I recently finished replaying the classic game "Inherit the Earth" and it got me thinking if there are any stories with a similar setting.
To explain it for those who don't know the game (not really spoiling it, most of the following is revealed or at least hinted at in the intro):
The setting is a medieval world populated by anthropomorphic animals. It turns out these animals were uplifted by us and it plays far into the future from our perspective. The human race itself vanished, apparently because of a virus (I wonder why I had the urge to replay it...). The animals regard much of the technology left behind to be magical and can't really understand it, only use it. The end part of the game takes place in a military/research base above a dam full of technology vastly beyond the understanding of the games characters. The last part is especially fascinating to me, the game characters walking through corridors, awed by simple things like derelict cars or displays showing images of research (the dam provides the still existing electricity).
To cut a long story short (too late?):
Can you recommend me any stories that play out like historical or fantasy but in actuality take place on a post apocalyptic earth? But the characters aren't really aware of it. It's more of a gimmick for the reader, meaning we know what they are using/seeing is some kind of technology (i.e. video tape, laser etc.).
Kind of like in colt45's Sea King universe. Especially Quest For Knowledge with its data crystals/Memory stones (I immediately thought of Lavender when she reads one and it says "Mathematical Methods in Nanoptics" or something like that and they have no idea what it means).
Do any of you know more stories like that? They certainly don't need to be with anthropomorphic animals. I'd like to avoid time travel, if possible, but you can name stories with it if that's what pops up in your memory.
Thank you in advance for any recommendations.