Looking for stories similar to ARGON's Anthony Carter saga
Similar in what way(s)? Age of sail stories? Naval stories? Georgian, and later, era England stories?
Well, in dead tree I'd be happy to suggest S.M. Stirling's Island in the Sea of Time books. Age of sail? Well, an age of sail. Naval? Lots of it. Georgian England? Not so much, more like the crashing intersection of the 1990s and the bronze age.
That probably excludes 'Fourth Vector' by CJ McCormick, but you might like to give a try anyway.
Hidden Heritage I: The Guardians by Dee Bee
Stian is a young man in his late teens, recently orphaned but still an excellent hunter and tracker. He's engaged to the prettiest and nicest girl of the village and he's trying to get her parents more agreeable for marriage. The normal village life is suddenly disturbed when the Guardians, who's job is to guard and protect the whole kingdom, stop at the village and ask for assistance. Assistance of the tracker!
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Tags: mt/ft, mt/Fa, Magic, Romantic, High Fantasy, Mystery
Sex Contents: Some Sex
The Voyage of the Hawk by The Blind Man
A swashbuckling tale set in the Age of Discovery. Join Dom Pedro de la Vega, a young Portuguese nobleman and adventurer and follow him as he sails in search of adventure, fame, and revenge.