Just looking for good examples of fantasy stories with a strong erotic element tobit. Especially not stroke stories but more plot driven, where the sex is explicit, but part of the story.
Just looking for good examples of fantasy stories with a strong erotic element tobit. Especially not stroke stories but more plot driven, where the sex is explicit, but part of the story.
A Halloween Redemption by StarCrawler
Urban fantasy with vampires with erotica.
Justice Resurrected by Celtic Bard
High fantasy.
Celestial Matters by Noble Truth
Nonurban Angels/Demons fantasy.
There and Back by Aquea
Fanfic of Dragon Age videogame. High fantasy. The beginning doesn't have erotica until the middle of the story.
Just for clarification, do you mean fantasy in the sense of 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' or in the sense of the 'Best Erotic Fantasy Story' clitoride award?
Just for clarification, do you mean fantasy in the sense of 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' or in the sense of the 'Best Erotic Fantasy Story' clitoride award?
Sci-Fi/Fantasy. More towards the fantasy side, IE sword and sorcery/magic type stories. Sometimes the codes blur here especially when you add the 'non-human' code.
Two stories in progress that might meet your requirement:
Hunter's Prey by Cutlass
Magical Slavery by Alan C. Zumwalt
Many of Invid Fan's stories encompass strange creatures, magic and sex.
And there's always Mike Cropo.
Just for clarification, do you mean fantasy in the sense of 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' or in the sense of the 'Best Erotic Fantasy Story' clitoride award?
Sci-Fi/Fantasy. More towards the fantasy side, IE sword and sorcery/magic type stories. Sometimes the codes blur here especially when you add the 'non-human' code.
Replies: awnlee jawking
I mentioned elsewhere that I thought the award category should be better defined just because of this type of confusion.
Not to self promote (okay, maybe a little), but I've had people who know the game Skyrim tell me they like my take on things:
Started out as writing out a playthrough of a (heavily) modded game, and morphed from there. I am planning a re-write when it's done, not just to correct errors that snuck in, but because I at least hope in the last year my skill as a writer has improved.
Mike is fun, but his stuff just got a little too fantastical for me to suspend disbelief. I was re-reading another story and ended up skimming because while I liked the plot, despite the fact it was an incest story, there was just too much sex for it to be even remotely believable. Even as a horny teen I wouldn't have been able to maintain that level of physical exertion. :P What I'm trying to do is figure out a balance for my own writing going forward on The Magister series, and balance sex, BDSM/non-con elements along with plot and violent action scenes. Also trying to balance stuff like when to use magic for mundane tasks like starting a fire, fishing/hunting/gathering food, personal grooming etc. along with finding neat stuff to read, or re-read along the way. Sometimes reading fast is kind of a curse. :)
are there other stories from mike Cropo? I only see Wolves and Dragons and I stopped after Book 1 for now.
The story flaws; 2D-characters; tactical, strategical political and interpersonal decisions that are mindblowingly bad from both the good and bad guys, were getting to me.
I would have spaced the Senator and his son the first chance i got, it was clear he was a bad guy the first chapter he was included. and every bad guy since was Hitler incarnate.
That is a shame really, I like the premise and scenario but bad decisions as a plot device is grating after it was used the 20th time.
Spoilers end Book 1:
I was prepared to jump into Book 2 regardless until the last chapter where he let one of the bad guys go and lost a valuable ally that was captured by them. He didn't know, but that doesn't excuse this.
It would have been a tragic scenario device by itself, if there weren't two dozens other such convenient bad decisions to get the plot going forward.
I think Mike is up to Book 3 and they are long stories...
Mike is working on Book 5; the latest update was chapter 72.
Sword Saint: A New Start by Shaddoth
Oops. Didn't see that part.
How about Law of the Blood by Robberhands and it's unfinished sequel Family Business?
If you have Kindle Unlimited or are willing to spend a few bucks, check out Elliott Kay on Amazon. Days Of High Adventure is about two people from our world who are thrown into Conan's Hyborian Age with the serial numbers filed off. It's got sex but I don't recall how explicit.
His series that starts with Good Intentions is definitely explicit. It's about a college kid who is accidentally soul-bonded to both a powerful succubus and the most foul-mouthed angel you've ever encountered.
His other series starting with Poor Man's Fight is also good, but has no explicit sex. It's military sci-fi about a kid who racks up huge student loans due to a rigged system and as to join the military.
His series that starts with Good Intentions is definitely explicit. It's about a college kid who is accidentally soul-bonded to both a powerful succubus and the most foul-mouthed angel you've ever encountered.
We've often remarked on authors who seem to hit every story tag on SOL, and how it can be off-putting. This list actually makes me want to read the story!
WARNING: "Good Intentions" contains explicit sexuality, violence, nudity, inappropriate use of church property, portrayals of beings divine and demonic bearing little or no resemblance to established religion or mythology, trespassing, bad language, sacrilege, blasphemy, attempted murder, arguable murder, divinely mandated murder, justifiable murder, filthy murder, sexual promiscuity, kidnapping, attempted rape, arson, dead animals, desecrated graves, gang activity, theft, assault and battery, panties, misuse of the 911 system, fantasy depictions of sorcery and witchcraft, multiple references to various matters of fandom, questionable interrogation tactics, cell phone abuse, reckless driving, consistent abuse of vampires (because they deserve it), even more explicit sexuality, illegal use of firearms within city limits, polyamory, abuse of authority, hit and run driving, destruction of private property, underage drinking, disturbances of the peace, disorderly conduct, internet harassment, bearers of false witness, mayhem, dismemberment, falsification of records, tax evasion, an uncomfortably sexy mother, bad study habits, and a very silly white guy inappropriately calling another white guy "nigga" (for which he will surely suffer).
