Anyone know of stories where a guy has a harem that has both males and females?
Oh, yeah I have read a couple of his. It's been a while since I've been smutting it up, and I'd forgotten about him. I'll definitely take a look, thanks.
Do you consider group relationships with multiple guys and gals all more or less equal as fitting under harem for these purposes?
For me, it's more that there's one dude that has the harem more or less dedicated to him. Side relationships are fine, but one guy definitely "king of the castle" so to speak.
Probaby over 50% of the swarm cycle stories match your criteria
There's so much Swarm Cycle out there it always just seems like....where the hell do I even start?
Start with the Cycle's inventor, Thinking Horndog. Sometimes T.H. Barker.
"The Swarm Cycle
The Swarm Cycle is a collection of stories written around a concept introduced by the Thinking Horndog about an alien invasion and Earth's reaction to it. The intent is for it to be a public, multi-author universe after the fashion of the popular Naked in School stories. The Sa'arm, a tripedal race with some physical resemblance to a cross between a mushroom and a lizard but with a hive mind, is sweeping across this galactic arm toward the center. They communicate by some sort of ESP, and ignore any race that does not. In their path is the Confederacy, a Galactic civilization that universally practices nonviolence -- and Earth... Interested authors should examine the Swarm Author's page at"
Parts of that link don't work any more. Here is part of what I found there
"The stories "Average Joes" and "Pickup Number Eighteen" provide quite a bit of background detail from which other efforts may be based; the contributions of Jack Lipton and the Duke of Ramus have been vetted, too. If you wish to write about some area that is not really dealt with in these stories, contact me and we can discuss my general plan for the execution of various stages. I'll try not to cramp your style -- there ought to be a lot of room to maneuver here... Artie's story, for instance, isn't the REAL ending of this saga -- but it IS suggestive, so I posted it -- I'm sure there are NIS stories out there that the original author doesn't feel fit the original concept..."
So start with "Average Joes" and read as many stories as you can stand. There are hundreds of stories...
T.R.E.S. by Paul Phenomenon Has a bit of that later on in the story.