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Girl leaves MC, regrets it later

LittlePeach143 ๐Ÿšซ

Be it the MC became a better person or anything. I dont mind if the MC forgets the girl or reunites with her, I just want scenes where the girl was regretting it.

Dinsdale ๐Ÿšซ fits, although the "girl" is in her late 20's. fits as well, as does - completing the Argon trilogy.

darrok ๐Ÿšซ

Stupid Boy has a rather strong sub-plot of that, or rather multiple.

ChiMi ๐Ÿšซ

I would also like some of those recommendations. With additional focus on "decisions matter". So, no easy solution with an "I'm sorry!" or the protagonist just forgiving things easily.

I find stories, or rather storypoints, where a character is slowly experiencing the burden and regret of what he/she did wrong, interesting. Even if it will never be forgiven.

Like a kid/young adult who is wrongly accused of something and the family doesn't believe him/her and the protag severs the ties with the family until the truth comes out and the family tries to make up with the protagonist.

Replies:   Eldof
Eldof ๐Ÿšซ


Like a kid/young adult who is wrongly accused of something and the family doesn't believe him/her and the protag severs the ties with the family until the truth comes out and the family tries to make up with the protagonist.

I think that My Journey by Xalir fits after the first book, but it's a pretty known series, so you've probably read it already if you've been around here a while.

Zellus ๐Ÿšซ

PeckingChicken ๐Ÿšซ

Try Drawn Apart by Jay Cantrell.

Eldof ๐Ÿšซ

I think that 'A Flawed Diamond' by Jay Cantrell had an element of that, though it was hardly a big focus in the story. Great story though, fully recommend it.

awnlee jawking ๐Ÿšซ

That's a common theme in StangStar06's BTB stories.


Dinsdale ๐Ÿšซ

Finding Shelter by Jay Cantrell.

Death and a Life in Emerald Cove, also by JC.

Learning Curves, ditto.

They are in the order they were released, but also shortest to longest.

Oh, and Garlic Salt. Older than the above, and shorter.

Gokl ๐Ÿšซ

I was looking through old posts when I found this one, and I've now read all stories recommended here.

Does anyone have more stories on the topic?
Though unlike the original poster, I do mind if the MC forgets about the girl. I liked the stories where they were reunited, so whatever reason the girl leaves the MC for, it should be something that can be pardoned.

Also, what sunkuwan said

Like a kid/young adult who is wrongly accused of something and the family doesn't believe him/her and the protag severs the ties with the family until the truth comes out and the family tries to make up with the protagonist.

is also something I'd like to read about. Kind of the same thing as "Girl leaves MC, regrets it later" but "Family leaves MC, regrets it later". Both of these aren't necessary in the same story, I'd like to read more stories with either in it!

Replies:   Nulaak83
Nulaak83 ๐Ÿšซ


Dance of a Lifetime fits what you're looking for Goki.

Replies:   Gokl  jimh67
Gokl ๐Ÿšซ


True, I've already read it though. Great story!

jimh67 ๐Ÿšซ


That girl is bat shit crazy. I'm not being snarky; she was written that way. I sucked it up because it was necessary for the plot, but no way a real-life teenage girl with those serious psychological issues is miraculously cured and becomes a perfectly functioning person almost overnight. I need at least a thread of reality to suspend disbelief.

In real life a guy would have to have serious self esteem issues to take her back after her bizarre behavior at college. Especially when that was just a continuation of the way she'd been the whole time they'd been together.

Oh, and I thought the nude skating was juvenile. I gave it an 8 but I'm not nearly as gushy about the story as a lot of people on this forum.

Replies:   anim8ed  Gokl
anim8ed ๐Ÿšซ


Usually they stay bat shit crazy. Mine did. She was certifiable when she was 18 and still is at 55. Her kids don't want anything to do with her. I am not even sure she has seen all of the grand kids.

Gokl ๐Ÿšซ


I didn't mind her "miraculous cure", as I don't have any personal experience with anyone who's been through something similar, and who am I to say how someone like that functions. I do agree with you about their reunion, that was something that stood out to me. That he'd just take her back without her really making amends or winning his trust back made me lose respect for the guy.

PeckingChicken ๐Ÿšซ

Well, the first of Argon's Anthony Carter series that Return comes from hits that plotline hard. If you enjoy it, you might think about checking the whole series in the order they were released. Argon likes the loving-leaving-redemption story and uses it quite a bit in that series.

Start with In The Navy

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