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Burn the bastard

solreader50 ๐Ÿšซ

I just finished reading a very good, very amusing story, "Raine, on her Parade" by SleeperyJim. Amusing because he went OTT in everything, very good because there was a story there. But it fits right into the BURN THE BITCH genre of stories.

I know that there is a plethora of BTB stories on SoL. But can anyone recommend a good BURN THE BASTARD story, told from the wronged woman's point of view, preferable with lots of humor and if it is over the top, then all the better.


Replies:   Dinsdale  ystokes
Dinsdale ๐Ÿšซ


BlackRandl had one here, but he/she/it removed all their stories a few months ago - with extreme prejudice.
A.A. Nemo's Jacob's Granddaughters has a couple of cases but humor is spectacularly missing in their come-uppances.
You want humor? https://storiesonline.net/a/todd-d172 has a lot of it, somewhat hard-edged and frequently with a high body-count. Some barstewards get burned as well. In his https://storiesonline.net/s/21080/tequila-shuffle it is a bitch who gets burned, but I love that story.

Replies:   solreader50
solreader50 ๐Ÿšซ


Thanks for the suggestions - I'll get to reading them soon.

ystokes ๐Ÿšซ


The one thing I have noticed on this site is there are more cheating wives/GF's then cheating husband/BF in relation to the MC.

Replies:   helmut_meukel
helmut_meukel ๐Ÿšซ


there are more cheating wives/GF's then cheating husband/BF in relation to the MC

Probably caused by the far more male MCs than female MCs. (generell, not only the BTB sector).

BTW, do authors who write homo M/M or F/F stories have stories with the BTB tag?


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