I find the little autoscroll widget on the top right of the story page very distracting.. especially as I don't use the scroll feature at all. Is there a way to hide it, or move it?
I find the little autoscroll widget on the top right of the story page very distracting.. especially as I don't use the scroll feature at all. Is there a way to hide it, or move it?
Sorry to tell you this, but you click on the icon of three lines to open a sub-window, which you then click on the word 'scroll' once to turn it on, then click on the word 'stop' to turn it off - stop appears when the scroll is active and scroll appears when it's stopped.. Well, that how it works on mt tablet and my desktop. Thus you have full control of it.
the icon of three lines to open a sub-window
That's called a hamburger button. He's not asking about turning scrolling on and off. It's the hamburger button itself that he finds distracting and would like an option to make it disappear.
As someone who has ADD, things like that are usually distracting to me. If I see a speck of dust on my screen I have to brush it off to keep reading. For some reason the hamburger button doesn't bother me.
I never even saw it until I made the font bigger due to my current eye problem.
Is there a way to hide it, or move it?
No. As I move more functionality to it, it's more essential than ever. Its scripts power the 'click to load more' buttons.
The only solution that may help is if I create a bar to contain the hamburger menu that remains on top of the screen. But the downside of that is that you lose some screen area.
I'm all for not losing screen area. I'm already working on a short screen (12" laptop), and constantly getting frustrated by web sites that believe EVERYONE is in portrait mode. (phones, etc)
I'm all for not losing screen area
Hate that too. I'm on Firefox, and one trick I use yo save space but still have the bookmarks toolbar visible is to move the toolbar to next to the menus. IIRC, once it's moved there, you need to turn off bookmark toolbar visibility to remove the now-empty placeholder, which leaves the newly relocated toolbar visible.
I'm on Firefox,
Me, too.
One way to save vertical screen space is to move the tabs to the left of the screen and eliminate the tab bar from the top of the screen. I use the 'Tree Style Tabs' plugin to accomplish the former and a custom userChrome.css to accomplish the latter. Here's the custom file:
@namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul");
/* to hide the native tabs */
#TabsToolbar {
visibility: collapse;
/* to hide the sidebar header */
#sidebar-header {
visibility: collapse;
You'll also need to set the following in about:config:
toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets set to true
I also set the bookmarks toolbar to only show on new tabs. It will disappear as soon as you visit a page.
Once that's done, I have only the URL bar and the plugin icons in a narrow bar at the top of my screen.
Maximum vertical space achieved.
Could we have some different locations for it? I read mostly on my iPad mini and tend to read the top part of the page.. if I could move the widget to the bottom left that would be better.
If you did a bar of some kind, I'd vote for bottom of the screen.. unless it stayed at the top of the story and did not travel down as I scroll. If it did that I wouldn't care. :-)
Putting it on the bottom would actually conflict with some browsers on the iPad that can go full screen. It would be covered by interface widgets.
Do you read in full width? Try narrowing the width of the text enough so that the hamburger icon doesn't overlap the text.
Ooh. Nice. I'll have to go look at that. I've never customized how stories look. Thanks!
That worked perfectly. 95% width.. and some fiddling to get the background colors to match. Awesome. Thanks!