Do guys know a story or book similar ?
Thanks in advance.
It would help to know which part(s) of the story you want to find in other stories. Since this is text only and I have no way of signifying tone, I want to make sure that you know I'm not trying to be snarky or negative. I just know from other posts on this forum that when somebody asks a broad question like this, the responses can either be all over the map or very few people respond since they aren't sure what you are looking for.
SPOILER ALERT for those that haven't read the referenced story:
Is it the nanites and what they do to his body? Is it the high school sports? Is it the time travel paradox? If you can explain what similarities you are looking for, it might help people provide useful suggestions.
That's OK. I'm just trying to find out what exactly you like about the story so are are more likely to get relevant recommendations.