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Harem story but not one by the top five harem recommended writers

Charro6 🚫

Looking for a harem story hopefully a lost gem or an unknown great. With real believable and likable characters.
1. Florida Friends or any other story by Dual Writer
2. ALWL or the other one by Michael Loucks
3. Living Next Door to Heaven by aroslav
4. Stupid Boy by G Younger
5. Three Square Meals by Tefler

That takes care of the top five when someone ask for a harem story. Hoping to find one that is not tagged harem or poly. but still fits.

awnlee jawking 🚫

The Consequences and Rewards of Playing Hooky by mcguy101 - tagged poly but not harem.


Replies:   Charro6  BillyRay
Charro6 🚫

@awnlee jawking

jawking 2/10/2020, 4:34:43 PM
The Consequences and Rewards of Playing Hooky by mcguy101

Also tagged Mind Control and Extra Sensory Perception not real believable but I will give it a read.

Replies:   awnlee jawking  mcguy101
awnlee jawking 🚫


Would the lack of believability disqualify the Swarm Cycle stories? Many (most?) of those have harems.


Replies:   richardshagrin
richardshagrin 🚫

@awnlee jawking

Many (most?) of those have harems.

How many females does it take to make it a harem? More than one? The vast majority of Swarm volunteers have two, although the principal characters often have four or six. And of course the hypothetical Tens have ten. If you have multiple wives is that a harem? Or do you need to have concubines to have a harem?


(in former times) the separate part of a Muslim household reserved for wives, concubines, and female servants.
women's quarters
the women occupying a harem; the wives (or concubines) of a polygamous man.
a group of female animals sharing a single mate."

mcguy101 🚫


2/10/2020, 6:01:07 PM

@awnlee jawking

jawking 2/10/2020, 4:34:43 PM
The Consequences and Rewards of Playing Hooky by mcguy101

Also tagged Mind Control and Extra Sensory Perception not real believable but I will give it a read.

Hi- Mind Control is mostly a plot device to put the characters in the situation. The story is character driven. Hope you enjoy.

BillyRay 🚫

@awnlee jawking

Just wanted to add - that is a terrific story. Unique premise and compelling characters in a well written story

Ernest Bywater 🚫

Odd that this may seem, but are you looking for one with a lot of sex or not?

Replies:   Charro6
Charro6 🚫

@Ernest Bywater

Story is more important then sex.

Ernest Bywater 🚫


Story is more important then sex.

I asked as when you code a story as No Sex the harem and poly codes aren't available to you and I have a few No Sex stories where the MC ends up with multiple wives:

Clan Amir is a series where polygamy is part of the daily life and most of the main characters have multiple spouses

Others where the MC ends up with multiple spouses are:

gaplingjinn 🚫


Gordon Johnson's personalia universe has harem which are more story driven than sex. Eden on the rails and Vacation on Rehome definitely have harem. I'm not sure about others.

Odd that this may seem, but are you looking for one with a lot of sex or not?

OTOH, I am looking for more sex than story in the Harem or Poly category. Something in the vein of "Child brides of India" by C. Stanton Leman. If anybody remembers stories surrounding a sex commune .

qqqq 🚫


check out stories by...old 1 eye...I think he's your man... sadly he's past on...good luck

Replies:   Keet
Keet 🚫


check out stories by...old 1 eye...I think he's your man... sadly he's past on...good luck

Any source that Old 1 Eye has passed on? His last story is from 10+ years ago but his feedback form is still active which means someone has logged in the past year.

samsonjas 🚫
Updated: would perhaps be the sixth on the list.

I've gotta go see if I've read tefler and old 1 eye...

Replies:   Eldof
Eldof 🚫

@samsonjas would perhaps be the sixth on the list.


Some others that I liked are Bowling for Hearts though the author never released the sequel, so you might be disappointed with the ending as it sets up for the second book, A Friend in Need is really good, My Journey is an other good one, but it too sadly ends unfinished as Xalir sadly passed away.

Joe J and John Wales have written quite a few harem stories as well. I personally didn't really like them because of some tropes they tend to use, but you might enjoy them so you could give them a try.

StarFleet Carl 🚫


likable characters.

Give me a while. I hadn't planned for it to become a harem story when I started. Nothing is posted yet, but I'm up to Chapter 16 (meaning about 1 MB in size), and so far there are four women in it devoted to the MC.

Radagast 🚫

Tom Frost's
Has elements of harem building for the first 60 chapters. Veering off into poly and swinging over the last few chapters.
is set in a different timeline where the Roman Empire is set in Brazil. So slave girls for fun and trying to find the right society wife for public acceptance and breeding.

samuelmichaels 🚫


How about The Best of Both Worlds by Dilettante?

A few of Lazlong's stories have harems: Help!, Silent Endings - New Beginnings (incomplete), Wagons Ho! and the others two in this series.

Replies:   samuelmichaels
samuelmichaels 🚫


One more: The Preacher Man by hammingbyrd7. The SF setting is quite imaginative.

FairWeatheredFriend 🚫


Home | Forum | All Threads by Date

Probably the best and most "realistic" real world harem scenario you will ever find on SoL.

qqqq 🚫

look at finder's fee by colt 45...good one a bit different...

Replies:   Dinsdale
Dinsdale 🚫


Some of colt45's other stories also qualify, probably even most of them. I rather like myself.
Of course there is always if you have Premier Access, not sure about the "believable" requirement there. It is unfinished but went a very long way before he ran out of steam.

owensby 🚫

fantasylover's stories -- just about all of them.

Lazlong's Wagons Ho universe is two great stories that don't quite consummate their relationship. There is also his Fountain of Youth and sequel.

Remus2 🚫


A Terran Trader on Toolondo

ETA: A story that has much potential. As is it's good, but most of it feels compressed. It could easily go epic with a rewrite.

Zachariah M P Goadsby 🚫

You've probably already seen them, but An Ordinary Sex Life, Arlene and Jeff, and Flight of the Code Monkey are all harem-oriented series.

Call Girl Cheerleaders and Orange County Babylon by Richard Bissell are great. Not on SOL and kind of inconvenient to grab copies of though. (I may have had to dig into's Usenet archives to piece together OCB)

If you really want to go searching for lost gems, the depths of ASSM have many treasures from the days before SOL. At the cost of a lot of your time though.

Franco 🚫

Surprised no one has mentioned My Inheritance by E. Z. Riter. Description: Dave inherits 3,000 sex slaves, $20 million and a treasure hunt to a mind control formula.

Replies:   burlarr
burlarr 🚫


Dave inherits 3,000 sex slaves, $20 million and a treasure hunt to a mind control formula

Wow hope he gets money quick or the grocery alone with make him broke in less than 2 years lol

Sk0r 🚫

One of my favorite older harem stories is "Play it again Sam" by POL written in 2008.

Replies:   moondog_199
moondog_199 🚫


Thanks, I hadn't found that one, and it was quite a good Do Over story as well as the Harem. It was a good weekend read!

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