1: 76570, 2: 12499, 3: 13944, 4: 76709, 5: 13414, 6: 76353, 7: 75349, 8: 11963, 9: 11968, 10: 75473
page 2 goes to:
11: 11963, 12: 71996, 13: 72296, 14: 72850, 15: 11968, 16: 75473, 17: 10314, 18: 11086, 19: 70166, 20: 12876
back to page 1 goes to:
1: *73404*, 2: 76570, 3: 12499, 4: 13944, 5: *73863*, 6: *76709*, 7: *70646*, 8: 13414, 9: 76353, 10: 75349
The content of which unfortunately, is not the same as the original page. No filter on my account, sort is left as System default wich for page 1 is reported as sort by title.
I suspect either a cache polution (filter of another user) or some new feature (author custom sort?) not fully integrated in the paging.