Are there any usual conventions for showing amounts and units in text?
Can someone identify a suitable reference? CMoS surely has recommendations for these things - but not set out in a way any rational person could decipher. :(
As far as I can tell, anything with a special symbol (e.g. degrees of temperature and currency units) is written with no spaces between the symbol and numerical value, and that seems to extend to units for millions and billions at the end of an amount of currency.
Although, for fiction I would prefer 'million' and 'billion' written out as full words rather than use a symbol, but if an amount is already shown as a numerical value I'd probably want to use the abbreviation for any other units.
However, it seems that units consisting of one or more letters always have a space between the abbreviation and the value.
Also, I think the only letters of abbreviations that should be in uppercase are for units named after people. That does not appear to be what many do, especially for computer terminology, which seems to predominately use uppercase for the K, M, G, ... units of scale.
Your thoughts, anyone?