So I've taken to "searching by interesting word"(tm) to find new stories. One word I'm using is "castaway".
When I go down the search results I expand the story info of each hit. And although I've seen reports of people having problems with story info, it's currently working for me(tm)
The story is listed in the search results. However, when I try and expand the story info, it says "error! Story not found"
Interest piqued, I follow the link and see lots of chapters etc. but again, I can't expand the story into.
So I click on the author page, and castaway isn't listed there!
So, I can find and read a story that has no info and isn't listed on the authors page? I also can't get an ePub etc.
I see it does have story info when I list my reading history, though. Yuck! Not a story I would have clicked on from the tags.