the two.
has a couple of series:
and a couple of his other stories:

Replies:   madnige
madnige ๐Ÿšซ


These form a series on Wes Boyd's site with Slippery Slopes linking the characters between the two.

I was thinking of suggesting Slippery Slopes; I didn't know Sandpiper was a nym for Wes. Others of his worthy of mention are Stray Kitten for the naive D/S aspect, and Hat Trick for the occasional bondage, both on his site, not here.

ETA: And, bondage plays a peripheral part in Hat Trick and Andromeda Chained, enough to get a squick tag but but nowhere near enough to get the kink tag.

Replies:   Keet
Keet ๐Ÿšซ


ETA: And, bondage plays a peripheral part in Hat Trick and Andromeda Chained, enough to get a squick tag but but nowhere near enough to get the kink tag.

In Andromeda Chained it is not a BDSM element, not even as a squick tag. Hand cuffs are initially used to 'get a feel' for how a sister has to live with her disability. In time it becomes part of her personality where she lives 'chained' like a severely disabled person has to live with a disability.

"Why am I doing it, right?"


"Let's just say that I'm still learning what they have to teach me," Carole said.

Replies:   madnige
madnige ๐Ÿšซ


In Andromeda Chained it is not a BDSM element

True, as she's doing it to herself (both Carole and Brenda)

not even as a squick tag

I'd guess that the sort of people who think Disney does documentaries might consider it to be a squick so I'd dispute this, but you're correct in most (nearly all) cases. However, those people would be put off by the cover, so they probably wouldn't read it anyway - especially as the blurb starts (something like) 'The blonde jogger wore handcuffs' thus the squickness couldn't come into play so I graciously concede the point.

Replies:   Keet
Keet ๐Ÿšซ


However, those people would be put off by the cover, so they probably wouldn't read it anyway - especially as the blurb starts (something like) 'The blonde jogger wore handcuffs' thus the squickness couldn't come into play so I graciously concede the point.

Yep, I agree with that. I think the cover is a pretty bad representation of the actual story. A picture of a wheelchair would probably come a lot closer to the story arc.

Replies:   madnige
madnige ๐Ÿšซ


A picture of a wheelchair would probably come a lot closer to the story arc.

Not really; the handcuff are central to the story and associated with both the main and main secondary characters, whereas Wendy (the wheelchair user) is a slightly less significant character than Carole (to the story, even though she shaped Carole's life); also, either a pictured wheelchair wouldn't represent Jeeves (the name for the wheelchair) correctly, or prospective readers wouldn't recognise it as a wheelchair, taking it more as a hi-tech torture device or a starship helm station. The picture is very plain, even stark, but I don't think it would be improved with people in it; showing Carole or Brenda in handcuffs would give an incorrect impression unless Wendy is also pictured, which would shift emphasis to the wheelchair whereas it's the handcuffs that shaped Brenda's life. The only scene that could work would be Carole and Brenda on holiday, but I'm not sure if that even occurred; I may be conflating it with scenes from Hat Trick or The Bet.

ETA: Actually, I'm not sure even that Jeeves was mobile, certainly not any of the early versions; Wendy couldn't take sitting in a normal wheelchair for very long, and I think that it was only mentioned once in the story that she was put in a chair, for a shopping trip. Her life was spent reclining in Jeeves, a sort of high-tech dentist's chair thing.

itsmehonest ๐Ÿšซ

@Freyrs_stories by Raven Soule will never be finished but a look into formal slavery

itsmehonest ๐Ÿšซ


Most work by Captv8td have gentle d/s themes

Behindflayer ๐Ÿšซ


My Dear Sweet Slave by Sage of the Forlorn Path maybe

tg_smith64 ๐Ÿšซ


h by
h is an excellent story introducing a grown up male to life as a Dom.

ouioui ๐Ÿšซ


You can also check MWTB's work:
The Favor
Growing up a Master
Tired of Being the Nice Guy

steeltiger ๐Ÿšซ


T.S. Fesslin: 'Summer Project'

Also, much of the work of Memory Heap, but in particular the excellent ongoing stories 'My Wife, Her Slave' and 'The Day My Life Changed'

Replies:   Freyrs_stories
Freyrs_stories ๐Ÿšซ


yes, read that one. in the middle of reading the unfinished sequel atm

Dare ๐Ÿšซ


That is a true story, from a certain perspective. My own recollection is slightly different.

Not a real "Introduction to BDSM" theme, but an accurate depiction of a scene very early in a Ds relationship. You may find it useful. I believe it was first posted by way of introduction to the personals section at in about 2004 or so.

For a story that is very light-hearted so far as the characters and scenes go, but offers a surprisingly detailed examination of the BDSM philosophy, if you will...

...might be of interest. I particularly enjoy it because Rachael was a complete submissive. Portraying herself as a professional Dominatrix, well...In several scenes you can see that she really wants to switch places with one of her bottoms. It's so funny, reading these stories. But she always said, "I don't have to be an axe murderer to write a story about one."

And of course, her punch line was, "But it helps."

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