@Dominions Son@Dominions Son: Heard of phone sex? Direct Inward Dialing is one type thereof. :-)
Apropos the core point here, I would be willing to edit, but I can't say I necessarily can address gay sexual appeal. Sexuality, though, is a very complex thing. I've had potential readers, including other Swarm authors, say that they would refuse to read anything that has MM contact.
Now, I suspect of the at least North American male readers, if you're honest, you also have had MM contact in dormitories, summer camps, etc., where there were no women and hormones were raging. Statistically, though, you're also likely not to have continued the practices. Nevertheless, you may very well have gay friends and are comfortable that they do things with one another. It didn't bother us, while heterosexually married, to have a gay or lesbian couple in the guest room.
There came a time, in the seventies, when a lovely lady, at a swinging orgy, asked "did you like watching me with [other lovely lady]?" Most enthusiastically, I agreed. "Then why shouldn't work the other way? I'd find it incredibily hot to have you and my husband do it to me, but also do each other so I can watch."
Phrased that way, I had no good reason to say why not. And, as I learned, the experience of MM contact with one or more enthusiastic female partners is a very different experience than MM sex, albeit that the latter might have been furtive.
There are a few other variants, which perhaps should have codes, but are getting away from the theme of the thread.
I'm currently doing a do-over story that is somewhat autobiographical. There were a few gay men and women. There was someone of fluid gender who fits well into the story. The story is one involving using sex for influence at the highest levels of government, where there certainly are all permutations.
While the story calls for other than MF and FF, I hesitate to do it at SOL, as I do enjoy comments and don't want a flock of 1's.