Yesterday i finished Little Tony series by G.Younger while waiting the next installments of another of hia series i really have come to love and cant wait for more "Stupid Boy". I really like these romantasizing stories from the Godfather movies, i like the "honour" and such. I have read twom more stories before with these kind of plot and some intence sex scenes, mind you am not looking for a short stroke story, i like an long long story with buisnes oriented plot, having the old italian mafia part as a big thing in the story and some serious romance all of that twisted preferably from a teen boy kind of view, like a coming of age in that kind of family. Some martial arts and violence would be nice+ a big of drama althoung not a hufe tear jerker its kind of a letdown. I am not a really big all in fun of polygammy or harem cause i think taht a huge harem number tires the reader, and lose the intencity in the sex scenes cause there is no room for character development. However G younger's both series have made me a beliver even though there isnt a steady harem structure. Its really fitting, mind you i like it romantic and kinda small harem( say 4 member ideal or even six in long stories and series sobwe can enjoy them). FantasyLover has some nice stories and the selegation saystem of the harem i really like but i wpuld prefer them much smaller in member sizes.
So with all thsese characteristics can u please recomend me any stories.. I would like it. Sorru for the lengthy question but when I start write alwaysnew ideas come and i cant finish.
Best wishes, Teo