Can anyone recommend me stories about moms and sons/daughters where a great deal of focus is on the feeling of empowerment or feeling of freedom the son/daughter feels from the sexual relationship with the mom.
There are lots of stories that focus on what the mom feels, the emotional trajectory of sorts but I would like to read more on ones that focus on those of the son or daughters.
I keep having this picture in my head, say, a 14-16 yr old son/daughter starts a sexual relationship with mom. Everything is going to change in their house, in their relationship (as long as the dad has gone to work or something). There will be some loss of respect and fear of the Mom.. not in a bdsm kind of way or anything, and it wouldn't mean anything malevolent or etc.. I mean, a mom is supposed to have the position of authority, be the paragon of virtue, the grown up, the respectful, the law maker etc, and all that was stripped, bent over and fucked. Sure the house wouldn't just turn into a whorehouse over night but there's gonna be some changes, less need to respect or fear the mom, more-over, you can fuck "the mom" anytime now. There's gonna be more freedom around the house, more understanding and more leveling of the playing field. Maybe they can dress a bit more the way they want now, maybe they can game on the computer without curfew now, maybe they can talk back at MOM now, theyll be able to watch porn freely on the living room tele with Mom present etc etc.. For a 14-16 year old boy or girl, that's going to be a freakin huge power trip; empowered and free of the normal shackles.
That's just the notion I have in my head, another person's views or takes on the concept may vary a bit but that's ok, as long as it is in the same vein.