It recently came to my attention that authors could delete comments in the commentary section of their stories. I am sure that I was intellectually aware that they could, but it never really came to my attention before. I made a comment about why I was dropping a popular story from my reading list, only to find that comment deleted, a derogatory and inflammatory reply by the author (also later deleted), and began to wonder.
I have made comments to stories in the past that were not there the next time I looked. I just assumed I was drunk and hit cancel instead of post and moved on. But, now I wonder if they were removed? If so, this gives the author a distinct opportunity to allow only flattering comments about their stories to be posted.
I feel this does the readers a disservice. We should be able to read other's comments about the story we are reading. Good or bad, they are the readers' opinions. If the author doesn't want to read them or have others read them, they should turn comments off.
ETA: Would it be possible to get some admin/moderator over-site to this author prerogative? If the comment is not inflammatory or personally derogatory, shouldn't it be able to stand?