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AO3 Support for the Clitorides?

merriweatherhz 🚫

Is there any reason why Archive of Our Own is not supported for nominations for the Clitorides? Per the rules, it doesn't seem like anything is prohibiting the site from being eligible (freely accessible, can be linked to directly, stories are posted with completion dates). On the other hand, the site is largely fanfiction and a lot of the stories would not be postable on SOL, so I could see a reason for it to be intentionally not supported since the demographics of the two sites are worlds apart. Still, just wanted to point this out since there are a few original works there that could easily fit in here and deserve attention too, in my opinion. If it's just a bug, it would be awesome if it could be fixed before submissions close this year!

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)


The Clitorides don't 'Block' any site specifically.

The clitorides nomination page attempts to validate the URL as in it's not a 404 no such file situation.

AO3 seems to very actively blocks automated tools. Whenever a browser accesses the site, it's quick, but whenever a tools asks for the status of a URL (issuing a header request), AO3 takes over 30 seconds to respond. I tried to have my tools mimic a browser, but so far I haven't gotten it right enough to pass whatever test AO3 does.

I have specifications for any site that wants to support the awards (like SOL does), but the interested site's webmaster has to contact me about it to collaborate on testing.

if a site supports that api, then their stories will be very easily and most importantly, very quickly, with no extra resources or any significant load on their servers.

The info about it is here: https://clitoridesawards.org/doc/webmasters_resources

Update: Feb 15th I tweaked the checker enough that sometime it works. Not always though.

merriweatherhz 🚫

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

Ah, I see, thank you very much for this answer! One of the AO3 stories I was thinking of nominating was also published on Literotica anyway, so I just submitted it via that site. Between it and the stories here, there's plenty of content to nominate anyway. I might still contact the people at AO3 to see if they want to support the Clitorides or if they've considered it, but I'm satisfied knowing it's not anything on your end. Now I just have to wait for all the stories I submitted to be approved, hope it's not too much and I appreciate all the work you do!

merriweatherhz 🚫

@Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)

Damn, you're awesome for getting it to work! I added the story I was thinking of, just one more on top of the many I've submitted lol. Trying to get some nominations in for some underloved categories, if I had known about how long the nomination period is I would have made sure there were more than just four short stories nominated last year. Apologies if you end up having to cap it in the future!

Lazeez Jiddan (Webmaster)


if I had known about how long the nomination period is I would have made sure there were more than just four short stories nominated last year.

The actual nomination period is from the first of May of the year in question all the way to the end of February the next year.

So for the 2025 awards, the nomination period is from the 1st of May 2025, all the way to the end of February 2026.

However that works only for stories that have been complete already and authors that have posted completed stories.

Anything in progress will have to wait until the next year to get approved/rejected.

But from January 1st until the end of February, I display a message to nominate stories, on storiesonline. As of the 1st of March, the message will change to Read and vote for finalists, and remains until voting closes at the end of April. Then the system will accept nominations for the next year.

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