I'm looking for stories similar to Lady in Red but toned down. I don't mind the action parts, unrealistic as they may be. Highschooler saving his school from terrorists? Cool. Saving 2 girls and trekking through the jungle? Awesome! Saving his fiancee from somalian pirates? Sure!
What I don't like is all the attention they get. Sure, there's going to be a news story if a highschool kid save his school from terrorists, it's not that part I don't like. It's how the whole world seems to hang on to every word Steve/Gwen says. It's how when Steve's hurt, the whole world's holding their breath rather than just his friends and family. It's how there just happens to be some film crews that captures all amazing things they do so they can humblebrag to the entire world about how awesome they are. It's how there's always someone that has to tell everyone around them how awesome what they just did and how amazing they are rather than just letting their actions speak for themselves. When you've just read about something cool Steve did, I don't want to read in the next paragraf where his family or friends are watching it happen live at a resturaunt and telling everyone there about how brave and awesome Steve is. It's enough to let the reader decide if his actions were cool or not, no need to have 10 support characters ranting about his glory aswell!
Basically, I want to read something like Lady in Red, but without all the media coverage. Something action packed with Gary Stu / Mary Sue characters, no relationship drama but still some romance in it, but without all the humblebragging and without them being worshipped by the entire world!