On my screen, the More Details version of the author's Story Stats page, the column Posted is using the format 2021-09-04 and the Modified column uses 9/4/2021. The current date/time at the top of the page matches the second.
On iOS / Safari.
On my screen, the More Details version of the author's Story Stats page, the column Posted is using the format 2021-09-04 and the Modified column uses 9/4/2021. The current date/time at the top of the page matches the second.
On iOS / Safari.
What is the "modified date"?
According to the column on the stats page, all my stories have been modified, but I rarely modify a story (they're almost all version 1.0). And several stories share the same modified date. I thought maybe it was when I changed the end-note, but I change all the end-notes at the same time.
What is the "modified date"?
The text was changed - new chapter or repost would change that field.
Looks like editing an end-note, which I've also been doing, also counts as a modification.
Does changing tags also count?
Looks like editing an end-note, which I've also been doing, also counts as a modification.
Does changing tags also count?
Any editing. Title, description, tags, copyright notice etc...
Gotcha. I'd been assuming it was strictly story text. Thanks for that clarification.