Looking for stories where the MC is a photographer, any recommendations?
Kelly by The Night Hawk
Romance story set around a photographer, his business partner (an ex-model) and a girl who's friend pay for her to have a photo session.
Looking Through The Lens by Ryan Sylander
Coming of age story about a young boy and a mystery girl.
Banner Year by Shrink42
Coming of age story, MC runs a business as photographer for a while.
The Tony and Nancy series, and a couple of other related stories, by Paige Turner:
Tony's a rock photographer, and their friend and occasional lover The Cat makes it big as a fashion photographer.
Paige Turner could use a proofreader, but the storytelling is excellent.
A note to myself, from long ago, suggested the following stories were about photography (I no longer remember the accuracy of the list):
Again, by Timm
Banner, by Shrink42
Beth, by Svengali's Ghost
Looking Through the Lens, by Ryan Sylander
Photographer, by Thor
Say Cheese, by Vulgus
Wedding Photo, by Vulgur Argot
Had a friend who was an amateur photographer who knew and was friends with the founders of Hooters. At the first store near Tampa he took pictures of the waitresses interesting in modeling. They loved it. His real job had him all over the country. He was given a letter and business cards so he would invite the local
waitresses to his room for their pictures. He swears nothing ever happened.
Beth Series by Svengali's Ghost is a set of stories I always enjoyed:
It was never fully finished and the author hasn't been heard from for some time but I do check every once in awhile to see if he pops back on the radar. Its decent coming of age sort of tale and one where his talent for photography combined with some mechanical ability see's him going a few places.