Looking for romantic type stories that focus on building the relationship (M/F, M/f, m/F, or m/f). NOT looking for stories where there is no tension or obstacles to overcome for the couple but instead I would like stories that have the couple falling deeper in love DESPITE the obstacles. Focused more on the softer side of romance than the seedier side that is the norm for SOL. I prefer modern stories to period pieces or space operas.
I like Oyster50's stories as an example of the softer side but his stories don't have a lot of tension/obstacles in the relationship that have to be worked around or gotten over or through. In his stories, once you get past the age discrepancy between the main characters, there is almost no tension/obstacle to the relationship so the characters never have to learn, adapt, compromise, or otherwise grow in their relationship.
While I don't object to other focuses or subject matters in the story, I would like the primary focus to be about the growing relationship.
Any recommendations would be appreciated.