First part: Revenge
I'd like some stories where the protagonist or his friend/s take matters in their own hand. Doesn't matter if it is against an individual, a group or the government. Bonus points if there isn't too much emphasis on morals or if they don't question every single decision.
As an example it could be something like this: A girl gets raped and the rapist (and maybe his friends, _insert-local-frat-party-here_) gets scot free because the police doesn't want or want to believe the victim, or the rapists father is a big hotshot.
The friends of the girl set out to get revenge on the rapists, maybe killing or mutilating them, terrorizing the rapists families etc.
Age/Gender doesn't matter
Second part: Character overreaction.
Where the protagonist doesn't forgive easy. A little quirk of mine is, that I doesn't like easy apologies. It even infuriates me if there is something done to someone and after a halfassed apology, everything is hunky-dory again.
So a major part of the story should be something about a decision that negatively impacts the protagonist or a secret the s/he didn't know at first. Normal characters would grit their teeth and accept the apology but here the protagonist would totally overreact and the family or his friends have a hard time getting back into the good graces.
Age/Gender doesn't matter
Bonus part: total (comedic) overreaction.
i.e. the friends of the protagonist take the "hilarious and proven method" of fake kidnapping to celebrate *xyz* and the protagonist completely overreacts and injures his friends and runs for his live in total paranoia mode.