I am looking for Stories set between 1700 and 1900. Even back to the past stories, expedition to Africa will do. Thanks. Preferable Male MC
I am looking for Stories set between 1700 and 1900. Even back to the past stories, expedition to Africa will do. Thanks. Preferable Male MC
Stories by Argon fit your criteria. Some are before 1700, but there are a lot of mostly naval stories between 1700 and 1900. The main characters are mostly male, naval officers.
Do Westerns qualify? There are a number here written by aubi56, Lazlong, FantasyLover, MattHHelm that take place during this period.
Madeleine is set and Victorian france. A very tawdry woman is put in her place by her mother in law. She eventually moves to the red light district. It is an homage to a graphic novel by Georges Prichard.