Looking for stories where the whole town/ community is involved. Includes incest, teenagers, and gangbangs. Something similar to Just Another Day in Dulce by Frank Speaks
Looking for stories where the whole town/ community is involved. Includes incest, teenagers, and gangbangs. Something similar to Just Another Day in Dulce by Frank Speaks
From back when the internet was young, Phil Phantom's "master work," See No Evil:
See No Evil (SNE) is the largest work of erotic fiction ever
written. It dwarfs "War and Peace" by a thousand pages--over
four megs. The story is in three parts, and each part contains
several book-length side stories that you may go off and read by
clicking the link. The side stories all tie in to the central
story but are not necessary to read. They explore a sexual theme
or character, so if you like that theme or character, go explore.
If not, skip it.
One final note: Story codes. Fahgetaboudit. SNE explores so
many combinations that to try itemize them all would increase the
story size by at least another meg. Suffice to say that
everything from A to Z is probably included. At least once.
There's sure to be something to please and offend everyone. Use
the links and/or the "Back" button. They are your friends.