I have a fair few partial stories I float between as my muse flitters and floats on its own compass.
I'd love to work solidly on one to three stories at a time allowing for creative juices not to sit idle too much but also allow for a change of pace when needed.
I have a couple of themed series as well as some stand alone ones. I am unfortunately restricted to a very old back up with some of the stories started before the 14 rule so there needs to be a fine eye cast over them to bring them up to the new standard. There wasn't really much but the odd comment may fall afoul of the 14 rule.
I'll briefly describe the form of the stories to see if anyone bites:
a six degrees of separation deal where people have their own stories but intersect with each other or lead a path between the arcs.
Help my teenage _______. stand alone stories where the story centers around a teenager and a crisis.
What are tentatively titled "Uncle Bob". All deference to Lubrican it's just a working title for now.
then there's two catagories that only contain very brief snippets on stories to build later. Sci-Fi and Fairytales being their themes.
please contact me here or on the mail system and let me know any squirks you have. my only ones are:
M/M combos, Necrophilia,Scatology.
even if you can only help me finish one of the stories in the pool it would be good to get one posted.