A fellow user was asking for Do-over stories about men doing over as female. Now I got interested in Do-overs but female as female.
Thanks for your suggestions. Have a nice day.
A fellow user was asking for Do-over stories about men doing over as female. Now I got interested in Do-overs but female as female.
Thanks for your suggestions. Have a nice day.
Have a nice day.
This is often said by sales clerks after you pay for your purchase, mostly without any real meaning. I suggest you say, "Live Long and Prosper".
T.R.E.S by Ms. Friday
Sandy remembers her past lives, all 22 of them that span more than one thousand years. Josh, her brother, is an empath. While teenagers, they share their secrets and bodies and fall in love. But circumstances separate them. Nicole, a telepath, meets and falls in love with Josh, and then helps Josh and Sandy come together again. The three of them form a plural marriage. TRES is their love story.
I only vaguely remember that story, but don't think it qualifies as a do-over.
Not a do-over but still a damn good story. And as she experiences repeated lifetimes as a girl/woman I thought it might be of interest to the OP. Since it does not exactly match the criteria I included the story description.
The Road Taken...And Taken by Bruce Bretthauer & Colin Keizer, available over on BtFH, is a young/old FF do-over/swap. I've mentioned it here before.
ETA: to find it, once (registered and) LOGGED IN:
Quick Links (upper-left, below picture)
> Show Authors
> B
> Bruce Bretthauer & Colin Keizer
You should be able to see it linked there