Did any author ever examine or write about the situation where the chosen female participant was a devote muslim or hindi headscarf wearing person ?
i.e. The clash between the program and the fundamentalist religion .
Did any author ever examine or write about the situation where the chosen female participant was a devote muslim or hindi headscarf wearing person ?
i.e. The clash between the program and the fundamentalist religion .
Did any author ever examine or write about the situation where the chosen female participant was a devote muslim or hindi headscarf wearing person ?
I don't recall a NiS story that deals with the issue in detail. Some stories skate around it, mentioning them being exempt, a few use them in passing as victims, forced into the program then becoming victims of dishonour murders by their family.
Fundamentalists are not inherently sexy so make poor characters for a story set in the NiS universe.
First thought - why are you asking a question about 'Yellow Pages'?
Second thought - probably not, but the Naval Investigative Service is now NCIS.
Third thought - DOH! NIS means 'Naked in School'
My mind is badly warped.
First thought - why are you asking a question about 'Yellow Pages'?
Second thought - probably not, but the Naval Investigative Service is now NCIS.
Quite understandable since it should have been spelled as NiS and not NIS :D
Going back to the original, NiS seems to be about showing a young woman she has power even when everything is stripped from her. This expands to boys and couples and so on. If you want to use a fundamentalist, you're going to be stripping much more than physical clothes from her. Monday is going to be far more degrading and she'll need to raise by leaps and bounds to reach Friday to be a whole person again let alone achieve that NiS level of freedom and power.
And when she takes it home after classes, she has to face her mother and father and siblings who are highly invested in her staying in her place. Is she hiding it from her family? Is there one enlightened family member she can find shelter with? Is her idea of how fundamentalist her family is greater than the reality?
In conclusion, this hardly sounds sexy. It sounds dark, dangerous, and deceitful. Of course, Dark, dangerous, and deceitful usually sounds sexy... I don't see it here.
and she'll need to raise by leaps and bounds to reach Friday to be a whole person again let alone achieve that NiS level of freedom and power.
A possible plot point can be a stumble in the first week requiring participation in a second week to allow for the extra time needed for climbing that ladder to 'freedom and power'.
Another possible plot point is the participant from the fundamentalist family extracting themselves from that situation. There are a lot of ways to play it though it would be best done by someone familiar with the culture.
There are a lot of ways to play it though it would be best done by someone familiar with the culture.
Salman Rushdie perhaps...?
What I have wondered about is the opposite of that coin:
In fundamental types of Islam any woman who is not modestly dressed is free for the sexual use of any man.
Naked in School - the Exported Rebellion by Ndenyal touch on the question and discuss about as far I remember.
It's quite a time since I read it, and I doubt any was stripped for more than minutes, and the one incident I remember involved girl with genital mutilation and was a rape level violation.
It's the third story in series that deconstructs and destroys NiS universe very nicely. I would recommend this author's series as your last NiS universe experience before planning a long break from the genre.
Kevin and Denise Naked in School
Roger and Cynthia Naked in School
Naked in School - the Exported Rebellion
It's very much my favorite long story in NiS universe.
Thinking about it, there actually was a story wherein the main girl was wearing hijab. I may conflate several now in my memory but I think she had scars partially covered by a tattoo, and her mother adjusted her clothes for easy removal what she used for great effect when dealing with a protest across a street.
But I'm seem unable to locate that story right now.
EDIT: I was possibly thinking about Carrying the Flag by peregrinf