I'm looking for stories where a powerful/dangerous woman falls in love with the mc and builds him into the king she believes him to be
I'm looking for stories where a powerful/dangerous woman falls in love with the mc and builds him into the king she believes him to be
Unfortunately, the only two stories I've written that have powerful and dangerous women in them, they WERE the mc and became ruler / leader themselves. :)
I believe three square meals qualifies for that.
Except the woman that falls for him isn't strong or powerful in the beginning and he makes her strong before she helps him.
It's a great story that I enjoy, just don't think it matches the request.
The Von Solon stories by Feral Lady have some of that vibe. Maybe some of Colt45's stories as well.
rough and ready by papatoad.. I think this is as close as you'e going to get to your druthers....good read.