Pack - non-predator - predator (tolerated or not) - prey.
Humans fall into either pack or non-predator.
And that is something I tried to keep in mind whenever I included sequences where his "thoughts" came to the front. His handler he saw as the Alpha, and they were very much partners and had been for years as before the mutation he was her Seeing Eye Dog.
And everything was in his frame of reference. He would die to protect her, or her children as to his way of understanding she would rather die than loose her kids. But he would not do so for anybody else.
But his general outlook and behavior is still canine, he could be brutal and kill or bite the limb off of somebody, then in another scene happily act almost like a puppy as random children come up and pet him. As complex and as many dimensions as a person. But his frame of reference is completely different than a human.
I have in the back of my mind a short story involving him, but have yet to put it down as I know it would be very challenging to do so and remain true to his "thoughts".