Looking for any recommendations for stories where the main characters setup a constitution, laws, etc. I've read The Ark by REP.
Can be set in past or current time, futuristic, space post or pre apoc, doesn't matter.
Looking for any recommendations for stories where the main characters setup a constitution, laws, etc. I've read The Ark by REP.
Can be set in past or current time, futuristic, space post or pre apoc, doesn't matter.
Hey this story fits! Habe fun it's a good read imo!
Thanks Thurfing, yes another great story! Sadly I've already enjoyed reading,,,and re-reading it :)
Maybe an older story,,,from years gone by,,,
Gateway - What Lies Beyond by The Blind Man
Stories by FantasyLover tend to have those elements too.
The Jade Force of Misera series by Lazlo Zelazac.
While initially it's just a mercenary force, they do end up establishing the Jade Empire, complete with governmental structure. And all the way through, there is Law by Contract.
"Ever and Always' by Banadin
Most of the story doesn't apply, but at the end they plan for and set up a new government for the US.
I think I might read too much,,,I've read all the stories suggested. Will check out some of FantasyLover's stories I haven't read.
Thanks everyone for the suggestions
A lot depends on how much you want the constitution etc built into the story. In the Clan Amir series a constitution is created as part of the first story in the series, but it doesn't go into much detail of the constitution, although one of the additional stories does have a lot of the detail. Most of the stories are action stories set in that universe.
much of the constitution information is here:
thanks EB. I read the Clam Amir stories but will have to go back and read em again ;)
thanks EB. I read the Clam Amir stories but will have to go back and read em again ;)
The bit about setting up a constitution is toward the end of Fighting Heritage while the bulk of the constitution oddities are in About Berant with mention of aspects of the constitution being made in a few of the stories; The Shukra War is one when the constitution aspects are mentioned a few times.
just finished About Berant. Very interesting and nicely detailed. Many thanks! And thanks too for the info about the other 2 stories.
And thanks too for the info about the other 2 stories.
You're welcome, there are several other stories where the constitution is referenced, but those two have the most relevance to the constitution as sub-plots. Most of the other references are more like a back-hand reference of the type in Rites of Passage where Gordie speaks on his sister's behalf and states he can't be due to the law while Harold will be - meaning he can't be king at all. The constitution comes up again in The Day of Blood, The Lost Ones, and others - but is only mentioned as a side aspect.
Damn, can't remember the Series, but it was about a futuristic Earth society that completely depended on Energy and technology. After an internal struggle between the rulers of Earth, the energy grid failed and suddenly the Society was on a stone age level.
The First book picks up with a group of LARP'ers (life action role players) who played 24/7 living without technology and suddenly they were the only hope for survival.
Sometimes (and battles) later, they set up a new constitution to try and survive the now lawless land.
There were also fantastical creatures like Unicorns and Dragons (semi- and permanent transformed Humans, who couldn't transform back without technology)
I have the books somewhere in my bookshelves here, but can't find it right now. If I remember correctly, it was a Baen Books Author, but the site is currently down.
Even if it was my kind of story with rebuilding society, empire building, etc. I found the "FUCK YEAH AMERICA!!!!" patriotism with the whole constitution plot headache inducing and dropped it within the second book.
two Robert Heinlein novels come to mind.
The Tunnel In The Sky
The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress
both are essentials and great reading
The Preacher Man by hammingbyrd7 where the 'Constitution' is computer code.
Some part of the Greenie universe by Al Steiner.
thanks I will check it out. Don't know how I missed a story by Lazlo! Thought I had read all of them...
Uncle Jim's "Injustice" series is headed in that direction. Three stories are completed, and the latest one ("Maureen") is well underway. The action involves baddies from Atlanta to Salem, and politicos throughout the territory centered around Washington D.C. It's MC element is based on magic use, and not pure mind power. Have yourself a good read.