5/8/2017, 12:29:51 PM
His series that starts with Good Intentions is definitely explicit. It's about a college kid who is accidentally soul-bonded to both a powerful succubus and the most foul-mouthed angel you've ever encountered.
We've often remarked on authors who seem to hit every story tag on SOL, and how it can be off-putting. This list actually makes me want to read the story!
WARNING: "Good Intentions" contains explicit sexuality, violence, nudity, inappropriate use of church property, portrayals of beings divine and demonic bearing little or no resemblance to established religion or mythology, trespassing, bad language, sacrilege, blasphemy, attempted murder, arguable murder, divinely mandated murder, justifiable murder, filthy murder, sexual promiscuity, kidnapping, attempted rape, arson, dead animals, desecrated graves, gang activity, theft, assault and battery, panties, misuse of the 911 system, fantasy depictions of sorcery and witchcraft, multiple references to various matters of fandom, questionable interrogation tactics, cell phone abuse, reckless driving, consistent abuse of vampires (because they deserve it), even more explicit sexuality, illegal use of firearms within city limits, polyamory, abuse of authority, hit and run driving, destruction of private property, underage drinking, disturbances of the peace, disorderly conduct, internet harassment, bearers of false witness, mayhem, dismemberment, falsification of records, tax evasion, an uncomfortably sexy mother, bad study habits, and a very silly white guy inappropriately calling another white guy "nigga" (for which he will surely suffer).
How to sell a book. :P
Went out and got it. Will post a review in this thread when completed.
Speaking of Kindle Unlimited, if you do have it, The Wizard's Daughters by Michael Dalton is quite decent. It's MFF medieval fantasy with magic. It's a fairly standard fantasy sword, hack and slash with some erotica. A light and fun read.
The Wizard's Daughters by Michael Dalton is quite decent
Michael Dalton, by the way, is a veteran online erotica author, responsible for such classics as Call Girl Cheerleaders and Orange County Babylon.
Huh. I read most of Michael Dalton's on kindle/kobo. Didn't know about his other pseudonyms. I found Call Girl Cheerleaders on asstr but couldn't find Orange County Babylon. Do you know where to obtain it?
I found Call Girl Cheerleaders on asstr but couldn't find Orange County Babylon. Do you know where to obtain it?
An initial search finds http://archive.is/YSglT -- I have not checked if it has all the parts.
Actually, try this one instead:
Actually, try this one instead:
Any suggestions as to how to download these stories without having to save each chapter separately? I have tried HTTrack Website, but can't seem to get it to work.
Of course, if any of you would want to share your copies I would be greatly appreciative. :-)
Any suggestions as to how to download these stories without having to save each chapter separately?
Check if they're still available on the main ASSTR website, if they are, most of ASSTR is set up for FTP download of stories.
Check if they're still available on the main ASSTR website, if they are, most of ASSTR is set up for FTP download of stories.
They aren't.
then you might be limited to grabbing them individually. Of course its possible with text files to open a new document file with any editing program, then copy and paste the chapters to it one at the time. I have used that method for some stories in the past. Save the new document on your drive if you want to keep it.
I just converted Orange County Babylon and Call Girl Cheerleaders to epubs for my own viewing in my e-reader. If you want copies of both, leave your email and I'll send both copies.
Or, does storiesonline allowing posting upload links?
Any suggestions as to how to download these stories without having to save each chapter separately?
See my ramblings in this thread
Did Shaddoth ever publish Book 2 for the Sword Saint series? His blog said he was 40k words into it but I couldn't find anything on his Yahoo page.
No. On his Yahoo page, some people claim to have contacted him a couple of years ago where he indicated that he was almost done with the draft of Book 2, but there has been no news from Shaddoth since then.
He likely is no longer writing and Book 2 will never materialize. Sorry.
I'll join the rec for Dalton's Wizards Daughter. It's a neat adventure story. To avoid spoilers, I think the magical spell that gets cast on the MC is unnecessary and a bit creepy, but that might just be me.
The only other book of his I've read is The eGirl on Kindle Unlimited. It's about a guy who wins a female android at a football game. I liked it because it was a lot deeper than a simple sex story. I also really liked how stupid the contest itself was. The company put two androids into the crowd at the game, and the way to win was to go up to whoever you thought it was and ask them. It went exactly as badly as you'd expect it would, and the women at the game did not appreciate being accosted by every douchebro in the stadium. I thought that was a nice touch.
Another good Kindle Unlimited book is Wild Wastes by Randi Darren. I'd call it post apocalyptic science fantasy. The main character works in the uncivilized wastelands, and he gathers himself a harem of nonhuman ladies, including an Orc, a Dryad and a half woman half ant centaur. It's an interesting setting and I'm curious what he'll do with it in the sequel.
In the past I have posted Google Drive links to a public document I placed there. Or you could send it to MajorLanGod@gmail.com
Thanks either way.
A few more recommendations:
Zombies, Werewolves, Vampires, Sex Fueled Psionic Powers... by El Sol. El Sol is an excellent author who seems to have retired now. Look at the stories on his author page and you will find others you like.
Young Wolves by sirreadsalot10. One of the best werewolf stories I've read.
Atlantis by Warlord.
Vector by Michael Dalton. A fantastic short novel. It doesn't meet everything in the op's original request, but it's a great read. Read the reviews on his Amazon author's page, here: https://www.amazon.com/Michael-Dalton/e/B00OKVS0PM/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1496986126&sr=1-1
You can find it for free on the internet if you look hard.
I've read most, if not all of El Sols stuff. And hr is still around occasionally. I have seen him post on the forum
Don White and his friends are transported to Zemlia Nov through a computer RPG. Their mission? Find a way home. But that's not the whole story...
Excellent story! ...If you can find a copy.