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Adult romance

ylt6 ๐Ÿšซ

Hi, I've recently read a lot of highschool/college stories, and I'm burned out of how childish many of the romances are.

So I'm looking for something where the parties involved are adult about their relationship. They don't have to be adults themselves, but I want something where their attitude is adult (concerning relationships anyways).

The number one thing is communication. Something like Runaway Train by Jay Cantrell. They talk about their goals, they talk about their problems, they talk about their sexual limitations etc. They don't get smashed and cheat on each other, when there is a misunderstanding they talk and clear it up. I.e there aren't a ton of stupid dramatic situations poping up and pulling them apart because of misunderstandings or acting like a child in his/her first relationship.

Other than the requierment that the couple act like grown ups, I don't like swinging/group sex involving more than one guy, m/m or big age gaps. Also, the longer story the better.

Looking forward to any suggestions, thanks!

Dominions Son ๐Ÿšซ


They don't get smashed and cheat on each other,

Lots of real world adults do this.

They talk about their goals, they talk about their problems, they talk about their sexual limitations etc.

Far too many real world adults don't do this.

Try the fantasy aisle.

Replies:   ylt6
ylt6 ๐Ÿšซ

@Dominions Son

Lots of real world adults do this.

Lots of real world adults don't do this aswell.

Far too many real world adults don't do this.

Many real world adults do this aswell.

I'm well aware and am not saying that some adults don't do the same stupid shit as teenagers does. In my experience with my family and social circle, it's been extremely rare, but not unheard of. Just because people are adults, it doesn't mean that the way they handle relationships is always in a mature way. I mean, if you think that something like cheating on your SO is an adult way to handle relationships, we'll just have to agree to disagree. It's not specifically stories about adults in relationships I'm looking for, rather stories about relationships handled in a mature way, no matter if they're 12 years old or 70.

Try the fantasy aisle.

If you think that relationships that are built on honesty and communication are nothing but a fantasy, I truly feel sorry for you.

That said, I'd appreciate it if we could keep the thread to suggestions. Regardless if people agree with me or not about my views on mature relationships, I think that I was pretty clear with what I'm looking for and I don't really want to see the thread devolve into a discussion about the meaning of adult relationships.

Replies:   Eldof
Eldof ๐Ÿšซ


If you think that relationships that are built on honesty and communication are nothing but a fantasy, I truly feel sorry for you.


As for suggestions, maybe Thunder and Lighteneing by Lazlo Zalezac. While the protagonist is kind of inexperienced with relationships, the woman is patient, mature and understanding with him.

Pixy ๐Ÿšซ


The irony of complaining that stories about children are full of childish behaviour...

Depending on where you are in the world, anyone under 18/21 is still classed as being a child. Since 14-19 is roughly high-school/college age, then you would expect that. I don't see a lot of 15 year olds moaning about having to pay tax and National Insurance. Or mortgages...

If you are after stories about adults speaking about adult things in an adult way, then you could try, you know, reading stories where the MC are adults, not children/teenagers....

Radagast ๐Ÿšซ
The main characters are kids, but they have to grow up fast. Its been a while since I read it, IIRC the drama is from external sources instead of the MCs, who are thrown together and have to create a relationship our of legal and economic necessity.

Nizzgrrl ๐Ÿšซ


Browse Dual Writer's stories.

Dual's Florida Friends series is about the friends, family and adventures of Marine vets and they are all grown-ups. Swinging, yes, but it should meet your requirements. Long - well Florida Friends should keep your attention for more than a few hours even if you're a speed reader.

Dual Writer

As I recall Dual's other stories also qualify as adult stories as well. Enjoy!

grandad_rufus ๐Ÿšซ


Regards G_R

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